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Official Spring Fling 2012 Update (merged topic)

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I have this sneaking suspicion grand assumption that another teaser sneak peak photo could go up today. I've convinced myself that a logical time to post again would be right before the weekend. I wonder what it would take to convince Dean?

Hey Dean, just so you know I can bake...yummy things with chocolate :yum:. Just putting that out there for ya.

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I have this sneaking suspicion grand assumption that another teaser sneak peak photo could go up today. I've convinced myself that a logical time to post again would be right before the weekend. I wonder what it would take to convince Dean?

Hey Dean, just so you know I can bake...yummy things with chocolate :yum:. Just putting that out there for ya.

You and me both April. His blog says we should stay tuned for more. It's Friiiiiiiiiday.............pleeeeeeeeeeeeze Dean??? Make our weekends :)

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Well, I was hoping too but I have troubles finding all the sneak peaks anyways.

I guessed I had just missed it again.

More sneak peaks and links to get to them please - pretty please ...

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So far the three little windows is all that has been posted. There is another forum (last post a few days ago) that posted the link in response to my asking for it :) I get waaaaay lost :) That forum is something like Spring Fling Update.

I would post the link but have no clue how. My Smartphone, which I do all of this from, is smarter than me!

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I keep seeing people on the home page? I think it is, discussing their upcoming mini projects and weekend mini plans. I can't think of anything but Spring Fling. Does this mean I am addicted? I really don't care what the kit is. The suspense is fun :) and I love seeing all of the entries.

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I can't think of anything but Spring Fling. Does this mean I am addicted?

Sounds perfectly normal to me, but then I'm the world's best enabler so I might not be the right person to ask. Let's ask Holly! <cackle>


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Gee, Morgan says "addicted" like it might be a bad thing. But even though I don't enter contests myself (too many other projects and deaddlines don't do a thing for my creativity) I really get excited for everyone who does! That's why I offer tech help for any who do enter, and if I ask questions here no one kn ows that I'm not asking on my own behalf (I'm a sneaky pete, too).

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Heavens to Betsy Holly :) I can't think of a single reason being addicted to dollhouses would be a bad thing. NEVER REGRET ANYTHING THAT PUTS A SMILE ON YOUR FACE. No need for recovery either. Trust me, I LOVE my addiction and display it proudly.

We just moved. A friend I hadn't seen in a long time lives nearby now and came over last night. She saw Chimley Cottage, last years SF entry, from the front and was fascinated. I told her when she came back we'd turn it around so she could see the inside.

I was still sound asleep this morning when the knocking began. She is now asking about SF. Not only am I addicted it appears I too am an enabler. And @#%$ proud of it!

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LOL Morgan! I think it's great to enable others and get them interested in all of the fun! I totally cannot wait! I saw pics of it the other day and I can't wait till they are released so you all will see just why Deb and I are so darn excited about it all! This one is so special and have that extra flare of " unique" going on with it.

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Thank you for the link. It's tricky sometimes to remember how to navigate thru all these areas.

My weekend has been on of "those" and a new peak would have been encouraging.

Wish MiniMan had given us a new peak to get us thru the weekend.

I'm sure there must be a good reason. I'm just whining - feeling sorry for myself.

Maybe tomorrow !!

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I went to the store and got a pre-paid credit card today. ( too chicken to use my main card on-line). Now I am ready!!!! I can't wait to see what they have come up with! Hopefully we don't have to wait too long! I am so ready to start brainstorming this one. Not that I haven't gotten some idreas already. lol. I wonder if he will let us see tomorrow (if it is tomorrow, of course) before I have to go to work. Dean don't make me suffer through a whole day! :please:

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Oh, brother ... just realized that in my last post I asked for new "peaks" instead of "peeks". sigh ....

Guess the stressful weekend showed more than I knew.

Anyhow, a new sneak peek would be wonderful on this Manic Monday Morning !!!

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Sheesh, I've seen it and keep checking, so don't feel bad. I've been peeked, peaked, and piqued and Have been poked while peeking :lol:

Holly, I agree with Deb, you gotta enter this year! I can see you doing this one cause it's so versatile. Ok, back to lurking while we wait. Where's the popcorn? ;)

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We are all like little kids, waiting for Santa to come. Going on an Easter egg hunt, dreaming of what we'll get for our birthday...............Spring Fling is like a bunch of great holidays all rolled into one!

And.........I may not be able to say 'many mini ideas' three times fast, but can't wait? I've been writing and drawing like crazy, for weeks. As soon as the holidays were over I hit a one track mind set. I've probably drawn over 100 vignette's since the first of the year. I believe I already admitted my addiction :)

The waiting is hard but I have no doubt, it's going to be worth it. Dean has to have his time to bring a creation to life. I can wait, but it will sure be nice when the waiting is over. Ha! Then we have to wait for it to arrive. Oh dear.......what us artsy types go through for our passions.

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