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What are you up to today? This week?


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Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, Heidi! We are still working on the kitchen. I thought I didn't have many cabinets until we started painting them! I have the 2nd guest bedroom more or less back in shape, all the books on the lawyer's bookcase in there, the few remaining boxes of the kids in the corner, still have to attach the headboard, make the bed, and hang the stained glass back in the window and it will be ready for guests, if we ever get any!

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Back "home" again after another weekend at the new house, made great progress in the digging new ditches for the waterpipes etc, hopefully the municipal guys will finish their wor this week so that we can get the plumber guy to install the new pipes.

Sore muscles but happy LOL I can hear Mz Chantilly holler from upstairs that she wants the last piece of roof glued on tonight (yeah right missy....) which would mean that real soon I could get back to shingling.


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Hi everyone. It's been a while. I discovered farmville on facebook and have actually met quite a few of the people that play the game. It's fun. We have also been dashing around getting stuff ready for a tv show that is going to feature some of our guns. So basically I am back to work. And then there were the yard projects going on. And I had to learn to shoot skeet. I would like to think it will slow down soon so I can go back to having fun with minis, but I don't see that happening any time soon. I have to work on websites next.

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I have been busy busy busy. Shuttling for school and work and the canning demonstration. I have not had time to breath. You all know how I am. Takes me the month of September to get acclimated and then I am back in the swing.

The first shot did not work. I get my second shot this Thursday. The third shot on October 1st. The surgeon said that if the first one does not work, then none of them will. I will still go for numbers 2 and 3. You never know. They may work. If they do work, I will probably be signed up for more. If they do not work, I want to have a pow wow with the surgeon to see what he says. I am not going to continue to get shots if he thinks that it would just be a waste of my time (and insurance money).

I want to go to the GYM! OMG! I miss it! Fred has been going so at least that is good. Walking for any period of time does me no good right now so I am not even going to attempt at this point.

I am in the middle of fall cleaning also. I am usually comatose by bedtime most days.

Ummm..what else? Oh I made pickles yesterday. Crisp dill pickles with red peppers, green peppers, and onion.

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And I had to learn to shoot skeet.
My previous husband shot skeet and trap and kept after me to learn. One day I went with him to give it a try. I outshot him. He never asked again. :p

The first shot did not work.
Heidi, I'm so sorry. It sounds as if you're doing a lot of activity that takes nearly constant movement -- moving around the kitchen for the canning, getting in and out of the car, up and down the stairs, cleaning. Are you sure you're not overdoing?
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Heidi- so sorry the first shot didn't work.But keep doing what you are supposed to...

I think your problems will eventually be resolved.fingers crossed-positive thoughts sent-

and best hopes/wishes your way.Good Luck!

And to mention what I'm working on.....I had thought that I would have little Emma over the Halloween weekend,(I think tho' that she's a bit ahead of schedule) anyway

I spent a couple of hours last night making a 1/2 face mask and a "princess cone"hat

complete with streamers.Figured she might have fun while passing out goodies.I'd

show my handiwork but it takes me hours to get from camera to Greenleaf so maybe I'll

wait til Emma is here.Sigh......such decisions! :p

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took today off to recoup further, but feeling well enough to work on the Lincoln house shingles. Need to come up with a design for drapes for 9 windows.

Getting the spiral stair finished for the BH attic access. I think the design will work okay if we aren't fussy about mini construction 'codes'. Does it really need a railing? hummmm... gotta cut a section out of the tower support floor.

Taking son#1 to be fitted for 'best man' tux for his friend's wedding in a few weeks. Also searching for a source of cheap topsoil for backyard rock garden. That may do me in for the day.

Jim is at Red Cross this morning, but will be working on installing the basement lights.

Son#2 is still trying to get courage to ask a friend out. I feel for him, since I was a super shy kid, but I think girls had it easier back in my teen days.

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Kathie, I will have to get a LOT better to outshoot DH. Pistols, I am better. If it moves though, I am not so hot. He shoots like 98 out of 100 often. I did end up with the prettiest bruise. I had called "pull' twice and the pidgeon didn't fling. I lowered my gun and when I put it back up it wasn't seated right and pinched the fat of my upper arm. I only did THAT once.

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Hey all you 'spring' fall cleaners out there! I joined you this morning and spring cleaned the kitchen this morning. Had thoughts for the sitting room this afternoon, but instead I've been looking up/scanning pics for invitations this afternoon. Still figuring out what we want to do, but trying different things out.

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I shampooed the family room rug last Friday and spent the day dusting things I have not had time to do for some time. Cleaned the master bath from top to bottom and now am working on our bedroom. Our fur kid 10 year old Molly has been quite ill for the past week and I have been taking care of her since she came back from the vets last Thursday. Hope she gets better soon. Old age is a $%#@.

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I shampooed the family room rug last Friday and spent the day dusting things I have not had time to do for some time. Cleaned the master bath from top to bottom and now am working on our bedroom. Our fur kid 10 year old Molly has been quite ill for the past week and I have been taking care of her since she came back from the vets last Thursday. Hope she gets better soon. Old age is a $%#@.

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Deana, we have a Baretta 410 that DH bought for oldest son to skeet shoot with. The only one in the family that can handle that gun's kick is DS2, who is 6'2" and 220 lbs. It will leave a bruise over your whole body. It's dove season here and everyone is out shooting birds right now! I'm not into killing animals, although I've had to shoot a sick dog who was after my kids, once. It's just one of those things you learn to do out here, where you are likely as not to open the pick up door and find a rattler waiting for you!

dumb story here: My MIL who is normally very conservative, was plowing in the John Deere when it died, one day-this was back before cell phones. She opened the door to climb down and go back to the car, and there was a rattler right under the cab! It is still a good story around town about the neighbors driving by and seeing her standing on the tractor, in pants and bra, waving her shirt at passing cars to get their attention!

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Sherry, if your beretta kicks, you need some work done to it. Mercury tubes, recoil pads. I only got the bruise from being impatient and not seating it right before I fired. I can't shoot anything live either. I only kill paper and now orange discs. Too much of an animal lover. I do, however, support hunting. I have long stories about why. I have long stories about a lot of things. Hmmm.

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I don't know about the gun kicking but apparently 410's just have a kick to them. I know that there are good, ecological reasons for hunting and don't object to it. I just couldn't do it, myself. As I said, having a gun around out here in the country is necessary!

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Good luck on your next round of shots Heidi!

Today is a bitter sweet day for me. Today I prepare Doug for his day at the VA tomorrow with a rough test. Today he cannot have any solid foods after 11:30 BUT ONLY liquids and some horrible preparation that he has to start drinking around 4:30 today until a whole gallon is gone. Then the fun begins! I'm stocked up on paper, books and things for his new "study." He'll be in there much of the day I'm sure.....and then tomorrow the test.

I finished a book called Cold Mountain which is a fabulous read about the Civil War and a romance within the Civil War. A very poignant story, but I'm glad I finished it! I was up all night with Doug and had pages to read at a time before he called for more of this and more of that.....trudging up and down the stairs from midnight on. Tonight should be very interesting! LOL

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Good luck to Doug and to you Wolfie! Hope the next nights and days go quickly and are as good as can be.

Went shopping after work today, tiring! Want some dessert now, but Chris won't go get me some :D He thinks his sitting through an awards ceremony at his school for less than 1.5 hours was equal to me shopping for 1.5 hours after work. I disagree, but feel I'm not going to get my dessert unless I get it myself.

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good luck, Wolfie and Doug! Hope you both get through it fine. Cold Mountain is a great story, but not an 'upper'. The author got some inspiration while staying at a B&B near the USC campus here in Columbia, SC. I'm reading The Widow of the South, which is an equally sad struggle through the Civil War.

So maybe you need something light now? If you've never read them, the first few Janet Evanovitch 'Stephanie Plum' series are great laughs. I got tired of them after about 6, but the first few were fun.

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Doc put me on an inhaler for acute bronchitis. I had no idea they left such a bad taste. This is Symbicort. yuck gag yuck. I do okay with most meds except those that leave a bitter taste, like tussin cough syrups...and this.

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You probably are already, but swill your mouth out with water or brush your teeth after you've used your inhaler Gayle. Helps reduce the bad taste, but also stops the potential mouth thrush side effect.

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Thanks Gina. I call today to find out what time I go in tomorrow morning. I do not need another Valium for this shot. I am fine with it now. I have plenty of running around to do today though. I have to get all my supplies together for the canning demonstration on Saturday. I want to do it today so that I do not have to do it on Friday.

I will sterilize all the utensils on Saturday morning before I have to be there.

Today I am going to be making some more carrots with jalapenos. They taste really good even before I canned them. I am thinking of putting some in small jars to give away at Christmas. It is a different kind of pickle that people can try.

It is a bit chilly this morning. Makes me want to drag out the Halloween decorations..LOL but it is too early for that just yet.

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