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Look at scrapbook paper, it comes in solids, or pieces that look like linen, grasscloth, etc. but are solid colors.

I use toothpicks by the box, for gluing things together. A lot cheaper than Q-tips, you can get a box of a thousand at Dollar Tree.

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Look at scrapbook paper, it comes in solids, or pieces that look like linen, grasscloth, etc. but are solid colors.

I use toothpicks by the box, for gluing things together. A lot cheaper than Q-tips, you can get a box of a thousand at Dollar Tree.

SCRAPBOOK PAPER! Now why didn't I think of that? When I was looking for "cardstock" to do my floor I came across all kinds of scrapbook paper - in all colors. Well DAH Judith! Man if I could find some that looks like linen....I would be in hog heaven! Thanks Sherry, you just made my night and saved me a ton of time. Scrap book paper....sometimes stuff is so obvious you just have to be thankful that it wasn't a snake....cause it woulda bit ya! I'm off! Paper here I come!

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I try to finish my Westville, the past days I have made new shutters, new floors, I can stained them today, and after that I finally can wallpaper the last parts and put the windows back. Actually it's the only thing I do at this moment, I do want to finish my Westville.

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I am about to leave for work, but I'm leaving a pile of things to dry while I'm gone-plates, bowls, picture frames, all for the kitchen. If my chairs will show up, this room will be ready to eat in! About an inch of background to fill in on the rug and it's ready, too!

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Spent this morning waiting for Comcast Cable to fix my internet access :) . This modem keeps winking out on me, and yesterday it cost me a really nice piece on eBay cause I couldn't log on to bid. Had the laptop available, but would have had to disconnect the big puter to get to the wires, and quite frankly didn't think of it until just now. Dah! The rest of the day I scoured the "bay" for deals and got three really good wins.

Tonight I took up my fake floor and did some touch up painting on the corner boards of the farmhouse, glued up the porch parts, then started putting in my tape wire. Hopefully I can finish up the first floor wiring tomorrow and then I'll spend the day shopping for scrapbook paper so I can cover up these walls.

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Judith - I have been predominantly using solid cardstock by Bazzill Basics for the Newport's wallpaper since I also wanted solid colors but felt that paint on the mdf walls just didn't look right. I buy it at Michael's, but I know online shops have it and you can probably find it at other local shops. Here's the best photo I could find to show the texture...the clock I made from a jewelry finding.


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I just finished paneling the top of the attic floor joists, assembled several dozen parts to make the wood ring that will crown the turret windows and started to map out the floorplan for the attic.

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I am still chugging away at the blue cat mercantile. Today I built stairs. i am very proud of them. They were the first truly structural aspect (besides the building itself) that I created!!! WOOT!! :cheer::)DSC_0820.JPG oh and the best part. THEY FIT PERFECTLY!!!!! The top step is flush with the roof! YAY!!!! Chloe can get to her roof garden now. :rofl:

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I left the upholstery drying on the two library 1:24 side chairs and when we got home I glued on the legs. Now I have upholstery drying on the 1:24 Knole settee and the boxframe for the base is in the gluing jig.

The fabric I found to stitch the elephant rug is almost too small for the loupe! Darned cataracts! It has taken over two weeks just to outline the elephant's ear and the top of his head to the eye, fill in the ear and stitch the eye. At this rate they'll have to bury it with me! But if I can ever get it finished, it'll look SO good in the Pierce!

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Judith - I have been predominantly using solid cardstock by Bazzill Basics for the Newport's wallpaper since I also wanted solid colors but felt that paint on the mdf walls just didn't look right. I buy it at Michael's, but I know online shops have it and you can probably find it at other local shops. Here's the best photo I could find to show the texture...the clock I made from a jewelry finding.


:) This is perfect, this is just what I needed to know. I've been dragging my feet about buying online, because I wasn't sure about the "weight" of the paper. I found a wonder place online (Cardstock Headquarters) that has just the colors I want, but was scared to buy without being able to "touch" it to make sure it's not too thick. Most of what I saw was "80 lb" weight, and I know my computer paper is 20lb and that's heavy for regular paper so 80 really had me hesitating. Bazzill Basics has wonderful colors and textures, thank goodness you wrote in, now I feel safe to buy without worrying that I'm going to wind up using it for Christmas cards :cheer: - I may never fight with a can of paint again! Thanks Again!

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Brae I love the little teapot clock! I am so happy the jewelry making hobby became popular I have used so many little charms and pieces for miniatures. I hope it isn't a crafting fad that fades out too soon because there are endless possibilities!

I heard from a manager at Michaels yesterday they are changing out all of the scrapbook paper again.

This means sales on what they have and maybe new and interesting patterns for wallpaper. I hope its true!

I did the lettering on the windows of my store and have been just admiring it before I move on!

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I think I have done it! I decided not to glue the top onto the store structure so I can get inside to rearrrange, add things and for general maintenance. I have a few things to stick on the shelves that keep falling off and I think I am finally to the end. It went too fast!

I wish I was brave enough to bid on ebay but one bad experience kind of killed it for me.

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Re-arranging the stuff in my shop to make room for the next build--a dollhouse for my grandaughter! Won an Arthur on Ebay for $21 last night--not going to use the porch roof in order to make it more accessible for little hands.

Wow! $21 bucks! That's a steal!

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I think I have done it! I decided not to glue the top onto the store structure so I can get inside to rearrrange, add things and for general maintenance. I have a few things to stick on the shelves that keep falling off and I think I am finally to the end. It went too fast!

I wish I was brave enough to bid on ebay but one bad experience kind of killed it for me.

Ooooohhhhhhh...for shame for shame! Hitch up your big girl drawers and go for it! I live for eBay bargains.

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Here's proof I really am doing something! It's still not finished, but at least I now have a rug and chairs at the table. You can't even see my pretty orange and green pottery in the cupboard, I guess I will have to set some of it on the counter. Notice the milk and dirty cup on the counter, proof that a bachelor lives there!


And the other side, complete with a drip on the wall I need to get rid of:


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I agree with Linda, the orange rug really highlights the pottery in the room - and because of the pottery, it matches very well.

I finished dirty-washing the kitchen floor, and I'm loving how it looks, I just don't know what color I want the kitchen walls to be anymore! I'm going to sift through my color options tomorrow to see what I want to pick. In the meantime, my craft area is in serious need of being picked up just so I can move on to the next step (priming and staining walls!) tomorrow, so I'm working on that...

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and one more photo with a different rug. This one has no blue in it, but more orange. I can't decide!


I love your kitchen! I like the orange rug better too, it breaks up the black and white better than the blue. And the details! It's all about the details. Are those wine bottles sticking out of the cabinet in the back? And the green pottery is darling. The kitchen table is fabulous, very chic! Your bachelor may have left the milk out, but other than that he's very neat. Have you found a doll yet to take up residence?

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The kitchen is fantastic! :)

I like the orange rug the most, for all of the above reasons - but also because I think a bachelor would be less likely to own a flowery rug!

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Great kitchen!

I tried to check the 3 basement lights before connecting the 1st floor deck to the house. they blew out both fuses in the power strips, so I tried touching the wires directly to the contacts on the transformer. It threw sparks everywhere! :) That wouldn't happen unless there is a crosssed circuit inside the deck. This means I'm going to have to dismantle it to find the problem or rebuild the entire thing. Either way, its 6 months of work down the drain.

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Oh Jeremy, how frustrating, I know exactly how you feel as I have a lighting problem with my Garfield. I have decided to replace that whole circuit which will mean an element of dismantling - its going to have to wait until after the Spring Fling though now. I used the round wire method for the Garfield conservatory and it seems easier to troubleshoot, so I may rewire the bad tape circuit that way so that this doesn't happen again. Its just a poor connection in my case but its so annoying.

I hope you can sort yours out without taking it to bits again.

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