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I am seriously thinking about brick sidewalks. Just don't know if I want to make that many egg carton bricks! I'll paint baseboards and think about it a while!

I really don't like the shutters on my willow, but they're hiding another person's siding mess, so considering covering it all with egg carton bricks. But that'll take a lot of cutting out bricks! :yes:

I am going to be bricking the entire Franklin with egg carton bricks.!!

Wish me luck !!

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QUOTE (Muriel @ Apr 7 2010, 04:02 PM) post_snapback.gifI really don't like the shutters on my willow, but they're hiding another person's siding mess, so considering covering it all with egg carton bricks. But that'll take a lot of cutting out bricks! :yes:

Muriel, I made my first attempt at a papier maché walls this week on the Garfield using something called papier maché powder which I think is about the same as paper clay. It was from the craft mill - on line and cost £12 for a litre (which is huge actually - have loads and loads left) It was great fun to do and my walls have turned out really well. I hope to post a pic tomorrow. It might be a better alternative to cutting out egg cartons - unless of course you have oodles of egg cartons just waiting to be cut up.


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I am about to tackle building a bathroom door. There are no interior doors at Hobby Lobby and I don't want to wait on one from HBS. I'm ready to do this bathroom. So we will see what I can come up with.

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My kitchen is nearly done! Trim in, dishes and stuff in the cabinets, window shades up, pictures on the wall. Just need to finish the rug and the towels and make a floral arrangement for the table. The chairs on on the way from Ebay and I'm so excited to finally get to finish even one room!

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I'm a bit bummed today. After waiting for 8 days for the glass insert for my front door, I finally called Oakridge Hobbies to find out what was going on. Had this wonderful (not) representative tell me that they were all out, they weren't ordering any more because they've closed the store, and they canceled my order a week ago and sent me an email about it. Now I ask you, would I have been calling if they'd sent me an email? Of course not. What a huge waste of time. I then had to get out on the internet and scour the web looking for the insert again. Finally found one at a place called DD's Dollhouse in Canada. There's no telling how long it's going to take to get here, bummer :o

Meanwhile, I did a dry fit on my farmhouse, placed some of the furniture just to see what changes I need to make, and found that I don't need to make any of the changes I'd planned to get a larger kitchen. I'd planned on flipping a partition wall to move the doorway and give myself more solid wall to work with. Thought I'd also have to lose the windows but as it turns out, this house is so huge I don't have to do any of that. I played with furniture arrangement a bit and I can actually get both the kitchen and a dining room in the area I thought would only hold the kitchen, that was definitely one of those Martha Stewart "good things" :yes: . Transfering some pictures from my phone to my computer and will put them up in a bit.

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Just taking a short break from cutting joists for the attic.

My wife and I almost bought a minivan today. Its a great car, but $6,000 "mysteriously" appeared on the final paperwork, so we're still looking.

I bought a digital camera yesterday. The pics from my cell phone are fair at best due to the 1 mm lense and with family flying in next month, it was definitely time to upgrade. Hopefully I'll have some improved pics to add to my gallery soon.

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Worked on the Beacon Hill staircases today. The build itself wasn't too bad at all. Much easier to me than the Fairfield's stairs. But it is taking forever for all that trim and banisters! The basic structures are built and stained, just need to still stain 2nd and 3rd floor banisters then put in the house and assemble the trim and such. We're having company over tomorrow evening, so I'll have to spend a lot of tomorrow cleaning the real house, but hopefully by the time the weekend is over I will have the staircases installed so I can continue on. Yea!

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I went to a wiring class today at the local (1 hour away) dollhouse shop. It was a very basic-beginner's class, but I'm glad I went. I understood all the concepts of the different wiring methods already from all the reading and helpful info from here. But I needed to SEE it, and talking to a real person and touching things is always fun. The part that I couldn't wrap my head around was the decorating after the wiring, and I think I have a better handle on that now. Spring Break is over now, so I don't know when I'll get another big chance to work on it, but I'm excited to get started now. I still have a few more lights to purchase though.

And, I'm so much fun, I traveled an hour to go to a dollhouse store, and I leave with a pack of little bitty clamps. And that's all. I just wasn't ready to mkae decisions on lights and wallpaper yet. But, it was nice to see in person the wallpaper I've been looking at online.

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Spent last night making a door copied after one in a restoration project I found on google. One side is made, gotta do the other side to match, now. Rearranged my kitchen last night and like it much better. Got the groceries in the cabinets, mostly soft drinks, champagne, and frozen entrees in the fridge for my bachelor!

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Sherry that sounds like quite the project! Pics?

Still trying to find something to make a window for the top part of my store front. I am dead set against using the wood piece that blocks all the stuff on the top shelves. Off to Home Depot later to see what I can find. Always gotta do things my way...the hard way! LOL

Have a happy day!

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Well, lets' see . . . right now, I am knee deep in my Spring Fling project, I am priming the massive haunted mansion my brother built me, and I am STILL working on the stone exterior of my little florist shop. Unfortunately, the method of doing paperclay stonework that works best for me is a real time hog. I can't help it - I get a favorite way of doing something and that's the way it is!

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I've been working on a tea cosy. The needlepoint work is done, all I need to do now is sew the two parts together.

And I'm working on a bed and two night stands for my Mom's dollhouse.

I bought her that dollhouse a couple of months ago, and she's finally expressing some interest in it (she's 90 yrs old)! Along with the house I had found some vintage furniture. So it was partially furnished when I gave it to her. The furniture is very rudimentary, as it was intended for children back then. So I thought I'd give it a go, and I thought it would be nice to continue decorating the dollhouse in the same style.

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Unfortunately, the method of doing paperclay stonework that works best for me is a real time hog. I can't help it - I get a favorite way of doing something and that's the way it is!

Having just finished the walls around the Garfield pool deck, I know just what you mean Rhonda, its very time consuming. If anyone has worked out a quick way of doing this I'd be very interested.

Your Mum is very lucky Marianne, does she live with you? My Mum is 89 and lives with me but she has no interest in doll houses at all.

Today I made some steps that will lead down from the pool deck to the side garden. I did stone work on the walls of the steps to match the deck but faced them with some left over real stone pieces from Richard Stacey. I painted the red parts of my conservatory grey (I'm so conservative and boring) and made a plant to go in it. I enjoy doing the nice little bits. Oh and guess what I have made a space - about 3 feet square in my work area. There's nothing on it - in fact its quite bare. Know what's going there.......................yes the Springflingythingie, its supposed to arrive on Tuesday (finger crossed)

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wallpapered the beacon music room...didnt use a template...why? ...no idea....looks like *&^$ :( you can see all the roundwire...must of had some sort of brain snap not to use the template....need a break and diversion...ooooooooooooo flingyyyyyyyyy are ya here yet? :o

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I love your paperclay walls, Jo, and the conservatory is brilliant!

My Mom's in a nursing home since last November. She had a stroke in May last year. Up until then she was living alone, but due to the stroke she couldn't anymore. That was very hard for her to come to terms with. I'm happy that she's starting to enjoy life again. For the longest time I thought I'd lost her.

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For the last two days I've been working on a lot of little things. I sorted out all of the remaining pieces to the farmhouse and put aside anything that I'm not going to use, like the windows and doors. Sorted all the trim pieces and got them labeled. I did a dryfit on the Farmhouse and found (thanks to Pat) that I had 4 pieces of wall unit that were oriented the wrong way so I got them pointed in the right direction, and re-sanded all the edges of the wall pieces for a better fit.

Today I put together some more grocery printies, and put the false backs and "glass" on my picture frames and framed my artwork. (Pics in my gallery) Found two great buys on eBay, bought a package of 24 cans of veggies for $3.49, and 5 carpets for $3.26. As soon as I catch my breath I'm going to put a second coat of paint on all the walls and then take a nap!

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I did it! I went to Lowes this afternoon and asked about getting a piece of plexiglass cut for my store window. I got a piece from the scrap bin for the best price...free! :o

I crocheted my last babydoll while watching The Amazing Race. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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I am totally decluttering.!! and working on the little items we are going to sell to hopefully raise a few $$ for my sons School trip to Washington D.C. I found several things downsstairs that I dont want.. dont need, whatever... they need to go.!! LOL

I posted a few things here in the trading post. I will be going thru more everyday... Today is a busy day... I have a few phone calls to make and I dont know what I will get done.. but I need to clean my real House.!!! LOL!!! I am going to make a few windsocks today as well.!!


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I came home and hung my bathroom door before I even changed out of my school clothes, today. It works! It fits, it hangs right, it even opens and closes like a real door! This is my first time trying the fabric hinges and contrary to my fears, the strips don't show. I'm sooo excited!

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I came home and hung my bathroom door before I even changed out of my school clothes, today. It works! It fits, it hangs right, it even opens and closes like a real door! This is my first time trying the fabric hinges and contrary to my fears, the strips don't show. I'm sooo excited!

Fabric hinges? I'm very intrigued! Is there a tutorial you followed, or did you just try it out as an idea?

I glued the paper template to my kitchen's tile floor today. It was a tedious process, and I wish I could have taken pictures but my camera died. I have a new one now though, and I just put pictures of the floor fit into the kitchen. It's a little big, but sanding the tiles will easily take care of the overhang! Now I'm just working on perfecting my dirty wash for the stones, I think it's about right! I've got a picture of the test tiles up, too.

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You've probably seen it talked about here, it's where I first heard about it. On GL houses, you cut little strips of chamois, tyvek envelopes, or ribbon, and sandwich it between the two layers of door, on the side where the hinges should be. Leave about an inch hanging out. When the door is done, put the door in place in the doorhole, with a thin piece of cardboard or something under it to keep it from sitting flat on the floor (that would make it hard to open if it's that low). Then trim off the excess, just leaving enough ribbon to go under the facing of the door, and glue the ribbon to the wall. Then glue the facing on top of it and you won't see the ribbon at all! I was afraid it would show, but since mine is the color of the door and facing, you don't notice anything.

Since I made my door from scratch, I used a thin piece of balsam, and glued the ribbon under the trim I added to the door. That worked just fine. By the time I added the trim on both sides of the door, it's the width of the wall (3/8) and fits perfect.

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I did it! I went to Lowes this afternoon and asked about getting a piece of plexiglass cut for my store window. I got a piece from the scrap bin for the best price...free! :o

I crocheted my last babydoll while watching The Amazing Race. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Ahhhhhhh, a woman after my own heart! There's no better price on an item than FREE!

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So far today I've got all my walls up and glued in, I did six last night and had to wait on the last one because I needed to do a little "clean up" work on it. I had to build up the front door frame to accommodate my door, so I had to sand and spackle to try and get the profile of the siding to match, then had to repaint. After that I cut, sanded and installed the shelves for my pantry. :o

Also, after days of searching for the glass insert for my door, and two failed attempts to get it from people who advertised that they had it, I finally had to give in and buy a whole new door. Everybody had the door with the glass, and some claimed to have just the glass, but couldn't produce it. So I had to break down and buy a whole new door with the insert...really burned my bacon with that, now I have an extra door with no insert. Bah Humbug. :(

After that I painted my newly constructed pantry, now I have to find doors for that and get them installed. Decided that I'm going to use double French doors into my dining room, kinda like that idea, something a little more formal than what I originally planned. And last but not least, I decided on room colors, paint or wallpaper, and got my wiring plan layed out, so now...it's nap time!

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LOL Judith! I was ready to pay a price because I had no idea if they would even cut something so small. I figured I'd have to by a big ol 8 x 10 sheet for a corner. FREE is my kind of price anyday!

Sherry I wish I had your instructions for door hinges when I was struggling for a week with my store door, spilling super glue all over me and my house, drilling holes and all kinds of silly things. I have to save that one! No more superglue and drilling for me! :o

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LOL Judith! I was ready to pay a price because I had no idea if they would even cut something so small. I figured I'd have to by a big ol 8 x 10 sheet for a corner. FREE is my kind of price anyday!

Sherry I wish I had your instructions for door hinges when I was struggling for a week with my store door, spilling super glue all over me and my house, drilling holes and all kinds of silly things. I have to save that one! No more superglue and drilling for me! :rofl:

:cheer: I know what you mean, in the past I was never able to use that stuff without getting it all over whatever I was working on, and I was guaranteed to glue at least two fingers together in the process. Finally started using Q-tips to get the job done. Depending on what I have to glue I either use the Q-tip as is, or cut off one end so that I have the little cardboard or plastic stick. I put a drop or two of glue on the end and go to work. Never have to worry about too much glue oozing out of the bottle and making a mess. And for smaller hard to reach areas you can always use a drop on the end of a bamboo skewer and dab it right on :)

I spent the day doing more little odds and ends. I painted some of the house trim, glued together the small fireplace for the bedroom, cut little wooden corbels for the fireplace trim, and searched the net for wallpaper in a solid color. Does anyone know of a site that sells wallpaper printies in solid colors? Looking at my walls I realize that the rooms where I just want to paint need a little more than that in the way of help. Because the walls are milled in siding, every two or so inches is obvious where the pieces meet. No amount of filling and sanding is ever going to make that look like a solid wall, so I'm going to have to paper - but I want the kitchen, dining room and living room to have a solid color on the wall - no prints. I've found a couple of pieces where the color is "muddled' enough to look like a solid but they weren't the right color. I'm going to look around a little bit more tonight, maybe buy my dining room doors, and then I think I'll call it a day.

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