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Time to let go


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Deb its hard to let go when your hair has been long for so long...sometimes we have to do things we don't want...but to make it easier for us we have to...I used to have hair I could sit on in my younger days...but with all the surgeries and things mine came out really bad...so its real short now...but I do miss my long hair and I catch myself crying because it is so short now...

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It's hard for me to imagine having hair as long and luxurious as yours, Deb, but I've always wanted long hair. The most I could actually stand having, before making a midnight chop with the scissors in the bathroom, was midway down my back.

However, I do very much understand having to finally admit that something of yours was beyond your ability to take care of as you'd always done in the past, and the decision to make the change needed to accommodate your new situation is hard, hard. It's much more than your looks, it's your identity, your ability to face the world as you've always done. And, oh, that's a tough one to face!

Please do remember that you're still YOU, maybe even more so now that you've made this courageous choice so that you can focus on other things in your life. And you are so very lucky to have a husband who is right there to help you remember that, not to mention all these wonderful folks here!

What's that hokey old saying, "today is the first day of the rest of your life"? That saying always has made me want to gag even though it's true, but DO keep those braids because they matter as markers of your life before today and treasure them. I sure would.

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I know it must be hard but just think of the wonderful good it will bring by donating it. THat is such a wonder thing to do with it. My hair is very thick so I keep it short, it's so much easier and I dont get a headache from it anymore. Plus now my head fits in a dollhouse better this way! :thumb:

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However, I do very much understand having to finally admit that something of yours was beyond your ability to take care of as you'd always done in the past, and the decision to make the change needed to accommodate your new situation is hard, hard.

Mary, you have expressed it better than I ever could. That's it exactly.


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Hugs again Deb!

I empathize with your situation Deb but hair has always been just hair to me. You have all seen the pics of me at the miniature shows and it was short. Now it is past my shoulders. I can touch the end of it when I whip my arm around onto my back.

I do not know how long this long hair will last with me..a year or less. I have no problem just having it chopped off. But that is how I am.

I am more freaked out by the fact that I have grey hair.

You will be fine my dear.

I think the idea of using the hair in a miniature doll is genius!!

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I always thought I'd love to have long hair like I did as a child. But I got mine cut shortly after the birth of my first child. It just didn't seem like I had time to deal with it. Since then, I've tried to grow it out a time or two, but it never lasted long.

You'll love the extra time you have to do other things, and how much more comfortable it is. I keep mine fairly short and just shower and brush every morning then I'm done. It's cooler in the summer, not getting in your way when you work on things, and no long hairs all over your clothes. I think you'll really enjoy the freedom and comfort-and I know us older ladies generally look years younger with the shorter hair! Give your self time to get over the shock, then have a good make-up artist help you with eye make-up, because your features will really stand out more now that the hair doesn't overpower the face. I'm betting you will be thrilled with the new, younger, gorgeous you!

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Deb, it will take some time to get used to but from experiencing long hair and the weight, I just know you are going to wonder why you didn't do it sooner. I can only imagine how beautiful you look.

Two years ago when I decided to go short, I used some of that hair for the one and only doll I ever made. Although our hair isn't to scale on a miniature doll, I was really happy to be able to use it.

Feel good about your decision, you've done a wonderful thing for your own well-being.

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Making a mini with some of my hair is something I never would have thought of...........but a very wonderful, very dear, very sweet and very caring friend *did* think of it and is going to make a special mini for me. I can't remember when I've been so touched by such a loving gesture.

I still miss it but I'm changing my outlook about it.

Positive things about having short hair now:

I don't have to check the location of my hair before I sit down on the toilet.

The relief of the weight is noticable and much more comfortable.

It's much cooler, especially when Graves pops the top of my thermostat.

I can rub a towel over my wet hair for 30 seconds instead of wrapping up in a turban for two hours.

Funny things about having short hair:

When I run my fingers thru my hair, it's over a lot faster than it used to be!

Using only a teaspoon of shampoo instead of a quarter cup. (the first time I shampooed I almost got lost in all the lather)

Reaching back to pull my hair up off my neck and it's not there. (I had a couple of panicked moments of searching for it that were really funny)

Waking up in the morning to find it spiked up all over my head like it's trying to contact the mother ship.

And the funniest happened this morning. I bent over at the waist to towel dry my hair after my shower and without thinking, I did the half body dip-and-flip to hurl my upper body upward and jerked my head backward to fling my hair over my head and down my back. <cackle> This move works really well when you have long hair, but when you don't have hair, it goes horribly wrong. If the bathroom door hadn't been closed I'd have tossed myself clear out into the hallway!! The funniest thing was that I saw the expression on my face in the mirror. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.


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Lol, well the positives and funny sides of short hair sure gave me a laugh, and could really picture you (nearly) flinging yourself out of the bathroom! :p Keep the smiles going :thumb:

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:ohyeah: Oh Deb, you have a way with words, sheesh, and I who snuck in the forum just to have a break while at work and am laughing so hard people just came into the room to see what was so funny, LOL I can really relate to the feeling though! Good thing it wasn't a slippery floor to boot...

Now sweetie, you take it easy with the throw and flip ok pretty please?!? :(

Hugs and thanks for being you!

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Yup, Deb...that whole body scenerio thing left me howling!! You do have a great sense of humor! Hoping you'll find that the positives outweigh the whole traumatic event. I

also had bum-length hair at one time and decided to cut it so there was only about 2 in. all over my head! It was a shock but strangely freeing.I never went back to long hair again. When you're ready..send a picture!! :ohyeah:

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Deb, I'm sorry you had to go through all this but I'm glad to see you taking it so well. I've never had my hair any longer than shoulder length but its so blasted fine, it won't hold curl or stay in any "do" for more than 10 minutes unless it sprayed to the point of breaking. Shorter has always been easier for me to deal with anyway.

How does Napoleon like his new mommy's haircut?

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Your bubbly spirit can't be kept down, no matter what! Thank you for sharing the laughs with us ... I shall remember the "dip and flip" incident forever! :( You know what, Deb? You are one in a million! :ohyeah:

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Glad to hear you're feeling better about your hair.

Hair can change from straight to curly. My daughter's hair did that when she turned 12 or 13, and my youngest boy's hair did the same thing around the time he turned 15. I did I really research on it once, and though it's unusual, it's not rare. Puberty is what did it to my kids, as in some others' cases. there's even cases of people's hair turning curly after getting hit in the head!

Scientists have no idea why it happens, just that it does, often for no apparent reason.

My hair curls when it's humid. I like it. It turns out looking really nice.

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