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Official Spring Fling 2012 Update (merged topic)

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Helloooo -- this is "next week" -- :popcorn: I keep telling myself to be patient, to just sit back and relax - but I snuck away from me and have checked this site THREE TIMES TODAY!

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I am so excited about this kit!!!!! I keep checking, and checking, and checking, and checking, and checking!!!! :D Oh when will we get to SEE this and than ORDER this kit!!!!! I feel totally like a little kid on Christmas, Easter, Birthday........ Ok, Dean we are here waiting........ patiently .......waiting.......... :bounce:

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LOL it is so grest seeing one is in good company, always eager to see a new kit ;) and allow,alllll those ideas float around!

Hugs and looking forward to more sneak pics

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I thought I was the only one. All of sudden I had the urge to look to see the new kit. Does that mean that Dean and I are having a mind meld?

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This is CRAZY I have been up and down all night checking the computer to see if there was an update!!!!!!! Really I should just sleep and dream about this great dollhouse but instead I can't sleep because I am SO EXCITED to see what it is like. I really don't even have an idea what I am going to do, well I guess I have many ideas, but not sure yet until I SEE all of it!!!!!! Oh I am TRYING to be patient, and I CAN'T imagine what Dean and all of them are feeling trying to get this all done for us. Thank you for all your work. I will continue to refresh this page until I SEE a picture. :)

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Hang in there guys coz the delay means that there's been something new added and believe me, when you see it you're going to be all okay with waiting a little bit longer! OMG, this is THE coolest thing I've seen in a long time. This isn't going to narrow down your guesses a lot, but there's something about this kit that dollhouse builders have been asking for for a very long time. It won't be much longer till you get to see it and when you do, there will be a lot of shouting "hallelujah!" and the skies will open up and the sunlight will shine down onto your computer and you'll feel so inspired that you'll be left overwhelmed and speechless.


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