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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Glad you like the teaser pic - all is not what it seems - chuckle.

Had a great finging day today - got the ************** stuck to the main building - fixed a few little gappy problems, finished the floor, made some door handles and even started on the roof - my supplies arrived today. First time I've done a roof like this so its a learning experience. I solved a lighting problem that was concerning me too - so all in all a pretty good day - just wish the good ones came a little more often. Even my husband is starting to see what its supposed to be and he has no creative vision whatsoever - lots of other qualities but imagination isn't high on the list either.

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Wowzers !! Everyone is getting along so far with their flings.

I'm still at the "lives in the box" stage. Life hasn't let up for a second yet.

Graduation is tomorrow and regular school ends next week.

Then .... maybe ... I can take some time to find the tabletops and floors of my studio and wood shop so I can begin.

I think I'm going to have to pare down my ideas due to time limitations now but I'm still crossing my fingers that I can pull something off.

Congrats to everyone so far.

LOVE the teasers ... keep them coming. I'm living vicariously thru you guys right now.

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Oh, I've GOT to quit reading this thread! DH and I don't feel up to making this cross-country move by ourselves this time (decreased muscles, decreased energy) so we had an appraiser from a moving company come over yesterday. I took him out to my craft cottage and said "EVERYTHING GOES!" Showed him the little Spring Fling sitting forlornly on the workbench. He admired my dollhouses - them measured them and tap-tapped on his computer. I'm afraid the rates went up right there but that's too bad. I have pushed aside my mini-endeavors for so many years, and at this stage in life have finally been able to indulge in my passion. NOTHING will be left behind - except my beloved craft cottage. But I'm swapping that for a full basement so I think I can adjust.

I'm trying to explain all this to Little SF - that he has to wait awhile :cry:

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Finished all the big jobs on the main building so its just painting and a bit of landscaping and the interior accessories which I hope to make myself - done a few bits and pieces but plenty still to do. On Monday I plan to start on the little addition which will be scratch built - totally new experience for me. I've stared and stared and propped bits of wood here and there but I have no real idea how to do this - hopefully all will become clear once I actually start. It seems like a whole bag full of hassle for a bit that will be little more than landscaping in a way - not a real building in its own right.

Cheering on the rest of the flingers and Selkie - good luck I hope you manage to crack open the box next week.

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I picked up all the wood I need for the landscaping today. Now just to figure out how to put all together the way I want it to look. No, I do not have the building done yet. lol. Still deciding on a few things there also. But it will get there. I should have most of tomorrow to FLING!! It is getting very dark out. I hope this means RAIN! We have not had any rain for about a month. Also very little in may. Fing on everyone.

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I actually got the platform for the landscaping made. Now to "plant". I did some more painting on the builsing. I was productive this weekend! Felt good! Still a lot to do yet though. But it will get there. YEAH! :banana:

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I'm at that point where I do a little, let that dry...do a little, let that dry. It's a lot of stop and start, but it is coming together! :D I got my lighting installed this weekend, too.

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Spent today cutting plywood with a craft knife - would you believe how sore my arms and hands are. Have the bones of a****** and a ******* - just got a bit more plywood hacking to do tomorrow. I even made tabs n slots for my scratch built thingy.

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Sounds like everyone is a WHOLE lot busier on this than me...ruh roh. I finally attempted to work on at least a tidbit of it today ~~~ a tree grows in Spring Fling-land, albeit a rather sad tree at the moment, no paint, no leaves...just a frame, but ~~~it is a start. Just seems too darn hot to work on anything, and my mind has been drifting more towards upcoming vacation than on Flingin'. I keep telling myself there will be plenty of time when I get back..and I'm still not leaving for 2-1/2 weeks!!..LOL How's THAT for procrastinating???

At any rate, I thought I'd throw in another teaser pic...been so windy here, this shot seemed rather appropriate. :bigwink: Now where did I put those tiny ruby slippers? <cackle>


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Hmm...I suddenly want a pair of black and white wide striped socks! :D

:hmm: looking down, sees black and white wide socks on feet... LOL, now this sounds intruiging!!,


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Totally off topic, but had an amazing time in New Orleans, I have to move there. gave me amazing ideas and the desire to try and fling as best I can...may not get done in time but hey, it's flinging !

Thank you Holly for a wonderful visit , sorry we didn't get the time to spend more time! But you mustttttt get here and visit and do your check in to Ron's !


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Not sure when, but I expect we'll have to do a trip to visit inlaws down your way. Y'all, Brandaen & friends are nice guests, and he's just as brilliant a miniaturist as all the other forum family members I've had the joy to meet.

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Totally off topic, but had an amazing time in New Orleans, I have to move there. gave me amazing ideas and the desire to try and fling as best I can...may not get done in time but hey, it's flinging !

Thank you Holly for a wonderful visit , sorry we didn't get the time to spend more time! But you mustttttt get here and visit and do your check in to Ron's !


Welcome back Brandaen, So very glad you had a great time. That is probably an understatement.

ohhh brudder you are flinging :-) glad to know that. I use to like different shades of green but I am about to change my mind. Someone told me there are dings in the interior wood and I had not seen them until this morning when I put a first coat of paint on. Have to fill, dry and sand then go again. Thank goodness I am through with painting trims. Think I will work on the outside a bit after I do the filling.



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Glad you enjoyed your time in New Orleans Brandan and its great that you were inspired to start fingling - go Brandan.

I made lights today - ...................and they work (wipes sweat off brow)

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I love making lights ! Can't wait to see !! I'm living vicariously through others while I get my self in order lol.

My flinging might be late but I have a tremendous idea ... It's making me crazy , but my wallet says .... No sir lol

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Very pretty Kelly and incredibly neat I must say - I'm guessing you are nearly finished then. I've gone forward 2 steps and back 1 today. I wasn't happy with one of the things I made (an earlier sneak peek) so broke it apart and have to start again now. Its a good job we have the extra time this year.

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