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'Preciate Some Prayers Today -


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Yep, I get to officially become a senior citizen today, at least as far as some restaurants and stores think - hitting 55 today. The important doctor appointment is with a new clinic in town, an offshoot of a very large, very highly skilled medical institute in Seattle, with the hope (dream??) of getting some help with my feet. The local doctor I've been seeing has done absolutely nothing for me, I still have a big and gross open wound on the sole of my left foot, and have now acquired a worsening open wound on my right foot as well. Finally got disgusted enough with the total lack of imagination and knowledge of the current doctor - hey, I learned more about wound care in an evening online than this man has apparently ever dreamed of - and made an appointment at the new clinic. I'll see someone there early this afternoon, and I have some hopes that I really hope are not disappointed - I want these things HEALED and to not lose my darn feet because of a lack of competent medical help!

So, please, wish me luck this afternoon, and pray for intelligence and imagination on the part of whoever sees me at the clinic! Thanks SO much!!!!

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Praying for you, Mary! I will hit the big 55 in September! Not really looking forward to that. In my mind, I still feel like I'm in my 20s (although usually my body tells me otherwise).

Foot problems are the worst! My hubby has them occasionally. Not fun! {hugs}

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Mary, I hope you have a great day today and that you finally manage to get your foot problems addressed. It inexcusable that your doctor hasn't taken more interest. Doctors can be brilliant or a total waste of time unfortunately the title Doctor seems to carry weight and importance whether they are saints or losers.Big hug to you.

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Happy buirthhday. Senior citizen since Nov here. Wishing you a happy, happy day. Also hoping that you also get answers to your foot problems. Some Drs. don't seem to like handing over care to a specialist. They don't seem to know when they are out of their area of "expertise". But anyway maybe this will be your special day in more ways then one. Prayers for answers said. Hugs, Teresa

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Happy Birthday!! A decent doctor would be a lovely birthday present, hope things go well today :) Wish you some yummy cake too - even if it is just a little piece, or something yummy as an alternative anyway.

Let us know how it goes this afternoon!

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Happy Happy Birthday Mary....... I hit that 55 some 15 years ago :-) love the discounts.

Prayers winging their way for your appt. gosh yes I hope new doc will 'fix' your feet.

I lived in Everett 1961 - 1964. absolutely loved it. Always went home to Monterey, Calif but not anymore. Oklahoma will stay my home.

let us know what is said please. I will worry just 'cause.

((( hugs )))


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Happy birthday, Mary, and may this be a year of good health and fun for you. I am sending love, healing thoughts, and prayer for you. A new doctor is overdue... you need to get those feet taken proper care of.

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Well, I can honestly say that in the three and a half years I've been in this little town, though I've been in doctors' offices, I haven't really been SEEN by a doctor - until the other day. Oh, yeah, I am impressed both with the doctor and with his staff; it's been many years since I've had a history, both medical and social, taken that was that in depth. Nor have I had such quick results and been kept as well informed of what they were finding and arranging for me - I was called the next morning with blood results and they are arranging a trip to a wound care specialist for me, as well as transportation to wherever that is.

And they did an amazing catch on what's causing the tissues to break down in the soles of my feet, where the pressure points are: both the doctor and his nurse didn't like the color of my skin (easily reddened by sun and wind since I am so fair) and tested me to see what my blood levels of carbon monoxide was. Guess what? I have enough carbon monoxide in my system to be at "intoxicating levels" - not high enough to mean hospitilization but high enough to be making me feel terrible and to be preventing much-needed oxygen to get to my tissues, and that's why they're breaking down under normal wear and tear. It's not diabetes, my circulation is actually pretty good - it's just that instead of oxygen attaching to the red blood cells and being transported here and there, the carbon MONoxide is taking up many of those places instead. Who'd a thunk???? And apparently this is something that is very, very often overlooked or misdiagnosed because the symptoms are so similar to so many other things.

See why I'm impressed?

The cause? Smoking. I've been a heavy smoker for nearly 40 years and my body simply has reached the point where it can't tolerate the levels of carbon monoxide present in each cigarette I smoke. So if I want to turn this around I absolutely must, MUST quit smoking - and I started that with the help of some nicotine lozenges yesterday. Funny how the thought of losing you feet or slipping into a terminal coma some night while you're sleeping can get you off your butt to do what you've known you needed to for years....

Anyway, they tell me that once I get assessed by a wound care specialist and have a care plan, I should be able to do the daily care myself with help from visiting home health care nurses, and yeah, it does sound like I'm going to have to be off my feet completely and in a wheelchair for some period of time here. Well, if it gets me my feet back I can live with that -- oh, yes.

I'll keep you informed as things develop, and again, I just cannot say how much your well-wishes and prayers mean to me - I feel HOPE about all this for the first time in nearly a year.:)

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Wow Mary, these guys seen to know their stuff and more importantly to CARE. I'm so pleased that you finally have a diagnosis and a plan to treat it so that you can get back to full health. Good luck with quitting smoking - keep us updated on your progress.

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Yea! I'm so glad! Quitting smoking will be hard, but what a great birthday present to your body! Praise God that the doctors had the wisdom to help you so quickly!!

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My prayers for a speedy recovery and best wishes in quitting smoking. I know you can do it as many of us on here have done it as well. It will be 3 years for me and we are sure going to celebrate in 3 years for you!!!!!

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