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What are you up to today? This week?


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I will start...

I am doing laundry this AM and I have Butternut winter squash cooking in the Dutch Oven as we speak. Chelsea is on her second day of the flu and I wanted to make her something hot and hearty to get down her gullet.

Natalie just woke up and she is looking worse for wear. I have to take her temperature now because i think she is still sick..or maybe it is coming on again.

Now I have two count em two sick kids to take care of...Wish me luck!

I think I am going to defrost a whole fryer and make a roasted chicken today. Then use the leftovers for alphabet soup tomorrow.

There is alot of mucus flowing in this house today.

If I can knock the two of them out..which is highly unlikely...I want to work on the contest house. I have trim to paint and attach.

How is your day?

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I hope your girls are better soon!! My house has finally kicked the flu and I had 3 kids down all at once and myself. Today Iam going over to my moms house for dinner and we are going to the toy store seeing my baby will be 6 next week already. I too would like to work on my contest house but that might not be until later tonight. This week will be a busy week for me they have me schduled at 50+ hours this week starti8ng at 7am everyday and the same schdule next week as well!! Iam hopeing to be able to work on my little contest house this week. I have such a excellent ideas for the little thing. I printed out my wallpaper after searching all day for the right one! I also am not sure what kind of sealer to use on the printed wallpaper so if someone could Please tell me it would be great!! That is my day and week in a nut shell.

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I am getting ready to go to work. :jumping: Most of my day will be spent there. I have made some progress on my HBS contest house. It is coming along nicely. No plans for food, at this point. I told DH to think about it and let me know if I need to stop at the store. It is cold and rainy here so something hot and stick to your ribs sounds good to me. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! :)

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Since Doug's famly has been here I've been cooking.....Yankee Pot Roast, Stuffed Manicotti, New England Clam Chowder, Texas rolls, bread, etc., etc. I'm pooped! From cleaning and cooking and showing off my minis too of course. Hope to be back to normal on Wednesday. They leave for Indiana on Wednesday, on that day too Princess has a beauty parlor appointment, and then things will be back to normal. Whatever normal is. Anyway today we're going out to dinner which will be a nice break for me! What fun it is having a 12-year-old here. He and his father have been tubing down the snow hill in the meadow. Wrestling in the snow and then having them come in the house all rosy and pink in the cheeks and having Erik hug me and call me Grannie Gina. What fun he is having here.

After they leave we will be back to normal. Doug's gout is acting up a bit today from the pot roast yesterday and he is back on his gout medication before it gets worse. The weather has been lovely for most of their visit. With a small blizzard yesterday. Their lovely cottage was cozy and warm for them however, and it is such a beautiful little log home with lovely Montana type log furniture and red velour quilts with bears, deer, moose and buffalo in relief on them! They want to stay there, but know they have to go home.

That's been my things these last few days........

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:jumping: Oh I don't want to think of the coming week. But detailing it here might remind me about everything I have to do! I've been putting off work for the last few days or so, and now I've got way too much to do - my own fault, but needed a break.

Have to write an email trying to persuade the company I'm going to do my pre-registration year with starting in summer, that they would really love to send me to a different pharmacy that is much closer to where we're hoping to live (for Chris' work). Somehow I don't think they're going to be accommodating.

Finish writing up my questionnaire results for my project - due beginning of the week (ie tomorrow or latest tuesday) and I'm only on question 9 after about 3.5 hours, still got 14 more to go!

Figure out what questions to ask in interviews for my project - due beginning of the week (Ugh, don't want to do interviews!!!)

I have OSCE's (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations) on Thursday where we pretend to be a pharmacist and are graded on our performance. For that I need to find and revise evidence based guidelines for Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes (Insulin dependent), Adult Mental Health, Heart Failure, and Gastrointestinal conditions. I've done Hyperthyroidism, and know quite a lot about Diabetes. Got info for Heart Failure and some of Mental Health, but still got lots to do - its such a wide topic covering depression, mania, bi-polar, schizophrenia, and panic (that I can think of off the top of my head)

I have to present my project in a couple weeks, so need to work on that presentation

Have another big poster presentation on Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas due in about 4 weeks, same week of more OSCEs and project hand in (still have interviews and at least 6000 words to write! :cheer: )

Hmmmm, think that might be it...though final exams start in 5-6 weeks, so gotta revise for them too :'(

Muriel :)

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"It's been a quiet week in Mt. Morris, my home town...." (with apologies to Garrison Keillor.. :) )

I've spent some time stocking Graham's Grub'N'Stuff store...a big shipment came in, with a scale, a floor fan, some magazines, some fruits and veggies and baskets and crates to hold them in, a couple of cases of soda (no liquor license yet, but at least the young Kits can get something to drink! :jumping: )...

and then Purrsyla got some new books, so I had to help her shelve those (she's a short dainty thing!) Then I worked a bit more on Ric's foundation on the Washington and have that ready to glue, and measured the top for the copper roof piece....

I stained the parts of my Brookwood chimney that needed that, primed the rest, and now I'm fiddling with the bricks to see if I can figure out how to get them around the corners. I think I've worked it out..I'll spend a bit more time after lunch playing with them to be sure..and then I'll be able to start bricklaying...

In between, I've been doing (volunteer) secretarial stuff for a prairie restoration group we belong to, and the usual housework stuff...bathrooms, laundry, ugh stuff. :cheer:

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Yum Heidi, what time is dinner????!!!!!!!!!

Today i'm doing laundry, working on my Westville, and maybe do a couple of teapot beads. I haven't tried those yet.

I may try to take photos of the Westville and that new dollhouse i got for free earlier this week.

Don't know what i will make for dinner today, but Heidi i love squash and i love chicken. Too bad you are so far away, i'd bring dessert :)

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I am wandering around all of the nooks and crannies of this place. I just found "chit-chat". What fun! Hi all of you!

I am also trying to decide which house I am going to get at the half price sale. Decisions, decisions, decisions........

Wolfie, I just found the note that said that you flew Doug to the hospital the other day. I hope everything is ok now!

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:huh: Oh I don't want to think of the coming week. ....Hmmmm, think that might be it...though final exams start in 5-6 weeks, so gotta revise for them too :'(

Muriel :p

Good grief, girl! Get off the computer and get to work! We'll be here when you get back! :D

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I get a 5 min break occasionally, and as I'm writing my project on my computer I just check in here. (I do regularly have to turn my email off though so that I don't click every time a new email arrives notifying me of replies/new posts!) But I figure, so far today I've only caught up on about 4 threads, and only replied to this one (I think :huh: ) and it is 8:20pm, so I've done pretty well :p .

It is hard though, cause I would sooooo much rather be planning my next house, finishing this? house, etc! But back to work I must. As you say, it'll all still be here when I finish :D


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I think the spring bug bit me ... I've been on a cleaning spree this week, mostly in the office/library. There were some boxes in here that hadn't moved since the movers dumped them 2.5+ years ago when we moved in. The whole room seems lighter and airier now. Nearly ready to be painted. The can of paint has been sitting here for about 2 years. Finishing up this room will comprise be the bulk of activity for the coming week.

In between -- after all, how much cleaning can a body stand before a break is required?? -- I've been working on the

Adams, adding details to the outside/landscaping. The Master Plan called for a great lot of crushed eggshells. The family is getting tired of eating eggs, but they know better than to complain too loudly. :p

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Casey, I'm afraid Doug is never going to be the same. He's in a deep depression it seems - and though he is somewhat cheered that his daughter is here, the minute she goes from the house, he's in a black funk. His back is terrible, his hips and legs are going, he has lost the strength and grip in his hands, his hands shake - not Parkinson's, he's been tested. The VA just says he is aging rapidly. He suffers from bouts of Gout when he is a bad boy and eats or drinks what he is not supposed to have. He also suffers with his back. As you probably remember he used to be a glider pilot and glider instructor as well as a commercial pilot.....his accident when the tow rope was pulling him and his student aloft about killed him. He lost two inches in height when his spine compressed and he has two Harris rods attached to his spine and they are old and will have to be replaced. He is holding off on that for now. Along with those problems, his bladder is horribly distended and he has to self-cath every 4 to 5 hours - not pleasant. And he will have to do this for the rest of his life it appears according to the VA. He also suffers from very high blood pressure and is overweight. He needs a lot of TLC and care now. Cannot be alone for a minute, is very demanding of my time and everyone else's time. He sleeps a lot - but when awake is quite demanding. But he's still my shaggy doggie whom I love with all my heart. It is a situation that will never improve I'm afraid and I will grin and bear it until the end.

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Up at 8, shower and church at 9:25. Today is the day we set up for the spring sale. I am not thinking clearly, miscounted and misordered some bibles...........yikes off to Dunkin Donuts for tea and some munchikins, back to church by 10................work through service setting up for next Saturday..........we are done by 12:30ish.

Home, and up to craft room to get pattern for Smallhouset, she cant print it out.......Lunch........tomato soup and cheese bits.............Back to craft room to clean up area.................sort and clean.............first stage glue of the GL contest shed............sort out what I think will fit, re sort as it is very tiny and have to revise plans....................Yikes it is dinner time.............Thank goodness it was my son's turn to cook.........pasta and meatballs..............Read through is Language Arts Trimester binder, have to evaluate it and sign off................he is improving..............email, ebay, here..........

Still to do: Load dishwasher, package up swap things for my yahoo group, get clothes ready as I am working tomorrow and early up is not the time to decide what to wear for me, Prepack lunch bag for am, check other email acct, I was going to color my hair, but that may have to wait I hear the recliner calling to me...............

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Today is our last day in White Springs, we did 4+ mile hikes along the Suwanee River Friday & yesterday afternoons and a <3-mile group paddle this AM that DH & I extended 3 miles be paddling up to the scenic overlook we'd hiked to yestaerday, and then busted butt paddling back upstream to the take-out, where the truck was. We're leaving 1st thing in the AM for Hillsborough River State Park N of Tampa for a few days to paddle & ride bike, then pick up DH's mom and Friday go to Sebring for the annual tandem bicycle rally this next weekend. No more wi-fi, so "see" y'all when we get back.

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Well, it has been a great day here. :p

Sleeted a little this morning, which was weird, but it was o.k. since I did the grocery shopping yesterday.

Finally found the energy for a good workout - the past week I have just been going through the motions.

Worked on my contest entry - I'm in love with it! That little thing is sooo cute! I may have to order another just because. And I have to say how much I love Greenleaf's siding strips. They are AWESOME!

Spent at least an hour at miniatures.com trying to decide what to get - all I got was more confused about what to get!

Then - here's the best part - my stepson came up for dinner and brought his girlfriend of almost 3 years. We hadn't even met her before and she is delightful! I knew it was why they were coming up and sure enough - they are ENGAGED! We are really happy for them, and excited, and pleased that they are having a long engagement. June 2009.

The only bad thing today - my little Lola hurt her foot in all of the excitement of having company (jumping and running around showing off!) So, I may need to take her to the vet tomorrow, which will be complicated since it is co-op day. But, she is my Baby and our friends will understand. I gave her a pain pill (we keep them on hand since she has bad knees that flare up - they always start on the weekends - seriously!) It seems to be helping a little. She is sleeping now, and then it will be bedtime, so at least she will be still most of the time until the morning. That's the hardest part when she is hurt, is keeping her still.

So, mostly a great day! Thanks for asking!

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I spent this morning playing with animals and doing lots of hugs and pets. Then I went to work and finished moving fish into a 55 gallon tank and cleaned 2 other tanks and played with the turtles. Then I got to go out to dinner with daughter and her fiance. Tomorrow I have to go to Sams club before work, drop everything off and then a big shopping spree at Home Depot for materials for a new wall at work. Then I get to clean offices and bathrooms, do a water change on the pond and build the new wall. I also have to fit in time to send out some emails to new customers. Maybe I will be lucky and get out early so I can go home and do laundry and fix the toilet. In the evenings I can come and play here for a while before bed. Next week I will stay home and try to finish the basement.

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The butternut squash soup was divine and I used a bag of frozen squash for it. You couldnt tell the difference. (squash, russet potato, leeks, garlic, salt, pepper, a dash of hot sauce, nutmeg, and half N half) The hot sauce was to sweat her a lil bit. Chelsea ate most of the soup yesterday. Today she is able to squeeze down some hummus and pita. She is drinking lots of fluids..Natalie too.

They have both lost over 5 lbs from this. From lack of eating because of sore throats. Not a great way to thin out.

I have been running all day today. Taking care of the ill children. Once dinner is cooked (beany weenies..Mmmm!) I want to lay down and read the paper. That is one of my morning rituals..I am a bit late but that is okay.

Going to relax some for an hour or so until the medicine in these two wears off.

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My day started at 5:30 am got everyone up dropped them all off at daycare by 6:30am.I was at work by 7am then I worked in several different areas today Food Ave GSTL (cashier babysitter) Cashired covered breaks lunches in those areas then I covered at Starbucks :p then at the photo lab then back to Food part then finally at 4:30 I clocked out got the kids cleaned my totes out of the basment in water up tp my ankles good thing my totes didnt get wet my mini stuff was down there :p called the building manager and made dinner ran to the store real quick came home helped with kids homework and there in BED went through my mini tote found all my treasures and figured out what furntiture Iam gonna use in the EXTREMLY chatty contest house :yes: :( BUT I need to go paint shopping tommorrow on my lunch hour maybe!!

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stayed home yesterday with a cold, but back to work at the library in a few minutes. Worked hard on glueing shingles to the Fairfield the last few days. Jim is negotiating with the bank over a mortgage we'll be taking out to buy the silver business May 1. All is well with the paperwork so far. I may call the dollhouse store and check if they have a few more bits of bespaq and the rgt conservatory left for these final 2 liquidation days. Sad there!

Kellan's back is miserable again, so probably going to the orthoped doc again soon. He goes to Orlando with the HS marching band in mid April, so we need to get him in better shape soon. Parent meet tonight.

I got 3 bands taken off my teeth (braces at age 50...think I'll treat myself to a training bra next).

Christopher has (whoo Hoo!!) finally gotten enough courses under his belt to graduate with a BA (studio art and art history) in May! Got to order his cap and gown this week.

Mammy is still sneezing and low energy, but I think we may stay out of the vet office this week.

Rainy foggy morning here.

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Wolfie, I am so sorry to hear about Doug. I wondered what the helicoptor trip was for. Now I know. I don't think I ever heard about the glider accident. The situation doesn't sound very good. Give him my best wishes. Hang in there girl. We are all here to support you.

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Well, my husband's sleeping hours have somehow gotten all topsy turvy. He came to bed around 5 and that woke me up, couldn't fall back asleep, eventually gave up. sat down and watched the news for a while, woke up my son, drove him to catch the school bus, came back had some toasted focaccia and tea, watched Newhart which I recorded last night.

Went to computer, looked for correspondence with customer and read it all to make sure I was current with special orders. Ordered the Franklin from HBS, ordered myself some shirts. Ordered more from Ruetter, BTW, they say they'll be getting the 2008 stuff in around the end of the month.

I also put together an order from Aztec, and took two orders from customers and updated my book. Then went up to the third floor and rearranged the stock because we got a shipment yesterday and I needed more space. I also relabeled the shelves to make the stock numbers easier to see. I still have to finish that job later.

Took a tea break, watched the end of a Ginger Rogers movie Roxie Hart. I've been watching it in dribs and drabs, 5 to 20 minutes at a time for at least 2 weeks now.

While doing all this I continued with the laundry that I started yesterday, and I started a pot roast in the crock pot this morning.

Next I want to go down to the basement and continue working on the log cottage. If I can get in an hour or two of uninterrupted time (not likely) I'll have the basic structure finished.

My son comes home in 40 minutes and will want to eat and talk. DH usually asks if there's any dessert. He's diabetic which means I have to make his from scratch, then sonny asks is there anything for him?

I'm sure I'll find I have a bunch more to do, I've been dusting and sweeping and all that bit by bit. My windows are really cruddy, but I can't wash them because it's still cold and snowy out and they're going to start building another house across the street and that makes even more grit and dust.

gee, I was feeling ok except for the feeling that I was getting a cold, but now I'm getting depressed.

I would love a weekend all to myself. I miss those days I used to have to myself when DH was still flying. I used to get so much done...or nothing done at all if I felt like it.

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Wow Grazhina, I wish I had that kind of energy again in my life. I truly miss it sometimes.

This is day I do not remember of the Typhoid Twins saga...Dr office will see Natalie tomorrow so that is another day out of school. If it was a lil better she would be there but she lays on the couch with that sick congested look on her face..you all know that look. The tv keeps getting louder and louder so they both have stuffy ears.

I fell asleep reading the paper yesterday..LOL I woke up at 11pm and spent a couple hours chatting with Fred. Then the Masterpiece Theatre new version of Sense and Sensability came on. I do not remember what time I fell asleep but I watched the whole 1st installment! I woke up at...11am. I never ever do that. I guess I needed my sleep. I disinfected the livingroom and changed the sheets on the couches for the girls. Vacuumed, dusted, swept, emptied wastebaskets full of spent tissues. I was able to open the windows today! It is in the 60s here in CT and I have the nice spring air blowing the germs out of the house!

I have been cleaning the kitchen, sweeping, vacuuming, and trying to decide what is for dinner tonite. I made them both a nice strawberry (Dawn..Stop & Shop...2 lbs of big juicy strawberries for $2.99!) and banana smoothy for breakfast/lunch. I think I will make breakfast for dinner.

French toast, scrambled eggs, oniony potatoes, turkey bacon....tofu scramble, potatoes, and soy bacon for Chelsea.

It has been rainy and yucky the past two days so I cannot get any gardening work started yet...Poo!

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Anxiously tap dancing around the house cause I am going to the Bishop Show tomorrow for the first day of my Class :( I am So excited!! I feel like a kid going to her first day of school. I supposed to be cooking and cleaning but hey, I can't focus on it!!

:jawdrop: :D:(

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Anxiously tap dancing around the house cause I am going to the Bishop Show tomorrow for the first day of my Class :( I am So excited!! I feel like a kid going to her first day of school. I supposed to be cooking and cleaning but hey, I can't focus on it!!

:jawdrop: :D:(

Oh! You are so Lucky. I wish I could goooooo! Have a great time everybody who is going to Chicago this week! Buy lots of goodies, take lots of pictures, make lots of mini memories.

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I just yelled at my husband. He says I never get anything done because I'm not organized. I should do house work from such and such an hour, store work from the next such and such hours, work on the cottage at such and such a time, make dinner, clean up and then I'll be finished. Yeah right I'm never ever finished, and every time I ever tried to schedule my day or week HE's the one who always wants mo to do this or that at his convenience. All he ever does is sit in the den in front of the computer all the day working on who knows what, because even though the plan was that he was supposed to do the day to day running of the business, I'm still the one who has to order everything, and find all the ordered items and pack them and email everyone that their stuff has been shipped and do all the business correspondence, some of which can get rather involved, believe me.

I have ideas for things to make and sell, but now he's saying I won't have time for that, because I'm just too disorganized. I wish to beat him severely.

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