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My shower is ready to install! I'll attach the back to the wall, attach the door, and install tile flooring even with the floor of it, but it's ready to go in as soon as I get the walls finished...and already has fingerprints on the glass! :( The tub is in also, but I want to grout the edge before photos!


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sherry... it will have hot & cold ruining water ??? looks great

Hi! We were intending to come over this evening, until we had our wild day at the farm. I'll have to tell you about how to remove a freezer from a house with a John Deere tractor in person, it was pretty funny! We will try our best to get over there Saturday, I have your things ready for you, if they are the right size.

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My shower is ready to install! I'll attach the back to the wall, attach the door, and install tile flooring even with the floor of it, but it's ready to go in as soon as I get the walls finished...and already has fingerprints on the glass! :( The tub is in also, but I want to grout the edge before photos!


I love it! The ear piece works perfectly as a shower head. What did you use for the knobs? Wow you know this mini-ing is something else. We have realistic houses, with people, pets, electricity and ceiling fans that actually work. It won't be long before someone figures out how to get running water in one and then we'll really be off the charts!

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I love it! The ear piece works perfectly as a shower head. What did you use for the knobs? Wow you know this mini-ing is something else. We have realistic houses, with people, pets, electricity and ceiling fans that actually work. It won't be long before someone figures out how to get running water in one and then we'll really be off the charts!

There are already houses out there with running water :(

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I love it! The ear piece works perfectly as a shower head. What did you use for the knobs? Wow you know this mini-ing is something else. We have realistic houses, with people, pets, electricity and ceiling fans that actually work. It won't be long before someone figures out how to get running water in one and then we'll really be off the charts!

Thanks! The knobs are made of two bead caps with beads glued on them and little pieces of silver wire inserted in the holes and bent to make the handles. The handles on the bathroom sink match them.

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There are already houses out there with running water :(

Get-Out-Of-Town! You've seen houses with running water? Oh this is sooooo new to me (like most everything with mini's), but this is soooooooooo new to me. Where? Any pics available anywhere?

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Sherry the shower is amazing!

I have been stymied by the wallpaper installed for the living room in the Quarter scale English Cottage. It first bubbled and the pattern ran, then when it dried it shrunk and then split. So I will have to locate some replacement and I can't do any more until that is fixed. Oh well one step forward, twosteps back!

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If I'm not mistaken, the Queen's dollhouse has running water, doesn't it?

I got the dressing room floor down and the walls painted, the bathroom walls glazed, tub installed, and floor in the drying stage. I feel like I'm finally getting something done! I may get energetic and paint kitchen walls today, or maybe work on my easy chair project. Or take a nap!

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I'm laying down the floorboards for the first floor of the Fairfield today! I'm using skinny craft sticks; they're 1/4" wide, but some of my favorite hardwood floors are wide-plank :(

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If I'm not mistaken, the Queen's dollhouse has running water, doesn't it?

I got the dressing room floor down and the walls painted, the bathroom walls glazed, tub installed, and floor in the drying stage. I feel like I'm finally getting something done! I may get energetic and paint kitchen walls today, or maybe work on my easy chair project. Or take a nap!

Whew! I got tired just reading everything you got done....I need a nap! Wish my energy level was up like that. I just BARELY got one staircase painted yesterday and I'm dragging my feet on the second as we speak. For some reason it's always late at night before I feel like doing anything....I need vitamins!

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Colleen Moore's Castle has running water too. Here's a thread about an article on how to build a dollhouse with running water. At various times I've seen other dollhouses advertised with running water but don't have any links.

I've cut and stuck paper on the ceilings in Bullwinkle Terrace. I still have to paint it though. Waiting for the wallpaper paste to dry, so that'll be earliest tomorrow, but probably next week.

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I've been working from home with a cold or something, so I haven't worked on the house much this week.

After I get the kids to bed in about another hour I'll work on finishing the basement so I can install the 1st floor deck this weekend. I hope I can find adapters to fit the lighting when I go to the Ocala show on Saturday.

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Colleen Moore's Castle has running water too. Here's a thread about an article on how to build a dollhouse with running water. At various times I've seen other dollhouses advertised with running water but don't have any links.

I've cut and stuck paper on the ceilings in Bullwinkle Terrace. I still have to paint it though. Waiting for the wallpaper paste to dry, so that'll be earliest tomorrow, but probably next week.

You are ACES Muriel! I've never seen one with water this will be a treat!

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Colleen Moore's Castle has running water too. Here's a thread about an article on how to build a dollhouse with running water. At various times I've seen other dollhouses advertised with running water but don't have any links.

I've cut and stuck paper on the ceilings in Bullwinkle Terrace. I still have to paint it though. Waiting for the wallpaper paste to dry, so that'll be earliest tomorrow, but probably next week.

OMG :( Now that's a $10,000 doll house. When your murals are painted by Walt Disney and you have real crystal chandeliers then you can charge ten grand. I can't even imagine how many years it took to do that one. Unbelievable! Fabulous!

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I'm just trying to get things done this week that I can't do on school nights. Not enough light in my craft room at night, so I only work on things I can carry into the kitchen. During the day, I put my house by the bay window and get lots of light, so I painted and papered as much as I could this week. Got the bathroom walls glazed and the floor done, got the kitchen walls done in a blue mini version of Venetian plaster, got the window painted like stained glass and ready to install. So all I really lack as far as the interior of the house is all the molding, baseboards, window frames, and then I can get down to decorating! Tonight I'm starting on my easy chair for the living room. Get it glued together and let it set up so that I can start on it tomorrow.

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I'm just trying to get things done this week that I can't do on school nights. Not enough light in my craft room at night, so I only work on things I can carry into the kitchen

I have plenty of light, and even if I didn't my eyes are permanently dialated, so lighting isn't a problem. What I have is a 1 year-old and a soon to be 2 year-old who fuss if they can't be in the middle of whatever it is I'm doing. Since that usually involves blades, paint or other things that shouldn't be chewed on, I can only work after they go to sleep.

I just posted 5 new pics in my gallery. Two in the "How To" gallery and three in the Tudor.

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I found my posterboard, so after we got home I drew templates for the Fairfields' roog pieces and when I put a new blade in my utility knife I can cut them out.

I got my temporary crown at the dentist yesterday (got a "knicked" lip) and we hit a new BBQ place after the novocaine wore off (I can't take epinephrine with my novocaine, so that took a while). One of my "sides" was fried okra (the only way to enjoy straight okra, IMO), so I'm up at 0200 hitting the ranitidine...

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Jeremy, I remember having babies around. It's hard to do anything but raise babies. When the grandkids come over now, I have to put everything up from the two year old.

I did get my chair glued together last night, and the seams on the trim spackled and repainted, the stained glass window done. But I'm babysitting today!

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