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Intimidated or even scared


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Ok, I have three dh's on the go: a bashed Glencroft, a bashed Buttercup and a re-hab flea market find. My problem is that all three houses are at the point where I have to do something on them that may turn out crappy - wallpaper on the first two, wainstcotting on the rehab. I am so scared to mess everything up that I have been avoiding working on them, and have been working on more familiar things like needlepoint and knitting instead. It's not that I won't try something new - I've started trying to weave a mini blanket and it is turning out ok, in spite of the mistakes - but wallpaper seems like such a bigger commitment, and /i so don't want to get it wrong or looking funky. The pieces are already cut pretty much to size (forgot to allow for the thickness of the flooring), but the openings have yet yo be cut out.

Help! I need to find a way to get over this fear of doing it wrong :w00t: !

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Ok, I have three dh's on the go: a bashed Glencroft, a bashed Buttercup and a re-hab flea market find. My problem is that all three houses are at the point where I have to do something on them that may turn out crappy - wallpaper on the first two, wainstcotting on the rehab. I am so scared to mess everything up that I have been avoiding working on them, and have been working on more familiar things like needlepoint and knitting instead. It's not that I won't try something new - I've started trying to weave a mini blanket and it is turning out ok, in spite of the mistakes - but wallpaper seems like such a bigger commitment, and /i so don't want to get it wrong or looking funky. The pieces are already cut pretty much to size (forgot to allow for the thickness of the flooring), but the openings have yet yo be cut out.

Help! I need to find a way to get over this fear of doing it wrong :) !

First, there is no "wrong". That is, if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to -- it can be pulled out and re-done. It's just paper. Paper can be soaked off, scraped off, and new paper applied. Sure, you've spent some money on it...but at the very least, you'll learn what you did that you didn't like, and the next time it'll be better. Or it'll turn out just fine, and you'll wonder what you were worried about!

Start with a small room, and once you get going, it'll be fine!

Same with the wainscotting -- you can always pry it out and re-do it, or do something different. And woodwork and trim cover up a myriad of "errors".

As for the openings -- I'm assuming you're talking about windows and doors? Lots of us just apply the paper, and once it's dried, cut out the openings. The paper is stiffer and pretty easy to cut (with a new blade in your exacto knife!), and that way you're sure you got the opening right! :w00t:

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I have done the same thing, sometimes just stepping away for a while gives me time to think about the thing I am nervous about doing, and when I get to it, it is not as scary as I thought. I also am getting pretty good at taking apart what I have done, because I messed it up, sometimes more than once! One room in my BH has been wallpapered 3 times, I hope not to waste wallpaper like that again, but I did learn that it will come off and that I can do it right.

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Uppitycats said it best. There are no mistakes in this hobbie that can't be redone, repaired or hidden. Just apply your glue and spread it with a credit card or flat peice of wood so there's no lumps or bumps, then smooth it out by wipping it with a small cloth or paper towel. Wash your hands between applying glue and applying paper, so you don't get any on the front by accident. I start my sheet just past a corner, so I don't have a seam in the middle of the wall. Then the next sheet gets applyed from the corner on top of that overlapping so it doesn't show, it's not all the same sheet. I also cut holes out after. I use a tiny craft knife-exacto works too. If for whatever reason you have little gaps at the ceiling or floor, then that's where trim comes in. Best of luck, I have faith you'll do just fine. We all started with that one first sheet of paper. I, for one didn't wallpaper for years, 'cause I kept telling myself I couldn't do it. I was so wrong!! You can do it too!!!

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I'm sure many of us have had those "panic" moments - I know I did <and do> when I attempted my paperclay roof on the Primrose Tudor, and the roof on this year's Spring Fling was a new medium for me as well - it panicked me for a few weeks to start it, but once I got going, my confidence improved and I just went with it. Hmmm, both ones that came to mind were roof issues...I think the roof on a project is my problem, not the material <lol>

At any rate, as everyone has said, there is nothing that you can't fix <or hide if necessary> - it is all a learning experience. I'll bet even the most seasoned builders have jittery moments on some issue. The nicest thing with mini's is that you can hide virtually any mistake with something or other, and no one will ever see it. I find that I avoid wallpaper in the majority of my dh projects - I'm a stucco addict - it covers everything and cracks in it only make it appear more charming to me. :w00t:

Good luck! I'm sure in the end, your projects will be wonderful and you will be so happy with the results.

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Hi Liza!

Everybody gets to that point sometimes! I am so out of my element with crafting a dh! I kept stalling on each step, so my better half made me a roombox that I am using to practise on! I am trying to wallpaper and wainscot this week. My first attempt was a dismal failure.. looked funny as heck.. so.. I ripped the darn thing out.. and am trying again. Now I am determined darn it! I have decided it wont beat me.. and went out and bought a dremmel this weekend and some wood to practise on to make the wainscotting/half wall thing. I am pretty sure I will make a mess of my first few attempts but oh well.. I can make another.. nothing is undoable? gosh.. is undoable even a word? I am sure you know what I mean!

Liza, despite all my rambling I have to say.. I have seen some of your craft work.. and have been pretty darn impressed so far! I am sure you have very high standards for yourself.. and will live up to them.

Good luck dig in.. and please please share pictures :w00t:


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Yeah, we all get that way. Just soldier on my dear. Anything can be hidden. And later on when you get better at this stuff, you can go back and do a rehab on your mistakes.

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I DID IT! I went downstairs and wallpapered the three rooms in my Buttercup (remember, I bashed it to make it a bit bigger, then had to add a downstairs wall for support). I think it looks ok so far, but I'm not sure. I'm just hoping it will stay stuck to the walls when it comes time to trim it for the windows and doors. A few corners have a bit of wonky matching, but that is because I didd not plan the cuts of the paper properly in the first place. Hopefully they won't show once there is some furniture in there. No pics yet because DH took the camera to work today.

Oh, by the way, I used scrapbook decorated cardstock in two of the rooms, while plain scrapbook paper in the kitchen. I found that the heavier paper was so much easier to work with.

Now to think of a way to cover the back edges once everything else is done - maybe a nice piece of trim...

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I decorated 2 rooms and didn't like the wallpaper on one of them and the other one had bubbles of air under the paper. I got really cross and tore the paper back off. I papered the bubbled room again the next day and the same thing happened, so I left it because I was really mad at my incompetence. I have decorated full size rooms with a better finish! The next day the paper had dried and the bubbles had all disappeared - you can imagine how silly I felt then :flowers: ! There is very little that you can't undo with your houses.

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That is how I feel about shingling. My Alexandria has been sitting for weeks waiting for me to put the first shingle on but I have avoided it like the plague. Every weekend I tell myself to just put a few on and every weekend I turn my head. LOL Now I don't have the time for the next couple weekends. Absolute cleaning this weekend from top to bottom and the following weekend and the graduation party. I will get it done eventually.

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I"m scared with everything mini that I build or try to build. But than I look at the pictures of stuff the other members here have done or in a magazine, get really imtidated. But than I realize that everyone at one time or another was still learning how to do something or build something for the first time. Everyone starts off with baby steps and than after a little practice, they are soon running. So just keep taking those baby steps and before you know it you'll be running a marathon. I myself, I'm still takein' baby steps.... :flowers:

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I"m scared with everything mini that I build or try to build. But than I look at the pictures of stuff the other members here have done or in a magazine, get really imtidated. But than I realize that everyone at one time or another was still learning how to do something or build something for the first time. Everyone starts off with baby steps and than after a little practice, they are soon running. So just keep taking those baby steps and before you know it you'll be running a marathon. I myself, I'm still takein' baby steps.... :flowers:


I could give up this hobby all together if I compared myself to what others do. Plus I can be majorly critical of my own work. I think it stinks and others think it is great.

Just do your thing and love it no matter what!

Trim work hides a multitude of sins. LOL

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wow - this topic came along at just the right time! Thanks to everyone for the wallpapering tips.... :)

Now that I've been inspired (THANKS YALL!!) I might need to find my dollhouse under all that stuff on the kitchen table. :-O


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I could give up this hobby all together if I compared myself to what others do. Plus I can be majorly critical of my own work. I think it stinks and others think it is great.

Just do your thing and love it no matter what!

Trim work hides a multitude of sins. LOL

we are always our own worst critis. At least I know I am. lol

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Yes, Absolutly.!! Scared to death.!! But it is only a dollhouse, it is not a real house with 8 foot tall ceilings and at least 10 feet of wall.!! it is only 8 " .... musch less waste.!!

I am putting off working on a project that I am going to surprise everyone with.!! so I cannot tell much.!! but I am not bashing the house too badly just am so excited about what I want to do to it.!! I am afraid I cannot cut the angles, or I wil totally screw up the whole idea.!! Right now it is on hold... until school lets out.!! I changed my work schedule to be home with the boys and I intend to work on it alot.. with thier help.!!! We have sketched up what we are hoing it will look like... but cannot seem to find the "stuff" we need for it.!!! Also a good friend of ours just got an apt. and will be moving out very soon!!! so when all his stuff is gone it will be a little easier.!! Plus, we are wanting to take EVERYTHING out of the basement and lay the carpet we have for done there.!! A friend gave us several HUGE rolls of carpet and we want it laid down there so it will be a little warmer !!!


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What a great thread.

It just shows how all of us have the same fears - but we all think its just us.

When I started building my Garfield, I had little or no previous experience so I was too stupid to be fearful - fools rush in - but you don't know what you don't know and its not until you start building that you realise that the things you don't know are endless. I have made so many mistakes so far that my learning has been monumental (there is always a positive side) I even had to unglue a whole wall to fit another part of the house - that scared me I thought I might break it beyond repair but I tackled it softly softly catchee monkey and do you know what, I did it and now you wouldn't know that there was anything wrong.

I have wallpapered a ceiling that bubbled beyond redemption. I should have painted clouds on that flipping ceiling, 3D and lovely and fluffy. instead I bought more wallpaper and started again - looks good now. I ripped the wallpaper off another wall because I had lighting problems - turned out to be nothing to do with that wall at all.

The moral of all this is - what they all said - nothing is irredeemable - even if I had broken that wall I unglued, I'm sure I could have got a replacement from Greenleaf.

Glad everything turned out all right for you and looking forward to seeing the pics.



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You are all so helpful, I could hug you all!

I did wallpaper the house, but then was scared to go look at it to see if it dried ok. Well, I finally got enough courage and it looks like, with a bit of trimming, everything will be fine - what relief! Now, some more paint on the inside roof and the trim, as well as staining and installing the circular staircase DH made for me, and it will really begin to look like a house.

Stripes in the kitchen may not have been the best choice because the bashing made it a slightly crooked old house (fine and dandy with the future occupant), but that is what the house wanted so that is what the house got!

Now to decide on furniture...hmmm...

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