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Hello from rainy Vancouver!


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Hello everyone!

My name is Sasha and I'm the proud owner of a Greenleaf Garfield kit. I bought the kit over a year ago and then promptly hid it away, overwhelmed and terrified. I was going to school and working full-time, living in a tiny, tiny suite with two curious cats, and I'd never built anything complicated in my entire life. I'd made dollhouses out of cardboard boxes as a child, and I turned a book case into an apartment for my Barbies but I felt that building a real dollhouse was far out of my abilities.

I've since graduated, gotten married and moved into a much larger space. I spend a lot of time helping my husband fix his bikes and motorcycles and have much more confidence in my ability to assemble things and problem solve. I stumbled across this forum a few days ago at work, and upon reading that several people here built the Garfield as their first dollhouse, I no longer feel that it's impossible for me to do the same. This forum has already been invaluable with getting me started. I read a lot of the advice given to other beginners and went out and got a bunch of tools to help me on my way. Tonight, I'm going to pick up the kit from my mom's and bring it home.

I also plan to work on two roomboxes for the dolls I already own. Julie Campbell from Bellabelle Dolls created four gorgeous dolls based off of characters from my favorite books (two of them are the dolls in my avatar). Once the Garfield is close to completion, I will be ordering its occupants from her as well.

I'm so excited to have a place to discuss miniatures with others and I look forward to chatting with everyone here. The houses that I've already seen in the forums are beyond gorgeous and so inspiring! I cannot believe how talented everyone here is. As I am very, very new to this hobby, I am open to all advice and suggestions and encouragement.

<3 Sasha

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Welcome Shasa

Everyone here is friendly and helpful. You have come to the right place. After you have posted 5 times you will be able to put pictures in the gallery for us to look at. I am looking forward to seeing your dolls and your garfield as you build it.

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Hi Sasha, welcome to the forum! :congrats:

I'm curious about your dolls (the ones in the avatar look wonderful) - you said they were characters from your favourite stories .... which characters, and which stories?

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I started dry-fitting the house yesterday and aside from having to make some adjustments on the tabs and slots it came together just fine. I'm planning on assembling the roof this Friday. It doesn't seem quite as scary anymore though I'm sure once glue gets involved there will be much screaming and yelling.

Shy Spirit, the dolls in my avatar are Phedre and Joscelin from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. It is a fantasy series that takes place in an alternate version of our world and is so incredibly well-crafted. Though it's classified as fantasy, it would be more appropriate to describe them as alternate mythology, somewhat in the style of Greek epics. The other two dolls that Julie is making for me are Melisande and baby Imriel, the villain of the series and her son.

Corwin, I'm glad to have someone to share the journey with! How far along are you?

~ Sasha

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... Shy Spirit, the dolls in my avatar are Phedre and Joscelin from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. It is a fantasy series that takes place in an alternate version of our world and is so incredibly well-crafted. Though it's classified as fantasy, it would be more appropriate to describe them as alternate mythology, somewhat in the style of Greek epics. The other two dolls that Julie is making for me are Melisande and baby Imriel, the villain of the series and her son ...

~ Sasha

It sounds like a wonderful series! ;)

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I started dry-fitting the house yesterday and aside from having to make some adjustments on the tabs and slots it came together just fine. I'm planning on assembling the roof this Friday. It doesn't seem quite as scary anymore though I'm sure once glue gets involved there will be much screaming and yelling.

Shy Spirit, the dolls in my avatar are Phedre and Joscelin from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series. It is a fantasy series that takes place in an alternate version of our world and is so incredibly well-crafted. Though it's classified as fantasy, it would be more appropriate to describe them as alternate mythology, somewhat in the style of Greek epics. The other two dolls that Julie is making for me are Melisande and baby Imriel, the villain of the series and her son.

Corwin, I'm glad to have someone to share the journey with! How far along are you?

~ Sasha

Sorry about the late reply i am working on the sissng today ore in my gallery i bashed it a little :p

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Hi Sascha...glad to see another BCer here!

I am Michelle, live in the north, a couple hours out of PG. I have been on a bit of a mini hiatus....well let's call it a prolonged planning stage :yes:

I have done one house for my DD who was just under 2 at the time, as well as some other small projects, and have several in the wings including a tenny, BH, Westville, micro BH...

New RL minis and a new cloth diaper business have kept me busy but I have been buying things for my houses so that one day I will be able to go gangbusters!!

There are a few decent mini places here in BC. PM or email me if you have any questions.

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Hi Sascha...glad to see another BCer here!

Definitely! It's nice to meet you :)

You've got so many projects on the go. It's very impressive. I've got my hands full with just the one house.

Where do you get most of your minis? I've only shopped at Victoria Miniland and online. I know there's a mini place in N. Vancouver but it didn't seem like it had a lot of variety. I'd love to hear about other local options!

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