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Except for adding quarter round to the baseboards (I haven't ordered it yet), the quilt shop rehab it finished. I hung the dreaded wallpaper in the kitchen this evening. :wave:

Oohh, I like the wallpaper, it looks like ivy from here. And the sink cabinet with the baskets is really cute.

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Lucky you Judith to get your deliveries. Still waiting on my orders for wallpaper and components for my Rye, RGT Tudor, and the Loganberry.

Was home sick today, but was fed up staying in bed so I hobbled to my work area and worked on a few items for a bit.

Started on the Loganberry: installed the hardwood floors and vinyl tiles (bought the vinyl tiles Greenleaf sells). I filled the gaps in between the tiles with some acrylic sand paint and wiped off the excess so it looks like there's grout and the flecks of glitter from the sand makes the vinyl look more like stone. Hopefully will post pics of its progress soon. Hoping once the glue for the hardwood floors is dry (weighing the planks down with books so they'll stay flat), I can sand them a bit then apply some beeswax varnish.

While the glue was drying, just applied some sealer on the RGT Tudor kit parts and sanded them. Then did a dry fit of the main walls. Then hobbled to my computer and started playing around in Photoshop for color combination/designs for the Tudor.

<sigh> Really eager to see the delivery guy soon. I'd love to finish the Rye and Loganberry soon. :ohmy:

:clap: Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, but you got a lot of work done today so hopefully that's made you feel a little better. I'm really tired, didn't get much sleep last night. Fell asleep in front of the t.v. (as usual) when I finally went to bed I still didn't have enough sense to go to sleep. I tried to stay awake to watch "the Best of Bob Ross" painting show. I fell asleep sometime between 6:30 and 6:40 (At least my body has enough sense to call it a day) But even then I was still up at 9:15 for a countdown on an ebay auction that ended around 10:00 a.m. Got a great little oriental coffee table, so it was worth it. You'd think I'd go to sleep after that, but had to wait for the mailman :) . it's about 1:30 a.m. now and I just got finished gluing the base walls to the first floor of my FH, :wave: I was determined NOT to wake up to more gluing, so I MADE myself do it. Right now I'm doing a load of laundry and just trying to "wind down" :p . I need sleep.

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Oohh, I like the wallpaper, it looks like ivy from here. And the sink cabinet with the baskets is really cute.

Thanks, Judith. The wallpaper is an old design, apparently. It was the pattern on the original wallpaper, which had been stained dark over the years. It is tiny strawberry leaves and berries.

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I haven't had time this week to do much of anything; so I spent at least one hour every night shingling my "Le Reve Estates." I'm also working on a "Hello Kitty" themed dollhouse for my bf's coworker's daughter (she's turning 11 in April). It's pretty much built, I just have to finish wiring it and putting up the wallpaper, flooring, etc. I used a color schemer program I found online to pick the colors of the house. I love that program because it matches several shades for you!

Then, I went to my favorite dh shop yesterday after work to pick up the Bespaq bar and stools for my 1/2 scale Queen Anne. (They marked their 1/2 scale 50% off because they aren't going to carry it in the store any more. (BUMMER-I just got introduced to 1/2 scale.) While I was there, I fell in love with the 1/2 scale Buckhead dollhouse by Majestic Mansions (it's 60% off)! I can't come up with a real good reason as to why I should buy it right now. (Plus, I'm trying to save for the Tom Bishop show next month.) UGHHHHHHHHH...this hobby can sometimes get the best of me! But I still love it!

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While the glue was drying, just applied some sealer on the RGT Tudor kit parts and sanded them.

I've never used sealer on a house before, but the FH says to use it. Unfortunately the instructions aren't very good, and they don't say whether I should use it on both sides of the wood. The farmhouse has outside walls of pine and there are pine knots. I knew I had to use some kind of sealer or primer like kilns to cover the knots, but should I use it on both sides, or only on the side I'm going to paint?

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Judith, you may want to seal or prime both sides of each piece to prevent warping.

Remember, you can't stain over sealant or primer, so if you plan to stain, leave those places untouched.

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When you dry fit do you do it from start to finish? Or do you do it in stages like first floor - glue it, then dry second and then glue it etc.?

Yes, I dryfit the entire house, except the porch. Then it sat on my table for 2 or 3 weeks while I looked at it. It's good to do this with any house to get the layout, see what places may be hard to get to later, and to just let it speak to you. I really had to do the whole house for this kit, it is such an unusual design for me I had to see it all together to wrap my brain around the layout. It also has many hard to reach places since it is so small, so I marked and labeled the walls and rooms so I can wallpaper once its apart.

It's finally Friday, I have a 3 day weekend, and the kids will all be gone, so I'm hoping to get over this cold and get something accomplished. But so far it's not going well, my eyes are stinging and watering so bad I don't want to look at anything. Hoping to make some progress on the Fairfield, plus this week I was asked to make another nursery roombox on commission, only have 2 weeks, so need to start on that too.

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Yes, I dryfit the entire house.... It's good to do this with any house to get the layout, see what places may be hard to get to later, and to just let it speak to you.

I was afraid you were going to say that :p . Looks like I'm in for a long bout of construction :wave: , but I'm determined to do this house the right way so I guess I better get prepared to tape and label. I spent most of today reinforcing the glue on the bracing for the base walls and getting the front steps in place. Tomorrow the glue should be set and I'll be able to turn the first floor right side up. Then I guess it's going to be a weekend tape marathon.

One thing's for sure, I don't think I'll buy another older kit. I love the house, but the MDF and the wood are pretty dry, and I've lost count of the splinters I've had to pull out...from EVERYWHERE!

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Looks like I'm in for a long bout of construction :wave:

Nothing wrong with that! Take your time and do it right. That's what I'm trying to do, but it's not easy when I have so many ideas I want to get done.

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Agree with brae -- it's best to take your time in the construction process (especially if you're planning to change things like room layouts and what not). It's never a pretty sight to see something rushed and it doesn't turn out right in the end.

Besides, if you take your time -- feeling of satisfaction you'll get after all are done according to your specs even more delicious. :lol:

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Last night I painted the Fairfield's first floor ceilings. Unfortunately, my daughter did not close the paint good when she used it last, and it was very thick. So I will need to find something else to use for the second floor ceilings. But, right before I went to bed I checked them, and I had managed to get a few spots of paint on teh other side, which was already stained floor. I wasn't thinking and laid them down to dry on the paper I had painted them on. And that's why you shouldn't try and do things while sick. But I got up this morning and sanded them then restained, and it didn't turn out too bad.

This morning I have been priming all the walls. They are drying now, then I will decide if I want to wallpaper before assembly, or during. Hmm... after I find something to paint the other ceilings with... Almost forgot that.

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Got the facings done on the gables and am really pleased with them, they were worth all the picky work. When DH even said 'Wow!', I knew they were ok! Have the bookcase finished except for sealer, and the books ready to go in it. Painting some more trim, got the exterior windows installed, and will attach some more gingerbread today, when it's dry.

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Was trying to figure out what to use to fill/cover the grooves in Bullwinkle terrace walls where I've moved floors/walls that would normally slot into the grooves. The walls are supposed to be painted, so didn't want to wallpaper really, but felt filling in the grooves wouldn't leave it flat enough for my liking and you'd see them too much. Thought I'd try out plasticard, which is thin (0.5mm, 1/50th of an inch :lol: ) plastic. Just gotta hope the paint sticks to it properly. It should do, cause Chris has painted on it before without problems, so fingers crossed. Otherwise I just have to prime them and then paint over it. (Still trying to figure out scientifically what the difference would be between priming it and painting it. Normally it is primed with spray paint, so wondering if there is something in that that would make it stick better. But anyway, don't know!)

I had cut most of the plasticard to size in the last few days, so finished that today and stuck them to the walls with wallpaper paste. Said it was suitable for vinyl, so should be ok, but we'll see in the morning whether it stays stuck! Then tomorrow I can paint. She basically wants the house magnolia, with a red wall in the master bedroom and mauve walls with silver swirles in her bedroom. So just painting the shell before I put in the floors and divider walls as they just slot in. It is quite exciting!

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wow Linda that really sucks that you had to sell that fantastic barrington but Im glad you have more room to make us more eye candy!

Jeremy, those bricks are wood? tutorial please! lol


I added a tutorial of the wood bricks in my gallery.

I was up late framing the kitchen last night. After the kids go to bed I'm going to start framing the 2nd floor exterior walls.

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I'm going to start shingling the roof tonight with sandpaper shingles after getting some great advice here and seeing some pretty, pretty pictures! Hope this works!


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It's raining like cats and dogs here, and I had to go out to get my primer. Came home looking like a wet rat, but managed to get my walls primed this afternoon. Spent the rest of the afternoon making little perfume bottles out of plastic beads, and pearls. My oriental table came today (super fast shipping) so I painted that, along with a chest of drawers that I've been working on, then made some vases out of wooden beads (stole those from some old macrame plant hangers) and I'm waiting for everything to dry.

Found a great tutorial for making Calla Lilies, so I'll be doing that in a bit, figure they should look spectacular in a black vase on top of that chest or on the coffee table. Picture frames came today as well so if the flowers don't take too much time I may be able to get to them tonight and add a false back to them so I can slip the movie posters in and out and change them up depending on my mood.

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Yea, progress today! I got the 1st and 2nd floors wallpapered in the Fairfield, except the bathroom. I haven't decided what to do in there yet. Still need to do the attic and tower room too. I also need to decide what to do with the fireplaces, then I can start assembly. Yea!

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As we are at the new house over the weekend I have been "fiddling" with the Adams, changing around a few items etc, but mostly just taking notes of things to "do" and over thinggs he "needs" in between doing odd jobs in the RL house as ripping out nails from walls that are to go downs, wihch also means that in that process I ripped a good chunk of my left pinky just below tha nailbed, so that is now taped up good LOL, good thing we are going to take out the ol' carpet in that room... Also looking forward to going back to the other house as I am just two full rows away from having Mz Chantilly fully shingled, yay! Hopefully I might be able to put those on tonight as next week with work and three days out of town away on conferences will take its toll...


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Well I spent about three hours today removing all the pieces from the sheets, labeling and sanding in preparation for the dry fit. By the time I was finished I was covered in sawdust and splinters and throughly pooped. But not so pooped that I couldn't go to eBay and bid on another sofa that I had my eye on. And yes, the queen of bidding patience won again! I got a fabulous Bespaq sofa to replace the off color one I got last week. I wanted something more contemporary for the FH, so I'm going to go with a color pallette of rust, brown and black. The other furniture pieces, coffee table, desk and chair, and side chairs will all be black, and I'm thinking of some kind of "abstract art" type carpet with those colors. Here's the sofa and the desk.

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The exterior of the house is done, except for the railings and hanging balls gingerbread. I need to touch up the paint,seams in the corners, glue the oval window frame in place, little stuff like that. But here's a picture, to prove I have been doing something! I'm working on the spa tub for the bathroom right now, waiting for marble to dry.


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