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I have to get up and get busy this morning. I am going to go visit with an old friend about a business DH and I are considering starting. It would keep me busy, but still able to be off when I need to be. Still haven't painted the drawer pulls, either!

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Had my blood test done this morning, and on the way back stopped at the charity shops to see if there was anything i 'needed'. Found an elephant picture, a couple books and a lovely shirt. Now home. Tonight we have planned to go to the mexican restaurant that we want to do our catering, so that we can drop off a sheet with info and the deadline, but I really don't fancy going out and actually fancy all sorts of home cooked food instead (mac and cheese just sounded delicious!). But we really gotta get the catering sorted, so should pop in today really... If not today, then I can pop in on wednesday, but Chris can't come along wednesday. Well, he's coming home for lunch so I'll ask him then if he realllly wants to go.

Brrr, it is cold here, below freezing. lower temperatures and some snow due around the country in the next couple days. Will we get any??

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Muriel, I saw an article about some people who were snowbound in a London pub for three days. Somehow that seems a bit far off. I can just see them shoveling snow against the door and then shinnying up the drain pipe to go back in through a window. :lol:

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'Way below freezing here until just before noon, possible SNOW flurries later this week! (oh joy... NOT!) I'm REALLY congested, I took some pseudophed last night & was able to breath & sleep. Gotta stay up to call the walk-in clinic about coming in tomorrow, then some more decongestant & crawl back into bed to see if I can sleep some of this off. We need scrips refilled for the year and they usually want to do bloodwork, which means skipping breakfast. After what happened two years ago I definitely want to know that I have to skip breakfast (they got so excited about my heartblock and needing a pacemaker I never got blood drawn and went two full days with one dinky hospital dinner!).

I finished laundry yesterday; so not totally sorry, yet.

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Hehe, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that Kathie!! I didn't hear about the London pub, but there was one in Yorkshire where they were snowed in bbc article. Also heard of a lady that set off from the far far north of scotland to buy a turkey for Christmas (she left 2 days before christmas) and due to the snow got stranded 11 miles from home, only expected to make it back today!

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Called out sick today due to my back/hip pain (slowly getting better)...watched movies again today i'm starting to go stir crazy.

Watched Transformers for the first time ever today. i forgot i had that in the cabinet, it was given to me by someone months ago...anyway, i thought it started out great. about halfway thru i lost interest but kept watching. dang that seemed like the most painfully LONG movie. they could have cut 30 minutes off of that battle scene and still had a great movie. seriously i was starting to get annoyed that it was dragging on sooooooooo long. i hung in there tho because i know it will be quite awhile befroe i watch it again and i wanted to see the ending. needless to say i wont get the second transformer movie. lol

well, with all this laying around i've managed to watch all of the star trek movies, aliens, costume dramas, comedies, romance, more sci fi. i wanted to listen to my ipod but my oh so loveable fluffly cat Oscar chewed up the earphones. dang cat is so smart, he watches you intently and even if you think you hide stuff he has a memory and waits until you are out of the room then he looks for what you hid. he's very intelligent. i bought another pair off of ebay, but since they are coming from Korea, i doubt i'll see them for another couple of weeks.

it's frustrating to have this time off and not be able to do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would think it would be nice to have days to just lay around, but it's boring, lonely and not fun really. today is the first day i've actually sat up for a good portion of the day and although it hurts, i really need to stretch those muscles. so here i sit.

anyway, guess i'll go watch another movie. i'm starting the harry potter series over again and i'm on chamber of secrets...

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Hehe, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that Kathie!! I didn't hear about the London pub, but there was one in Yorkshire where they were snowed in bbc article.

That was the pub, Muriel. I saw a print article, got the location wrong. Still ... what a blast!

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off from work tomorrow for next tooth implant procedure. Plan to come back home and kick back for mild chores and entertainment. Have an embroidery piece to work on, roombox to finish, starting another colored pencil drawing of a camellia. Sent in applications for artwork to be considered for a Library staff exhibit in March.

I brought home the Charlaine Harris "Sookie Stackhouse" "True Blood" dvds for a chick flick afternoon. Anyone seen them? I've read a few of the books, but they don't charm me yet. I like some of the author's other book series, but still trying to get my teeth into the Vampire/Were mire.

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I will start...

I am doing laundry this AM and I have Butternut winter squash cooking in the Dutch Oven as we speak. Chelsea is on her second day of the flu and I wanted to make her something hot and hearty to get down her gullet.

Natalie just woke up and she is looking worse for wear. I have to take her temperature now because i think she is still sick..or maybe it is coming on again.

Now I have two count em two sick kids to take care of...Wish me luck!

I think I am going to defrost a whole fryer and make a roasted chicken today. Then use the leftovers for alphabet soup tomorrow.

There is alot of mucus flowing in this house today.

Hi Heidi,

I have decided to refurbish a Barbie sized dollhouse I built for my daughter, I want it to remind me of the Beauty and the Beast Castle. I want to electrify it and for the life of me I cannot find playscale lights. I may have to rig up the floor lamps we have used [ right now they are built for tea lights and some for battery.

But spent the evening coming up with the ideas after I made new bedding for the Canopy. I was totally inspired!

I want the huge library, elaborate art and tapestries, topiarys, urns, statuary, who knows a grand stairway, and conservatory.

Deb [ new member ]

If I can knock the two of them out..which is highly unlikely...I want to work on the contest house. I have trim to paint and attach.

How is your day?

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off from work tomorrow for next tooth implant procedure.

My 13 year old daughter will have to have two fake teeth implanted when she is about 17 or 18 as she does not have any incisors on top (the ones right beside the front teeth, but before the canines). Right now she wears a retainer to keep her molars in place until it is time for her to have braces in order to make the spaces for the new teeth.

I don't know anyone that has had this done. Is it painful? Will she be sore for a few days afterwards? What is it like? I'd very much appreciate any information you can provide me with.

By the way, simply love the picture of your cat!

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My fiance, Bill, had one implant done in November and is scheduled for 2 more. He didn't find it very painful but he also had to have a bone graft done before the implant and that he found extremely painful. Unfortunately, after the bone graft they were supposed to implant all 3 at the same time but they could only do one because there still wasn't enough bone so he is going in Friday to have another bone graft done. This time the periodontist says she is using some kind of "Superman" bone LOL. It is supposed to be way more expensive than the last bone graft but she is going to charge the same. Then it is wait a couple months and then have the 2 implants put in at the same time. He is in a twilight sleep while it is done so he doesn't care.

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Today I have to take the second part of a civil service test for clerk/typist. The first have was a written test in the middle of December. I have no idea how I manage to pass that one, there were a lot of spelling questions and I'm a rotten speller...lol. It was all muliply choice (see can't spell) so I at least had a 25% chance of getting it right. Today is the actual typing test. You need to do at least 35wpm with a 96% correct. I know I can do that much, I've been doing that since I was 16, but I'm still getting nervous. Not a good test taker. I'll just do my best and hope for the best. Wish me luck.

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Chelsea needs me to take her downtown later this morning. I do not know why. It is way too cold for her to walk otherwise she would not ask. I have to start walking today. I do not sound very enthus-ed but I can be a witch about it..for now. :lol:

I do not know what I will do for the rest of my day. I have to wait to see how much pain I am in after walk. I will either do some stuff OR lay in bed for the rest of the day..LOL

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My fiance, Bill, had one implant done in November and is scheduled for 2 more. He didn't find it very painful but he also had to have a bone graft done before the implant and that he found extremely painful.

Thanks for the info. They are waiting to make the spaces for my daughter's new teeth in order to preserve the existing jaw bone. Apparently, if they move the teeth over and make the spaces too early, she will start to lose bone at the proposed implant locations. Thus, the long wait, which started when she was about 10.

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I had an implant this past summer. i have amnesia about the whole event...lol. i honestly can't say if it was uncomfortable or not. i had to go back a number of times...it started with my tooth having ongoing discomfort after 2 prior root canals on the same tooth (molar). we both decided taht a 3rd root canal prolly wasn't going to help. so, the painful *very* part was extracting the tooth. he said it was a challenge because of the prior root canals and that made the tooth brittle. seemed to me that stubborn tooth put up quite a fight to come out. as usual, i explained that i almost always need extra numbing, because i always seem to feel it. i think anxiety makes medication work less.....anyway as usual i was ignored and had to undergo the stress and pain....(no wonder i have so much anxiety going to the dentist)....until i finally couldn't take it anymore. he was like "oh, looks like we need to get you more numb. NO kidding. anyway, that was such a painful experience that i decided after he got my tooth taken care of i wouldn't go back to him. i didn't care for him anyway. he placed the post the same day and put that silver battery looking cap on it. 3 months later i went back to have the crown done. then i had to wait for that to come back. the lab had put the wrong fitting on it...so then i had to go back again weeks later. it was a little sore for days and i still don't chew tough or hard stuff on that side due to occassional discomfort. the crown is smaller in size than my other teeth and i have a problem iwth food getting trapped under and around it. i'm worried that in time i'll be told that it will have to be removed. hope not. after going thru all of that.

i had a dentist in Texas who believed me when i told him i have alot of anxiety going to the dentist and he believed me when i told him i had pain even if i get numbed up. unfortunately i moved back here to utah. i had a dentist in SLC who didn't ever believe me and had to give me extra numbing stuff each time. I really LOVED his staff tho so i kept going back. then i moved out of state...i don't think he is in practice anymore. I had another dentist that i liked here close by, but he let his Hygenist give me numbing medicine. (he was busy, new and i think he had her help to ease his burden). Damn if it didn't hurt like hell each time she did it. sometimes for days after.....so i stopped going to him for that reason. So, i'm due to have my teeth cleaned. time to find another dentist. so, that is my story and more...lol.

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Keep looking until you find a dentist you like no matter how long it takes. Having a dentist that you get along with and that listens to you is very important. I know because I worked at the Augusta, GA dental school for almost 13 years in the Periodontist department. Before going to work there, I was scared to death of dentists because I had a couple bad ones but after working there I realized you have to speak up and find one you like. I am no longer afraid of dentists Yea!!!!

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Find a dentist who does cleaning with an ultrasonic wand instead of the old scrape, scrape, scrape method. Our new dentist uses it, and it's da bomb! Feels like a mini powerwasher ... once over and done. The teeth feel sooooo smooth and wonderful. :lol:

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Oh people! I'm so excited!!! We've got snow :yes: B) Whoohoooo! I had the day off from work to have some hospital appointments, but didn't want to go to them anyway :lol: We've got proper laying on the ground snow, going to go out soon to build the snowman! I'm like a little kid with a big grin on my face! And Chris is happy too, they closed the school.

When we were at school Daddy usually got us up. On days it snowed he'd wake us earlier (around 6) and we could quickly get dressed and build a snowman before school. Today Chris told me it had snowed at 6:15am and I was happy that I could go back to sleep for couple hours and didn't need to build it before school or work!


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Snow over here as well, apprx 6-7 inches or so and it is staying as it is well below freezing temps... :lol:

Have been outside clearing up the driveway, sheesh it is a long one LOL, a bit different from the old place where the neighbourhood as a certain fellow on the pay roll so to speak.

I am loving it here though so am not complaining (much) might have some sore back muscles in the morning but that is OK


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Here he is! Meet Raymond (name chosen by Chris - apparently after the guy that wrote 'the snowman' Raymond Briggs)

Neighbours are all fully stocked, warm and have had their paths shovelled, and then we enjoyed building the snowman and a winter walk. Last year we had to get snow from all over the car park to get enough for the snowman, but this year there is so much (around 4-6 inches on the ground) that we only had to use the snow just outside our house!

No hat for Raymond this year, not sure where my rainbow one got to, but he's got a warm scarf.


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I love Raymond's friendly smile. DH found me a copy of "Independence Day" on DVD that was an "extended" version, it runs less than a half-hour longer than the VHS version I'd about worn out and just that little bit of "cuttingroom floor" material made some of the characters' story lines make much more sense. Considering how LONG some of the movies are I wonder at the editing some of them undergo.

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Oh people! I'm so excited!!! We've got snow :yes: B) Whoohoooo! I had the day off from work to have some hospital appointments, but didn't want to go to them anyway :lol: We've got proper laying on the ground snow, going to go out soon to build the snowman! I'm like a little kid with a big grin on my face! And Chris is happy too, they closed the school.

When we were at school Daddy usually got us up. On days it snowed he'd wake us earlier (around 6) and we could quickly get dressed and build a snowman before school. Today Chris told me it had snowed at 6:15am and I was happy that I could go back to sleep for couple hours and didn't need to build it before school or work!


Muriel, Our local tv station here in Minnesota did a news story on the snow in England and ran pictures with it. So it must have been big news. Hope you enjoyed it.

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