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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Thanks Brae! I was so sure I wouldn't make it; my MIL was visiting this week so we were out every day! The kids had a blast, amusement park, regular park, zoo (I had fun too of course) I told them this morning that Mommy had to work on her Spring Fling and take pictures so nobody bother me. My youngest said,"But you already have lots of pictures of your dollhouse?" :lol:

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Jo, you rock! I checked in to say someone please cross your fingers for me. It was a long day with legal stuff for our custody case (lawyers, witnesses and social workers all working Labor Day weekend for us!) And I didn't get started until 10pm. I'm hoping an all nighter will do the trick but it's one of those rare occasions I'm sleepy.

Tomorrow we have a family get together and hopefully I'll be celebrating my finish. Funny, I thought lots of people would do what I did but I haven't seen an entry similar yet. I can't wait to see more. So far, just like every year, I am seeing amazing work. I LOVE the creativity.

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Doing great here! Jo, I am a list maker and was still going by my first list, so when you suggested writing list I revised my first one and can't believe how much I have gotten done!!! Thank you!

Keli, Thank you for making me laugh this morning. I am up early (well, not really but, it was late last night) worked most of the day yesterday and going to do a power day today!!! Have another list ready for today and batteries charged and ready.

Go Morgan, Go Morgan!!! You can do this! :bounce8:

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Glad I popped into this thread, I was wondering why no one would let me inside the lake cottage :) I need to get in there and bird watch!

Jo, I have to admit I'll go back and read all the info you provided, I'm sure that was a lot of work, but like Keli I just couldn't stop to read when there was so much eye candy to take in. It's so beautiful!

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I went to visit my parent's yesterday (Dad's birthday), so didn't get the album ready beforehand.

I'm done loading pics...no text added yet, but I doubt that's going to happen today, I'm too busy with eye candy.

April's just popped up on her blog...


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Done.. All done and finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that is left to do is mail the photographs and upload to the gallery. Then I can relax and enjoy the eye candy that everybody has been posting in the meantime....


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