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What's everyone working on?


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I have a bunch of projects going on right now & my big mini project is my Bailey Castle. Yesterday I finished putting the shingles on the roofs that get them. Today I hope to start running the wires for the lights. I need to get moving on this so I can tear into the Spring Fling when it starts. :(

Steve in PA

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and still i plod on with the beacons :p :lol: i cant see them ever being done :D

That's the way I feel about this house-it will never be all done. That's ok, there's no room for another one, anyway!

I got the easy chair done today and am gluing together two HOM chairs for the chess table. I will try to put another coat of paint on the rest of the exterior windows and get them on, now that I finally have all the rooms painted and/or papered!

I did try the Delta glass paint on my attic window and that stuff works great! I put on one coat to cover the entire area of each pane, then dabbed a second coat on and it really looks like old fashioned stained glass!

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Except for the wine racks, the secret wine cellar is finished. The sliding wall creates a "now you see it, now you don't" effect. If my kids will ever go to sleep I'll get the 1st floor ready for installation tonight.

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Wowsers, Jeremy!

I started the library draperies, and then I have one bedroom left to make curtains for. I'm also finishing up the last color in the 1:12 horse rug. If it's sunny this weekend I might get to take some more pictures.

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Except for the wine racks, the secret wine cellar is finished. The sliding wall creates a "now you see it, now you don't" effect. If my kids will ever go to sleep I'll get the 1st floor ready for installation tonight.

:lol: Secret rooms with sliding doors.....You really are Mike Holmes aren't you? You can keep calling yourself Jeremy, but I know the truth! Either you're Mike Homes Uber-Contractor, or you're channeling Bob Villa, or Tommy Silva...maybe Norm Abrams Master Carpenter but your secret is out!

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I've never heard of Mike Holmes, but I've been watching the other guys for years!

The last "secret" will be the bookcase door on the 2nd floor, but I won't get to that component for at least a couple of years.

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Again, I'm speechless, Jeremy.

I am busily doing trim work and finishing details on the first floor. Nothing really new to photograph. And, doing more needlepoint when I am away from home.

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I've never heard of Mike Holmes, but I've been watching the other guys for years!

The last "secret" will be the bookcase door on the 2nd floor, but I won't get to that component for at least a couple of years.

:lol: Say what you will, but I never miss your show. HGTV weekdays at 6:00? Sunday night at 9:00? What? So now you're going to say you never watch your own show right? Well, all jokes aside, Mike Holmes is the contractor's contractor. The way you build houses you would definitely get a kick out of watching him work. His motto is "Do it Right". The premise of the show is that he goes in to fix homes for people who have been ripped off by unscrupulous contractors....but then you already know that, right Mike? (Mumbles under breath as she walks away....Never heard of Mike Holmes....yeah right)

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He's fun to watch. Norm, we've been watching since he had black hair. Wouldn't you love to have his shop?

I got my kitchen chairs glued together last night and the seats upholstered. gotta paint them, now. I got the easy chair finished and am pretty proud of it!

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Just got back from the Ocala show. There were fewer vendors and a lot smaller crowd. I didn't run into anyone from here :p and there may not be another show next year. I did spend too much! :lol:

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I love the lamp you got. What always blows my budget at mini shows are the OOAK artisan pieces.

I posted in Chit Chat what we did today, since I haven't been home to mini. I did have a close encounter with some feral pigs, though...

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That lamp, and the candle holders, are really pretty! I haven't seen a lamp with the drops before.

We went to visit Roy and Darlene today and take him some things, got 3 pizza tables she grabbed when they had pizza at the office. So I'm going to try making a desk chair. The kids are not coming over until tomorrow, DS2 had to work late. So I am finishing up some little piddly things like putting 'glass' in a bookcase door, junk like that. Put another coat of paint on the window frames so I can get them in tomorrow and dug out all the crown molding and baseboards I've been buying at Hobby Lobby's sales. I may actually have enough! I'm going to work on my navaho rug tonite, just doing the 4 border rows and it will be done. Then I'll start on something for the kitchen floor.

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Those red candlesticks are gorgeous! The only mini I've done today was two Bonnie Lavish kits. One was tulips and the other roses, of course. These kits are easy with great results, a little hard on my eyesite, but what isn't these days. :lol:

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Finally finished putting brick paper on Fairfield's fireplaces, papered the bathroom, and now I'm waiting on the first coat of poly to dry on the floors. Also decided on the finish for the attic, so hope to print that out and maybe even apply before the night is over.

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Home from church, changed, and glued the kitchen and bathroom floors down, so I can start on baseboards, doors, windows, all that fun picky stuff. I did figure out a way to hinge the shower door so it would open and close, without gluing on hinges that are not only out of scale but gold instead of silver. not beautiful, but they work and are small enough most people won't even notice them. Now to finish gluing on my exterior windows and start lunch for the grands when they get here.

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It took a while, but I found a remnant in my stash with a pattern that works in 1:24 & the colors will work with the bedroom I need curtains in; and for lagniappe there's enough to make a matching bedspread.

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I've been working on the garage some more...getting the first floor close to enough completion to add the ceiling. Then I can start working on the second floor. :lol:


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He's fun to watch. Norm, we've been watching since he had black hair. Wouldn't you love to have his shop?

Would I ever! I remember watching a show he did years ago, someone wrote in asking if the shop was a "made for t.v." set. He responded by taking the viewers through his home, up to the second floor and down a connecting set of stairs that leads into his barn workshop. If you still watch him, the stairs are usually off camera, but they're all the way over to the right in the rear. I loved seeing all the furniture (which he pointed out on the tour) that he made for his home. Jeremy, I mean MIKE, must be related to him.

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Today I painted the underside of the gable, roof and porch parts, added a clear finish to a wall clock that I painted last night, and made three missing stair treads from the scrap pieces of my kit. I stained and varnished them and now I'm waitng for everything to dry. At the moment I'm waiting on seven deliveries. A desk and chair coming from a vendor in Canada, some glass bottles for my kitchen coming from Thailand, my gable windows, my exterior door, my dremel sander, my windows, and the polyurethane I ordered today.

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