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What are you up to today? This week?


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So, anyway,....On Sept. 3, DW had her right eye operated on. On Sept. 17, she had her knee operated on & on Oct. 1 she had her left eye done. Other than that I rebuilt my storage shed & my tool shed. Today I painted them. And....I completely changed the roof on the Bailey Castle mini project I'm working on. I'll post pics now. Plus....I am working on my entry for this year's HBS contest entry using the garden gazebo (no hints)

Other than all that, I'm not doing too much around here !! :D

Steve in PA

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When it rains it pours.... :D

I have to take our chihuahua Perla to the vet this afternoon (earliest i could get her in). She is sluggish and feels warm. Probably a virus. I have been force feeding her water this morning.

It started yesterday afternoon.

Keep her in your thoughts/

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Poor Perla and Heidi. Hope everything goes ok at the vets.

I was home figuring out my lights in the Franklin, but decided I should get out and visit the charity shops in the village. One of them is the one that stocks a dollhouse range, and happily for me they were having a sale on some bits! So spent some money and got some bargains.post-2387-1254758440_thumb.jpg

Also got some cleaning stuff for the bathrooms that need doing this evening.

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Gosh,I was going to use this site to wonder where some of our Folks had disappeared

to...nevermind...I found some of them.To everyone here and missing-that needs special

thoughts I'm adding positive energy and hugs to Muriel's and sending them out to all who need extra care.

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I have been working on making a budget.!! and trying to figure out good times to pay all the bills.!! WOW, that is mentally tiring.!! but hoping it will help out alot.!! Got so much to do today.!! going to the bank...!!!

I have a checking acct. we used for ebay & Paypal for a bit but I have done nothing with either so I want to find out how I can be sure if I use it for our saving that those palces cant get it !!


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Good for you Kelle!

I have been so blahhhh today. I think it is the weather. Rainy and very windy. I have not done much around here. Today will be a better day I suppose.

I have to start planning Nat`s birthday. She is not having a party put just having a couple friends sleep over on Halloween night. I cant believe she is going to be 16 yrs old!

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Anyone got some extra energy to send me to help tidy the flat? Next flat inspection is due wednesday :) So much for a day off miniing tomorrow! Have to do a proper job this time, if we had an extra week i'd get the carpet shampooer, but not enough time for that, so will have to be on my hands and knees instead. And found some cobwebs around the ceiling, so will have to do that too... Well, the best excuse to tidy I guess!

Went to a flea/collectors/car boot sale today. Wasn't that successful though. Saw two dollhouses that were old ones, pretty falling apart and not the right scale. Saw another one which could be good. Needed a lot of redecorating, ie peeling paper off to bare bones and starting again. Could have got it down to a reasonable price, but then thought I've got enough projects at the moment and not enough space, so give it a miss this time. It did need a lot of work! I'll keep an eye out for another when I'm ready for it.

Ugh. Come on Muriel, you can do it!! Up you get!! :lol:

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Sort of just got home from the house with a head cold (?) I think, ie wheezing, coughing, unning a fever and feeling really run down... yuck and then some! Will stay home from work tomorrow atleast and save up some energy, was bored out of my scull today as I couldn't really participate in the things needed doing in the renovating as I was toooooo low on energy for that >sigh< oh well, there will be other weekends and in another two weeks we'll be having a couple of days of from school as well , yay....


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So sorry you're not feeling well! I hope a day of rest fixes you up. I've been kinda droopy today, from painting yesterday, I guess. But we did get the knobs on the cabinets, 2 stools and 2 chairs recovered. So it wasn't a total waste, although I didn't get to stain the roof on my house. Grandson should be here soon, so I'm through for the day. I have a big pot of beans on, brats for DH to grill, and I'll make a batch or two of cornbread when they all get here. Then I can rest!

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Hope all that are feeling under the weather are up and about quickly. Lord knows, there is so much "stuff" goin' around right now :(

I think I'm going to start the 1/4 scale Brimbles today...or clean up around my house...heaven knows it NEEDS IT! :o DH is gettin' pretty surly with me...I've been lost in 1/4 scale-land for several days now. I don't see the problem...do you?? :giggle:

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Here in Canada it is Thanksgiving Day today! :giggle:

Almost everything is closed today and it's a holiday for most people from school or work. DH is going to make a whole chicken for supper as we don't really care for turkey, and I am going to make a couple of pumpkin pies. Other tham that, it will probably be a fairly quiet day.

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Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends!

Also anyone that is under the weather get well soon!!

I made 19 pumpkins over the weekend and now I need to make

some halloween cookies and that swap will be finished :giggle:

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Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

Hey Liza, any particular traditions in terms of food for Canadian Thanksgiving? Chris, my other half, lived in Vancouver for a year and loved it. If there was a way for us to move over there and not have such difficulties seeing our family and especially friends we'd probably be on our way there now! Anyway, was thinking of doing something nice for him for dinner anyway cause I'm home and haven't cooked especially for him in a while, and surely this is another perfect excuse! I've got a meatloaf and some potatoes. Apart from pumpkin pie, anything I should be adding to the meal to give it a canadian flavour?

Here in Canada it is Thanksgiving Day today! :giggle:

Almost everything is closed today and it's a holiday for most people from school or work. DH is going to make a whole chicken for supper as we don't really care for turkey, and I am going to make a couple of pumpkin pies. Other tham that, it will probably be a fairly quiet day.

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So, Dean tells me that it's my 3 year anniversary here on Greenleaf ! Time flies when you're having fun.

I'm doing a lot of chores outside, home repair, etc., before the weather gets too bad. As time permits, I'm working on my castle & my entry for this year's HBS contest. I never get bored ! :giggle:

Steve in PA

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Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.

Happy Columbus Day, America. In America, Columbus Day has come to mean the banks are closed, there's no mail delivery, and the malls are full.

Yesterday a section of my brick front walk caved in. I thought it might be some little rodent tunnelling under it, because some weeks ago DH discovered a big pile of sand behind a shrub next to our foundation. I was right. As our son kept removing the bricks still in place, we kept finding open space underneath. At one end there was a cache of acorns. The yard chipmuck had done its thing. Luckily no one got hurt.

We removed the acorns, and sprinkled the space with peppermint oil to discourage the chipmunk from trying to dig back in there. I tossed the empty bottle under the bush where the opening was. I have a bad feeling that at least one of my shrubs in that area won't make it though the winter. One spring I had to throw out two lovely little azealeas because a mouse or something had made a home for itsef under the roots.

We'll be baiting the trap to catch the critter and get it out of our yard. A couple of years ago one kept hanging out under our front steps. The steps are on the porch, you have to step up to get in the door, and I was worried it would get in while we had the door open bringing in groceries, etc.

After we caught it, DH took it about a mile away and let it out. Websites said you should move chipmunks at least 5 miles away or they'd come back.

BTW, still haven't moved all my shrubs and plants. 6 cubic yards of soil finally arrived last week, and my son and I got most of it spread around in the circle, but it seems we should have ordered more. Of course, the next day it started raining again. Yesterday would have been a good day to dig out my Beauty Bush and move it, but DH comandeered DS to remove the old lampost and dig a deeper hole for the new one. DH has broken down and ordered a granite post. Our last two wooden ones rotted all too quickly.

I don't know if I feel up to digging out the bush myself. It's next to a couple of trees and a big Balsam evergreen. I fear the roots will be a big mess, but if I don't dig out the Beauty bush this fall or spring I'll have to cut it down in a few years. I hate to put it all off til spring, there's so much to do then as it is. Spring in Maine just sort of arrives BLAM! and then you scurry around trying to get things done so you can have some time to enjoy the summer. Sometimes we never manage to get all the spring chores over with til summer is half over...or almost over altogether depending on what needs to be done.

I've also been learning some HTML this week for my store site. I'm scared to death to try some of the more intricate codes though. I have this fear that I will make a huge mess of NEM that I can't fix. I know others have done that. :giggle:

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Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

Hey Liza, any particular traditions in terms of food for Canadian Thanksgiving? Chris, my other half, lived in Vancouver for a year and loved it. If there was a way for us to move over there and not have such difficulties seeing our family and especially friends we'd probably be on our way there now! Anyway, was thinking of doing something nice for him for dinner anyway cause I'm home and haven't cooked especially for him in a while, and surely this is another perfect excuse! I've got a meatloaf and some potatoes. Apart from pumpkin pie, anything I should be adding to the meal to give it a canadian flavour?

Other possibilities: mashed potatoes, butternut or acorn squash, cranberry sauce/jelly (you can find it in a can), stuffing (ours is simply dried bread cubes, melted butter, hot water to moisten, onions, spices like sage or savoury if you like them, then baked in a loaf pan with bacon on top if not cooked inside a turkey), vegetable like green beans, and a nice glass of generally red wine. Also, we prefer our pumpkin pie cold from the fridge served with whipped cream. Think fall and harvest foods.

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Minnesota set a record with the earliest measurable snow fall! The ground is white and the roads are slippery. Still coming down in a steady rate. Since the leaves are on the trees snow accumulates there and the weight of the snow is heavy and suddenly these big 4-5 inches "snowflakes" fall. Very pretty but not very nice. I still have fall outdoor things to do. Like dig the rest of the potatoes! We had snow Friday night too. I am back to working on the Willow. I mistakenly reversed the 2 outer walls when assembling the outer shell so have to remember when the insturctions say the right side, that is the left to me. I have the firplace in the small second story room which is to be the library and since the smaller first floor room, which was to be the kitchen, now has a fireplace and book shelves, that will be the living room and the larger room with stiars is the kitchen/dining room. the attic will have the kids room and bathroom. When not working on the Willow I am sorting out all the paper work and junk in the living room and office. How so much stuff gets accumulated I don't know. Rita

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Finally back from seeing my cardiologist in Yakima, a one-hour+ drive each way. Man, it was cold!! Apparently it snowed today here at home while I was gone and it's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow. Glad I'm staying home for a few days LOL.

Good report from the cardiologist, EKG and chest X-rays look good, BP is good, etc., etc., the only thing out of whack is that my cholesterol is pretty high, so I get to go back on Lipitor. That did the trick, along with diet, a few years ago and likely will again. They do want me back soon for a stress test and an echocardiogram, sort of baseline readings for if/when I have any more cardiac events - don't want 'em (the heart problems) and am fighting hard to make my chances better of not having heart attack #4, with diet, exercise and getting rid of the dang ciggies. Was thrilled to find I'd lost twelve pounds in the last 6 weeks - oh, didn't that make my day! Also, apparently I haven't become diabetic, as I was so afraid I had over the last two years of no medical care. Now, that result really made my day, maybe even my month!

Hope everyone else is having a great day, especially you Canadians having your Thanksgiving feasts with friends and family. Enjoy!

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Yawn, snuffle, croak.

Had to get up at 5 today (and again tomorrow). I work for Royal Mail and our posties are going on strike so the rest of us have to provide strike cover. I have to travel about 170 miles each way today and tomorrow to throw bags of mail around - oh joy - did it last week and expect to have to do it next week too. Our own jobs take a back seat at a time like this. the posties have voted for a national strike now so hopefully next week I'll get to go to a centre closer to where I live.


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Well Jo, I here in the UK thank you! Not that I get any interesting post these days... my catalogues have all arrived! :giggle:

Long day, I'm tired. Flat is nearly ready for inspection, gotta hoover the sitting room floor still in the morning. Could still do plenty, but Chris gave up hours ago and my back and wrist have given out now. Bed time!

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We got home yesterday early afternoon in time to attend our Florida Trail Association meeting last night. The speaker was Dr Bruce Means and he was speaking about his latest trek to the Guyana Shield to do a documentary with a BBC film crew on the pebble toads found on the tepuis there (FYI the tepui is a flat-topped mesa thousands of feet above sea level); here is the best introduction to the subject; check out the section titled: ISLANDS IN THE SKY: Tepuis, Lost Worlds of Gondwana. When threatened by a predator the tiny toads ball up their little feet and roll themselves down the rocks out of harm's way! The segment should come on the BBC within the next month or so, and on Discovery in the next four months or so as part of a series called "Life".


We enjoyed paddling the Chassahowitzka River and visiting MIL (she & I share a craving for fresh lumpmeat crabcakes!). The Rendezvous this year was a terrible disappointment from the standpoint of organization. The campground was at a sky-diving concession and was a whole lot less than prior venues, and the trip leaders had no notion of keeping up with the paddlers who had signed up for trips. The first day's sole trip the leader left us and we lucked out and found everybody the first place we went looking. We paddled open water in the Intracoastal Waterway and I reinjured my left rotator cuff, so took Friday off to let it heal; DH said his trip was rather boring, even though the group he was with stayed on the water to explore in hopes of finding something of interest. Our tenting neighbor had planned to go on another paddle we though about doing, and her trip leader left her! Saturday two of the wildlife refuge rangers led us on a paddle around the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, the very first one ever created in the US in 1903 by President Theodore Roosevelt. It was an outstanding paddle, we saw all sorts of birds in addition to brown & white pelicans, and there were so many fish!

Sunday about 1 AM the skydivers decided to entertain themselves with setting off firecrackers until 0200 and in the AM when I walked outside I was mightily relieved that neither of our propane tanks leak, as there was a heap of firecracker fragments piled under them! Needless to say, we packed up & left.

A week from tomorrow we hit the road again for another week, the weekend following this one is a hiking festival in Niceville, FL, and we'll stay at Joe Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park again and whilst waiting for the hikers we can paddle several of the venues there.

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One of my neighbors has a "real nice sofa" he's wanting to get rid of, so I'm thinking to go check it out today. Just got rid of a truly ratty nine-foot one that for a while was the only living room furniture I had, and though I don't miss the monster, I do miss being able to nap on a sofa in the early afternoon.

Other than maybe shifting a sofa from one apartment to another, today's plans include scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors - UGH! - and of course working on mini's. No day's complete without THAT LOL!

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