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What are you up to today? This week?


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Well, in order not to put any more pressure on the judges, I've been cataloging my mini library. I have more book titles than our public library. I know I have the books on hand but can't remember what is in each one without pulling out each book. To simplify, I wrote them down while we were on vacation and then put them on my computer, now all I have to do is look in my files.

Today, I turned in my application for a passport. I was told it could take up to 8 weeks to receive it. The cost wasn't that bad but when I asked about expediting, I nearly fell in the floor at the answer. The wait would be 3 weeks but the cost is nearly $300. Think I'll just wait.

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Where are you planning on going Gayle?

Friday today. Was out of shop work yesterday doing a practice exam day (I passed, yay! pity it wasn't the real thing :yes: ), so today will be catch up day as well as friday... and we've got an auditor coming in to check stock and procedures at the shop. Sigh. Never mind, it is friday, tomorrow is the weekend :D

Meatloaf, mac and chees and veggies sounds absolutly delicious! Want some tonight, but might have to wait and make it tomorrow when i have more time and am not so tired at the end of the day.

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Anna, I hope all went well with Granny. Do keep us posted. I've sent prayers your way.

It started out pouring rain with thunder this AM and very overcast, but I shall be taking food out to the Travel trailer fridge notwithstanding. We are leaving tomorrow AM after breakfast for another trip, spending two nights at FDR State Park near Warm Springs, GA, and hiking the trail we hiiked two years ago that was gorgeous, but I couldn't really enjoy because of the heart block.

Then we're headed up the road to near Rockmart, GA, to ride our tandem bike on the Silver Comet Trail.

Finally we'll wind up Weds at the eastern end of Lake Weiss, AL, for a three-day paddle across the long axis (east-to-west) of the lake with two overnight campouts. We got 3 30-gallon drybags to hold our tent and sleeping gear; the AL paddling club is supposed to supply meals so we don't have to try to cook.

Then we're stopping at a National Forest campground in AL on the way home for more hiking.

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Where are you planning on going Gayle?

Friday today. Was out of shop work yesterday doing a practice exam day (I passed, yay! pity it wasn't the real thing :yes: ), so today will be catch up day as well as friday... and we've got an auditor coming in to check stock and procedures at the shop. Sigh. Never mind, it is friday, tomorrow is the weekend :D

Hopefully Canada before the end of summer but nothing engraved in stone yet.

Your test reminded me of what happened to DS#2. He had been taking classes to become a Commercial Driver. The day before the big test, the instructor took each class member out in turn for a final run. The next day, the instructor told them they had all passed the test. When asked how it could be, the instructor said the actual test had been the day before. He had learned that his students performed better when they didn't have the thought of a test hanging over their heads. No panic or anxiety.

Good luck on your test, since you passed the trial test, the final should be a breeze.

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Today is a recovery day! Went to DC on Tuesday with kids and my dad to the Natural History museum. Then to Kings Dominion all day yesterday with DS's friends and 2 other moms who are my good friends. It threatened to rain all day so we pretty much had the place to ourselves! The kids rode coasters 2 and 3 times in a row without getting off. Turns out, after the third straight time on the Dominator, even the toughest 14 yr old boys turn pale green! :yes: We did get completely drenched at the end of the day, but no lightning, so we were happy!

We have had a whirlwind of weeks really, and it's finally slowing down. Just a mini club meeting and a graduation party for DD's friend on Sunday. Oh, and I do have to figure out the problem with my van. The gauges and lights on the dash only come on sporadically now. No speedometer is bad! I have done a diagnostic test for the computer panel that I found on a mechanic's forum and it shows no problem there, so I'm hoping it's just a fuse or something. But, no car means I have to stay home with my projects - poor me!

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I got the laptop running! I went to BestBuy this morning and bought the PC card I needed to get the wireless internet on here. I did see the Sims3 game but I kept walking because I only had money for just one thing. So now I can lay in bed like a diva (ROFL) and surf the web in my jammies with the dog.

It is slow as a dino but I will get used to it. It has been almost a year since I used a PC so it is going to take me awhile to get back in the swing.

Okay, back to running errands.

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I got the laptop running! I went to BestBuy this morning and bought the PC card I needed to get the wireless internet on here. I did see the Sims3 game but I kept walking because I only had money for just one thing. So now I can lay in bed like a diva (ROFL) and surf the web in my jammies with the dog.

It is slow as a dino but I will get used to it. It has been almost a year since I used a PC so it is going to take me awhile to get back in the swing.

Okay, back to running errands.

So, Heidi, you will be like me, except for the dog! My laptop is almost always in the bedroom, so I am always reclining in bed while on my computer. The computer is only just over a year old, but it is mine and the kids are not allowed to touch it without permission. Now, with an en-suite bathroom, if I just had a kitchen up here for when DH does not bring me breakfast in bed, I would hardly have to leave the room!

Such a hard life I lead! ROFL!

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but it is mine and the kids are not allowed to touch it without permission.

Such a hard life I lead! ROFL!

It was given to ME but Natalie seems to think that means her too. She has another thing coming. LOL

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Back home again and had dinner after visiting Grandma and tending to PILs garden and house plants. It breaks my heart to see my sweet Gran' so low and tiny. I mean she was a grand ol' lady earlier, full of energy and you know what and now she is more like a teeeny little bird. She isn't to well and dwindling fast in front of our eyes so to speak, but she has great nurses caring for her so that is a heart warming feeling for sure!

We will be keeping both our cell phones next to us and sort of ready to go for whenever they call until my PILs return back home again on Thursday.

We will be visiting my parents tomorrow as Sunday is my father's 65th B-day :music_band: but we'll drive home in the evening just in case as it is an hour's drive from them to Grandma and it does feel to far away really right now.


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Well sending out good healing thoughts to all those needing it, including Gran and Sherry's husband.

My plan for tonight? Well I'm going to be looking through the many fabulous spring fling photos Dean's put up!! :music_band: Congrats to the winners, fantastic!

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What a crazy week this has been - another one I do not wish to repeat!

Let's see, after a busy weekend:

- Monday I had to drive DD to school and pick her up as she had a school project of making a chair out of cardboard that would not fit on the schoolbus.

- Tuesday took DD to her usual bi-weekly appointment at the children's mental health office across town (ADD & others), find out she is also suffering from depression

- Wednesday was fairly quiet - DS#1 with soccer practice, but DH takes him

- Thursday back to children's mental health office with DD and DH to talk to the dr and see what we are going to do about it - another med. DD's guide meeting cancelled because leader is sick

- Friday (today) take DS#2 to children's hospital across town for 3 month check-up of his diabetes. Everything is going well, so he only goes back in 6 months unless there is a problem. Take him back to school before lunch. Not feeling so great myself in the afternoon. Then, at 2 pm, DD calls and needs to come home. See her at school, and she is showing signs of the flu, so it is off to the dr's we go. Turns out she has strep throat. Much better than my fear of H1N1 or whatever it is called, but she still feels lousy - cough, chest pain, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, tired.

And that is as far as life has gotten up to now as we just got back from the drug store with her antibiotics about 20 minutes ago.

I'd like a nice, quiet weekend after all this. :music_band:

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The clothes, drybags and freezer food is all out in the camper, I'll empty the rest of the fridge in the AM and start filling the med bag tonight. DH's poison ivy is clearing up (FINALLY!!!), responding to all the different steroids at last. I finished the poinsettia rug #2 yesterday before the meeting we attended and today I have started splitting embroidery flosses into single strands and winding them into balls. (Y'all know who you are!)

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My new living room sofa and chair arrived today. Yippee.

The living room has white trim, chairrail and white underneath. DH wanted to paint the rest of the walls before the furniture came but I wouldn't let him. I loved the color I had painted my walls when we built the house 11 years ago, but knew I might need to change it depending on how the color of the sofa looked in the room.

I was happy to see that the pale yellow was perfect once again, so we went off to see if we could get that paint. Unfortunately, we had none left and didn't know the formula. After all, how could I have known that Sherwin Williams White Muslin would still be my perfect living room color in 2009? One paint store couldn't help, they weren't sure if the formula they found was the right one, so we drove back past our house and over to the next town the other way. Jackpot! The guy was pretty sure he'd found the right formula. He mixed up a can of it and it looked just right. DH put some on the wall and, allowing for 11 years of dinge, it looks like my White Muslin.

Now for the lamps. We found some on JC Penney's site that we both like, and since they're offering free shipping this weekend, I'll order them. This way, if I don't like them we just have to pack them back in the truck and drive over to the mall to return them. I hope I like them in person, I've found some other I like online too, with free shipping, but I'd still have to pay a hefty sum to ship them back.

End tables will be next, but as I figured, the ones I have look ok, not perfect, but they'll do til I find others that are "just right".

I really wish I hadn't let DH talk me out of the ottoman. I have a feeling we may wind up driving back to New Hampshire to get it. :music_band:

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I'm making meatloaf today!! :groupwave: Fancy some Kraft style mac and cheese with it, but they don't have it readily available here, so will probably have to make something from scratch. I certainly have never followed a recipe, but I've got some turkey mince, beef mince, sausage pork, a few bacon bits and hot pepperami sausages to cut into it, along with some onions, herbs and spices and some breadcrumbs and egg to bind it. Sound ok? have I missed anything out? Will have to find a recipe though to check how long to bake it :music_band:

Otherwise it is clean/tidy the flat time again for inspection on tuesday. Got a bit of paint touching up to do in one of the bathrooms, and debating the carpet shampooing, but think I'll wait with that until after my exam at the end of June.

We've had glorious weather the last week and a half or so, but it is grey and drizzling today, perfect day to stay in me thinks. Enjoy your trip Holly!

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Yard saling today for a little while. Then have to help SO load motorcycle in trailer to take to the dealer to be repaired. He got hit while riding on Tuesday. The lady admitted she didn't see him. How I will never know since that is one big motorcycle and he is a big guy, you can't miss him. She was probably on her cell phone not paying any attention because when I went to pick him up and take him to immediate med (he didn't want to sit in the emergency room) she was on her cell phone the whole time we were there. He is ok with just some severe contusions in his calf and a severe sprain in his left arm. The bike is another story.

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When I was working on the volunteer ambulance, I heard a doctor use an expression that suits motorcycyles perfectly. He called them 'donormobiles' because they get so many organs from bikers. I'm glad your guy is ok.

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Oooooooo ... Esther's husband and now Sharon's SO ... you two-wheelers out there, keep your heads up!

Today I'm taking a day off from gardening to get my hair cut and attend the Scott Joplin Music Festival in Sedalia. They have pianos in free venues several places throughout the town where ragtime musicians perform all day long. Should be great fun. :music_band:

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Well...We had rain almost every day last week ! It is to be nice the next 2 days & that is good because today is the big yard sale/ flea market event at our local farmer's market ! :music_band:

Sherry....I can relate to what we called donor-machines ! This month I celebrate 36 years in emergency services & I'm still active. I used to think about that when responding to calls on my bike !

Glad everyone is okay.

Yesterday in the next county, a fire police officer was directing traffic at an accident scene, when a guy late for work went around a barricade & hit the officer with his car. The 72 year old officer had to be air lifted & so far he lost one leg & may lose the other. It can be very nasty for the volunteers out there.

Steve in PA

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No yard sales for me today. There are plenty and it is beautiful out but I am not in the mood. I was thinking of picking a room (maybe Natalies) and doing a thorough cleaning. I am in a nesting mood after all the rain (and cold) we had for past couple days.

The girls and I went to the movies last night. We saw UP. It was a really cute movie and there were plenty of laughs. Not a total kids movie. There was actually a sad part that brought a tear to your eye. Good movie worth the price of the ticket if you have nothing to do this weekend.

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Glad the guys are okay, bikes are dangerous enough without careless drivers added into the mixture. He may be a big guy on a big bike but when the other driver says they can't see something as big as an 18 wheeler or big yellow school bus, bikes don't stand a chance.

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The last 2 or 3 months have got to be the worst of my life so far. ( also why I have not been posting) I won't go into all of it but part of it is I got into an accident on the 2nd. Some guy pulled a u turn on a side street and kept going right back into traffic and I hit him ( with all 4 kids in the van) and he never even stopped. The appraiser came out and he said they would pretty much total the car. So now I am completely without a car and I have no idea how much they are going to give me for the van if they total it. I have looked up average values and the range from $900 to $3200. I have no idea how I am going to be able to buy a new to me car for that. ( especially if they go the low end) I have to have a car that seats at least 5. There is no way I can do a payment now. To top it all off the lady who owns the car reported it stolen an hour after the police got there the first time and her ins says they have the right not to pay if they feel like it. now I get to sit and wait to find out what is going to happen. If I have to go through my ins i have to pay the deductable first. More money I don't have.

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Sending hugs your way Melanie, hope things start looking up for you soon.

It is scary how many potentially very serious accidents are out there! Hope everyone is doing their best to look after themselves.

Meatloaf was delicious. Chris said he wasn't entirely satisfied with dinner, would have been better without the potatoes and veggies and more meatloaf instead :) Leftovers for supper with mac and cheese, and as I made two loaves, one is in the freezer for another day.

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The best meatloaf leftover is a nice hearty sandwich. Mmmm!

I am done for today. I cleaned MY bedroom and defragged this laptop at the same time. It is still a bit slow but faster then it was. I do not know how long it will last but I know when it dies, I am going to want a replacement..LOL

Fred has been cleaning a car all day today (not one of ours). I told him that he had to make or buy dinner tonite. After all the cleaning I did (still doing laundry), I will not be in the mood to cook too.

He suggested he and I should go to Fudruckers at Foxwoods. If he is paying, I am going! LOL

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