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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Thats a wonderful sneak peek - I can't wait to see everyone's creations in full now. I think that is the absolute best part of this competition - spending a couple of hours going through the gallery and marvelling at the ideas people came up with and how different every entry is considering that we all start with the same kit.

I've had one of those days today where everything went wrong so I'm 10 steps back. My sneak peek from a few pages back is now in the bin and I have to begin again - it will be the 4th attempt at this little monster - attempt number 1 looked like cousin It from the Adam's family and its just gone downhill from there. The third attempt wasn't too bad when I look back but I had to go and try and make it better and ended up making it look a whole lot worse. I am determined to do it though even if I turn into a whole bag of crazy in the process. Maybe its time for a break from Cousin It - may garden needs doing so badly but that eats into fling time doesn't it.

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That is a GREAT sneak peak! Now I am daydreaming of what the entire look of the house really is. I love your window (or is it not a window lol)

Jo, I understand how that goes. Just when you think you got it perfect and the way you want it, something shows up to let you know it won't work out too well. Your houses are so beautiful, I know what you come up with will be beyond Fantastic.

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Ohhhh pretty. I made of list of what I still needed to do vs. how many weeks I have left to finish, then I kinda freaked out and hit the pavement last night and this morning. Sitting down for a bite right now and getting back to it this afternoon/evening. If I can make a decent amount of progress this weekend I'll feel more on track and get up another round of sneak pics too.

Best of all DH helped me think up a good way to solve the one thing I wasn't sure how to approach :yay:

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Thanks folks! Actually this view includes something that I developed a new technique for-- wasn't sure if it were going to work or not, but it worked like a charm. I think that I will get around to posting it on my blog since it doesn't give away the theme of my entry. B)

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Thanks folks! Actually this view includes something that I developed a new technique for-- wasn't sure if it were going to work or not, but it worked like a charm. I think that I will get around to posting it on my blog since it doesn't give away the theme of my entry. B)

Now you really got me guessing :D
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OK, I have gotten around to posting it on my blog... I had to make a new one since I hadn't taken build pics the first time around! :p


wellll aren't you the clever one. Awesome windows. last night and tonight I was 'fighting' with door hinges. Did I say they are itty bitty with ittier bittier brads? Computers are awesome when you decide to go find out how to do something. glue? Who woulda thunk? :giggle: :giggle: oh well my senior brain got fried in this heat.

Happy times to all.

Linda/headed to find correct glue.

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(Psssst, Linda; I gave up on the hinges & went with chamois strips...)

I know you have said this and NOW I know why. Thought this project should have the hinged look but gosh not easy to handle. did the glueing last night and after a little while tried 'again' to work with brads using tweezers. HA that is a joke. I am this far with it and have to keep trying. I've done all the trims on walls/windows and would like to put the walls together one of these days.

:juggle: That's me juggeling projects. Grandson moved furniture for me and under where it was is/still is a whomping mess. With me doing my bit of help got exhausted, went to couch to relax with something on SF. I keep running vac here and there trying to cath up. Go back to SF. Got new computer with other one dieing and set it up temporarily then moved to where it was to live. nope sticks out too far. (it's a mini dell, shorter and not so deep as towers are tall) Have to move it again. During any rest time back to SF unless it's a nap time.

Looks like a sneek peek time for 2 hinges. Photo soon.

Need coffee and when birds wake up will see what else I can work on with Fling.

Linda/Oh and carpet shampper sitting here waiting to work. did I say juggeling? :bounce:

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