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What are you up to today? This week?


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In Utah we have a small rodent like animal called a pica (pika?) In the fall they gather piles of something looking like a pile of hay. Some years, when the winter is really bad, the pica piles are three feet tall. I don't know that this correlates to how soon spring comes, but it is a reliable indicator of a severe winter.

Cool! My kids learned about Pika years ago during their Pokemon phase. Apparently, Pikachu is loosely based on these real animals. I don't don't remember if they knew about "Pika piles", though. I'll have to ask them.

It's funny what they learn when you think they are not learning. Pokemon also inspired my DD to take up Japanese, and my son recognized all sorts of character names in his Latin studies!

Oh, and I'd love to hear how you like your heart rate monitor. I have been toying with getting one for ages and still haven't.

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Sigh, it seems like my eye trouble never ends. Have now developed an ulcer on the cornea and infection on one of the underlying sutures I won't go further into detail it will only gross you all out! Spent yesterday at the dr's while he consulted with several others. (He deals with the retina only ) and he wound up sending me to another who deals with the cornea. Suture was removed and the bacteria cultured and I have been doing the eye drop thing every hour. WE are off again this afternoon to see the cornea specialists and tomorrow back to see the retina dr. I must say I have had great drs, but I am really driving my surgeon wild. He is threatening to retire because of me. Has never had a patient with so many twist and turns in the process.

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I canceled my job for today. I have a miserable head cold and don't want to infect the kindergartners I was supposed to keep today. I will use my neti pot, take tylenol, and rest to see if that doesn't help. Any other great suggestions? No chicken around to make soup from unless I go after it, which I don't feel like doing!

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I canceled my job for today. I have a miserable head cold and don't want to infect the kindergartners I was supposed to keep today. I will use my neti pot, take tylenol, and rest to see if that doesn't help. Any other great suggestions? No chicken around to make soup from unless I go after it, which I don't feel like doing!


Hope you feel better soon!

I swear by ionic zinc lozenges. They work best if started at the first sign of symptoms - within the first 24-48 hours. I like ColdEeez, but have also used Target's generic equivalent.

It is really interesting how they work. The zinc has a positive ionic charge and the Rhinovirus (which causes most colds) has a negative charge. The zinc "sticks" to the virus and keeps it from binding to your cells. Or something like that. :lol: It is different from regular zinc found in vitamins.

Anyway, for me it works so well. If I catch it soon enough, I am completely better in 1-2 days, or if not, it lessens the symptoms and shortens the cold a lot. Oh, some people hate the aftertaste - like my DD who says she would rather have a cold - but I don't find them bad at all.

Lots of rest and minis are also a great cure, I've found!

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In the UK schools get inspected every so often (I think how often depends on how well they are graded). This is called an Ofsted Inspection (Office for Standards of Education), and is a very stressful occurance for schools, as they judged by prospective parents by their Ofsted report. Anyway, they get 1-2 days notice and then the inspectors show up with their ticklists. Chris' school got the word on Monday that the inspectors would be there wednesday and thursday. Stress levels soared off the charts. But I think they did very well. We're not allowed to know the result until the report gets published. The levels are inadequate, satisfactory, good, outstanding. Last time they got good with some outstanding aspects. This time they were aiming for, of course, outstanding. We'll see what they got soon hopefully! Anyway, Chris is shattered, falling asleep on the sofa, and can't be bothered with teaching tomorrow :lol: (I think all the teachers feel the same!)

I'm working quite far away tomorrow, so tonight will be an early night for me too. It is a quiet shop though, so hoping it'll be a good day. Hope you're feeling better Sherry, Beverly and Kathie!

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I have been seeing both drs re my eye every day and it looks like things are getting better. Yesterday I could not see anything beyond light and shadows from that eye and today I can see colors shapes and even count the number of fingers on a hand. No details clearly yet but I can sure hope!!!!!

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I have been seeing both drs re my eye every day and it looks like things are getting better. Yesterday I could not see anything beyond light and shadows from that eye and today I can see colors shapes and even count the number of fingers on a hand. No details clearly yet but I can sure hope!!!!!

Progress is good! So is hope! I just hope that your vision continues to improve. :lol:

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I had the class from H211 today. Ag class, and it was the class where they dumped all the kids who are not involved in anything extracurricular, so they have to have an elective. 30 wild yahoos with no manners and no desire to work. They were already getting on my nerves, before someone decided to spray the class room with an entire canister of pepper spray!

We had to evacuate the classroom, kids were throwing up, my sinuses were on fire, and the assistant principal acted put out because I called her to come deal with the culprits! She was just downright rude. But for what they pay substitutes, she can deal with it. I was not searching kids for the can! Just glad it's Friday!

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Oh, what a nightmare Sherry!

I just got home a little bit ago from a Open House for school. I enrolled my youngest in the school, and I'm really excited. Lawson already goes there, and loves it. We gave him the option of going to the public high school next year so he could be in Marching Band, but after 2 months told us he wasn't leaving. Glad he likes it though! But now that the little one is starting middle school, it's time for him to go too. He wasn't keen on going, because that's not the normal way to do school (he's very rule oriented), but his eyes were wide tonight and was sold very early in the tour. That made me feel better, because I know he will really like it there. It will be a challenge to send them both, and my daughter to college as well, but we'll make it work somehow. It's a good thing that I have been collecting lots of kits, because it may be a while before I can spend lots on minis again! I better go get another job...

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Quiet day at home in the RAIN!; the barometer beat my sinuses so bad I crashed for two hours and slept through the worst of it. By the time we left to go out to supper the sun was out again! I hope it's pretty tomorrow, and we can go out for a walk.

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Just got up a few minutes ago and checked outside -- wow, snow's still going strong. Heard the maintenance guy shoveling snow and using the snow blower to clear the sidewalks as much as possible. But that's all covered now by the snow.

BF and I might try to go outside this afternoon to clear the snow off our vehicles. The parking lot hasn't been plowed yet, but better to get as much of the stuff off our cars so it's not as big an accumulation once the storm passes.

Other than that -- just going to stick to the minis!

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Yesterday over the course of the day I developed a sore throat that got to the very sore stage by bedtime, and I had a higher than normal temperature. Didn't feel much better this morning, but they didn't have anyone that could cover me at work. As it was less than 2 minutes walk into work, and only 4 hours I said I'd go in so they could open the pharmacy. Start was ok and spent most of it sitting down, but by about 11 it got and stayed busy. I was glad go be able to go home at 1! So rest for me now. We were going to future PILs to pick up invitations and stay over night today, but I've said we'll see how I am tomorrow and hopfully just go for the day. Haven't been in contact with anyone who has been ill recently really, so not sure where I picked this up from! Sipping my lemon/ginger/honey/hot water mix, alternating with fresh orange juice, resting on the sofa in my dressing gown and jammies.

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Sipping my lemon/ginger/honey/hot water mix, alternating with fresh orange juice, resting on the sofa in my dressing gown and jammies.

That sounds lovely Muriel! Do try to rest and relax! Hope you feel better soon! :thumb:

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Push those clear liquids and a cool cloth handy to take the temp down, Muriel. You're in contact with the public all day long, and the majority of folks getting scrips filled had all sorts of air-borne particles to share!

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Take care of yourself and get well! Your job is like teaching kids. If there's a germ in town, it will show up at school, just as it will at dr's offices and pharmacies.

Teachers always dread the return of kids after Christmas. They have been to visit out of town relatives and import a whole new set of germs to school when they come back.

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Hope you feel better soon Muriel! I hate sore throats.

When I first started working for the school system, the first several months I was sick a lot, and couldn't figure out why. It finally dawned on me how many kids I am in contact with, and all those germs! I visit 1-6 schools a day, with an average of about 10-12 classrooms a day. I now carry a big bottle of sanitizer in my work van and clean my hands after every school, if I don't have a chance to just wash them before leaving. That has made a big difference.

My husband also has a job where he visits peoples houses, and I hounded on him for a while for the same thing. One day he got really sick, and couldn't figure out why. Finally remembered he had been in a daycare for a couple of days one week. When I asked if he used the sanitizer, he sheepishly said Um, No.

We both work on computers, and that's something people don't really think to clean. It may be the same with you, Muriel, maybe wipe the computer (cash register?) at work down every so often.

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I will say that when I was working (I was a school nurse and visited four to five elementary schools every week, about 6000-7000 kids) I could count on missing at least one full week of work twice a year (after Christmas break and after the beginning of the new school year) with a respiratory infection. Since retiring, I can't remember ever being sick enough to need to take antibiotics, everything responded to a day or two of bedrest, clear liquids & an anti-inflammatory or two. I adore little children, they are so loving and giving and needy; but I just wish they didn't have to share their germs!

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I'm hardly ever sick, think I've developed an immunity to a lot of things that come into the pharmacy. If I'm ill I normally get it from Chris who has got it from school (but even then I don't often get ill when he does). Normally I have to be in close or prolonged contact with someone ill to get it, but not this time! Haven't been ill in a while, so could be that my body just decided it had had enough and needs resetting. I've rested this afternoon, lounging on the sofa while Chris has made the labels for our invitations and he's now cooking dinner. Temperature hasn't gone up, so that is a good thing!

I tend to wash/sanitize my hands pretty regularly at work. Not only do you not know who/what has been in contact with the prescriptions, but also the tablet boxes in general are a little dusty and that accumulates into grey hands quite quickly. Keyboards don't get wiped down as often as they should though!

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