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What are you up to today? This week?


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It has beeen a while since I have been here. I was just about to put the finishing touches to my Garfield. But then my youngest son commited suicide in the room I was building it in. Therefore I cannot go in that room as I was the one that found him. The house will not come out, my husband has tried very hard for me. So I have just recieved the Beacon Hill as a replacement. I glued the first 3 pieces together yesterday!!!

I'm so sorry for your loss, Gill. I will be praying for you and your family and ask God to give you the strength and courage to face this tragedy. We never know the reasons but God always knows what's going on and HE will not leave you during this time of need. Ask for understanding and comfort; as I will pray for those things for you as well. (I can't help but to think/believe your son is in a much better place because this world has gotten so evil and cold.)

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It has beeen a while since I have been here. I was just about to put the finishing touches to my Garfield. But then my youngest son commited suicide in the room I was building it in. Therefore I cannot go in that room as I was the one that found him. The house will not come out, my husband has tried very hard for me. So I have just recieved the Beacon Hill as a replacement. I glued the first 3 pieces together yesterday!!!

Please forgive me if I am wrong, but I think I remember you telling this about the Garfield before. I am sorry on all counts. I am happy that you are getting back into building though. Maybe someday in the distant future, you will be able to finish that Garf.

Welcome back!! ((((Big Hugs))))

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I am done for now and it is only 1pm. Fred is watching Pulp Fiction and the girls are still gone. I just checked on the chili and it is doing good. I took a bath and read the NY Post. The downstairs is clean and I am clean..LOL

I still have the kitchen window open. The cats are LOVING it. It is in the upper 40s near 50 today so it is not cooling the house down. Getting some fresh air in always makes you feel better.

I will probably go upstairs, watch cooking shows, and take a nap. Fred said he will make the fish.

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Good to see you back Gill! And exciting about the Beacon Hill too! I'm glad you've got another house to work on for now. Make sure you take plenty of pictures to show us the progress :angry:

Had enough tidying and cleaning for now. Gotta do lots of hoovering tomorrow, but otherwise things aren't looking too bad. Waiting for some bits for Bullwinkle terrace, so am thinking about the outside of the Willow. Think I might have a go at designing the front door surrounding/porch area!

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Good to see you back Gill! And exciting about the Beacon Hill too! I'm glad you've got another house to work on for now. Make sure you take plenty of pictures to show us the progress :angry:

Had enough tidying and cleaning for now. Gotta do lots of hoovering tomorrow, but otherwise things aren't looking too bad. Waiting for some bits for Bullwinkle terrace, so am thinking about the outside of the Willow. Think I might have a go at designing the front door surrounding/porch area!


Thanks for you comments. I have been to Cheddar several times as a child. We moved to the USA from England 16 years ago. I am still homesick!!!!


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Welcome back Gill. Looking forward to seeing your Beacon Hill. It's a beautiful house!

I have been sick all week, but luckily got better just in time for DS and I to go whale watching with a group of friends at the beach today. It was FREEZING out there, but totally worth it! We saw an adolescent Humpback whale. It dove about a half dozen times around us with perfect views of the fluke and made a final show with a breach (jump out of the water) next to the boat! I had expected it to look a lot bigger, but it was about 25 feet long. That's about half of full grown size. It was amazing!

And I think the cold, salty air completely cleared up what was left of my killer cold. :)

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Please forgive me if I am wrong, but I think I remember you telling this about the Garfield before. I am sorry on all counts. I am happy that you are getting back into building though. Maybe someday in the distant future, you will be able to finish that Garf.

Welcome back!! ((((Big Hugs))))

Thank you, I can't believe that you can have so much pain in your heart and still live!!!! Thank you

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Gill. I will be praying for you and your family and ask God to give you the strength and courage to face this tragedy. We never know the reasons but God always knows what's going on and HE will not leave you during this time of need. Ask for understanding and comfort; as I will pray for those things for you as well. (I can't help but to think/believe your son is in a much better place because this world has gotten so evil and cold.)

Thank you, I can't believe that it is possible to have so much pain in your heart and still live. Gill

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Gill, I am glad you have a new house to work on, and don't even worry about the other one for now. It will be there.

But believe me, you can deal with the pain, and life will get better. My mother committed suicide when my boys were very small, and I know what you are going through. She called and asked us to come down that weekend, but I said no,, because I had promised to take my 2 preschoolers to the amusement park that weekend. At first I felt like if I had gone, she might still be alive. I know now that it probably would have only delayed things. When a person is mentally ill, (she was bipolar), and decides to do this, they usually do it, unless you can get immediate help and probably commitment to a hospital for treatment, which she refused. So I had a lot of guilt and pain to deal with.

But it does get better, and these things do happen for a reason. You may never know what it is, but you have to accept it. For me, it made me reconsider my religious beliefs, which I had become pretty lackadaisical about. After much soul searching and prayer, I accepted that it was God's will, and NOT my fault. I also realized that I had a responsibility to help my children learn to deal with adversity and pain, and to learn to ask for help when things get overwhelming. I think they are better men because of that.

As for the world being a cold and evil place, don't think that for a minute. It's not a perfect world, but it is the world God has given us and it's what we as humans have made of it. As long as you keep God in your heart and believe that he is with you all of the time, it's a beautiful, if not perfect, world. And if there is evil there, he gives us the strength to deal with it and the responsibility to make it a better place.

I don't mean to preach here, just to remind you that you are not alone in what you're going through. We are here for you to talk to, and so is God. Big hugs!!

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I am sitting here listening to classical music on the radio on the computer (WCRI..rhode Island) and I am hip deep in science experiments..What does that mean?

I am thoroughly cleaning out the fridge. Not just a wipe down and toss of this or that. I am cleaning the entire thing..Freezer included! LOL I have all the racks done and I am soaking (sprayed down and hot papertowels) the bottom of the fridge now. It is my break time.

These girls love to spill things down the side of the fridge. Then you do not notice it until you pull out the bottom rack and drawers! Ugh! LOL

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I'm sitting here using my son's laptop because for some reason he prefers to use the computer in the den to do homework, I had hoped to scan some more pages from Good Housekeeping this evening before settling down to watch a DVD with DH.

The first time around that I watched the series Monarch of the Glen, he couldn't be bothered.Now he likes it and keeps asking if more episodes arrived from Netflix.

I was supposed to take pictures of some new miniatures for NEM, but it was a dreary day. The light should be better tomorrow.

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DH got the camper out of hock this AM & spent the afternoon playing in his dirt pile, still filling in the ruts the truck that delivered it left. I wish the dirt in our yard was that soft whenever I try to plant anything! It's like digging in cement!

I have finished assembling the iso FF's porch and began painting the trim for the proch window (I sealed up the door opening, but left the transom as an accent window behind the Pendulum). The Porch floor & steps are painted and the steps are on. Once I finish painting the trim & porch posts and installing those I can trim the rest of the windows and make roof templates for shingling (made necessary because of all the bashing I've had to do).

Tomorrow is my dentist appointment (I seem to have broken my poor ol' Frankentooth; good timing, huh?) and then we have to run by DS#3's, so will invite him to lunch. Then pick up a few groceries for next week when we'll be down near the Coast at Ochlockonee River State Park.

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Just returned from the eye doctor and finally some good news!!!!! The ulcer is all healed!!! Now will need to go back to the retina specialist to get back to work on the last steps of this healing process. Will need to have the last of the oil drained out and let nature take it's course to replace. Hope to get this all done in the next few weeks so that we will be able to fly out to the west coast for the NAME show in mid July. Di not know what restrictions I will have or how long for a no fly edict.

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I'm doing the happy dance for you, Beverly!

I went to the dentist for a routine six-month cleaning and had the top of a repaired tooth come off; two hours later they had worked me in so the dentist could look at it, and I'm scheduled to go back in two weeks to get a crown made.

Tomorrow I'm packing out the camper and Sunday we're headed down the road.

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We are babysitting again this morning. This once a month event sure seems to come around often! DH bought GS1 a junior golf club and is going to start teaching him to play golf, since all the sons and DH love it. So they will get outside and play today. So, I bought the 2 year old GD2 a set of plastic Snoopy golf clubs and I will teach her how to drive them crazy with her golf talents, just like I do!

MIL found a picture of an adorable corner plant stand that she wants DH to make her, so he got the wood yesterday to start on it. The more I look at it, I think I am going to try and reproduce it in mini for the gardening vignette I am working on, and I am going to glue on at least part of the window frames on my house this weekend. It will be so nice when it's finally spring break and I can make some progress on this house, when I'm not working in the yard, that is!

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That is so wonderful Beverly! I am so happy for you.. WooHoo!

It is a beautiful day today but on the cold side.

I am feeling out of sorts still. I am thinking it is either a fibro flare or a bug of some sort. I just feel like crap. I can get by on the day to day but I have to be close to home. Lots of rest.

Feel swimmy in the head. I talked to a couple other friends that live in the area, and they feel the same way. So that is why I think it is some sort of bug or virus or who knows.

I think I feel like it might be allergies but it is too early for that yet. (maybe)

So I am here, just keeping quiet.

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We had chicken a la king on cornmeal waffles the night before last and I'm thinking I'll use the leftover half can of creamstyle corn to make some more waffles for breakfast and make breakfast bowl with scrambled eggs and chipped beef gravy and tater tots. The heat hasn't cut off at all this AM.

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Oh Holly..that sounds soooo gooooood!

Nice bowl of grits would be nice right now. Everyone is sleeping though and I am not up for cooking this morning.

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Mmmm ... grits sounds good.

In a little while we're off to Powell Gardens for the last weekend of their cactus and succulent display in the atrium. Lloyd has several cactus gardens in bowls. It's always a treat when one them blooms. A cactus flower is such an unexpected gift of nature. :lol:

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