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Hi from Florida


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Hi All, I'm Sasha. I'm new to all things Dollhouse and miniatures! I'm in not-so-sunny SW Florida (yep, we're stuck at home waiting out Tropical Storm Fay!). I'm orginially from England, moved her 6 years ago. So you'll have to excuse my spelling - sometimes I forget to type in 'American'!!!

I'm currently looking to buy my first dollhouse! I have a daughter that is about to turn 1 year old, and rather than buy her a lot of toys (which family and friends will do) I thought it would be nice to buy a dollhouse to build and decorate for her over the next few years. Then give it to her when she is (much) older. Would be a really nice keepsake for her in the future.

My mom did a bit of miniature work when I was a child so I'm a little familiar with it, but never done any myself. Also I'm hoping to rope my mom into helping with this dollhouse - she is an expert lace-maker so hoping to get her to make lace curtains etc.

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Welcome to the forum family from another 'Floridian, Sasha, and we have so many members who spell in English (and other sanguages) you should be OK. Which house is "speaking" to you for your daughter? Of course, you DO realise that you'll also have to begin building for yourself, as well...

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Yes, it's a bit of a selfish present for her... as I get the fun of making it!!

I'm really torn between different ideas! My mom still has some furniture etc. left from her old dollhouse which was a Georgian period house. I'm not that keen on the Georgian style, I prefer Victorian but I think some of the things will still work.

I like the McKinley - that way I can mount it on the wall in my daughter's room and not worry about her breaking it as she get's older.

I also like The Magnolia and the Westville. I just can't decide!!!!

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That's easy, get all three! The Mckinley can go on her wall for everyone to see and admire. The other two you can build and love and when she is older she can choose. (she probably will want a totally different one and you will be able to build something different.) LOL

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That sounds like the perfect answer Pat!! LOL! Not sure if my husband will see it that way though! I'm meant to be sticking to a budget!!! Hmmm.... budgets are flexible right? What he doesn't know won't hurt him???!!!!

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Hi and :lol:! You could always buy one for her first birthday, another for her next birthday or Christmas/Hanakuh, etc. Then you can have all three and use your mother's furniture for one and Victorian for another and maybe modern for the third. Enjoy whichever you choose!


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Hi and welcome to the forum. So glad you've joined us.

I don't think that any child loves (or remembers) any gift more than their first dollhouse. My dad built me my first dollhouse at the age of 3 - I've never forgotten that dollhouse.

Any dollhouse would be a good choice, with the younger child, just add more stability (staples maybe), and less fuss. The windows can be left open rather than inserting the plastic window panes. I probably wouldn't bother with electricity for a one year old. You can always add it later when she's a little older. A dollhouse doesn't have to remain decorated for a one year old. You (and she) can redecorate as she ages. She'd probably love helping choose new wallpapers and such each year or so.

This "first" dollhouse can turn into a lifetime interest/project for you and your daughter. BTW, do you have any photos of your daughter that you'd like to share?


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That's what I'm hoping Susanne, that this is a present that she will remember for a long time. I guess I won't let her play with it until she is much older (at least 7 or 8 I guess). I'm also going to use this first dollhouse as a practice to learn how to do it, then when she is old enough we will pick and built one together. I think it would be a nice project for us to do together as she gets older.

I've updated my Avatar with a pic of me and Annie (my daughter), I have a 2 1/2 year old son as well who you can see running by in the background! He just won't stand still to get a photo of us all! He already does a lot of 'projects' with Daddy, like fishing, building things etc. so I can't wait for Annie to be old enough so we can start doing things together! Hope she isn't a tom-boy!

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Hello and welcome to the forum. What a lovely little girl you have and there's nothing wrong with being a tom-boy. I was always my Dad's helper because he and Mom only had girls.

BTW, my granddaughter has 4 houses I made for her and this year she made her own house in 1/4" scale (a cigar box) and loved every minute of it.

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OK, Sasha, here's how it works: You start out building a dollhouse for your daughter; by the time she's old enough for it you have caught "the bug" and have been building several for yourself, and you can let her play (very carefully, with supervision) with whichever one you want to. For a house for her to play with whilst she's VERY little, check out the Melissa & Doug and Ryan's Room open wooden houses and perhaps your DH can duplicate something simple like that until she's old enough for hor own "real " house like mom's...

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That sounds like a plan Holly!!! LOL! Actually I seriously looked at getting her the Melisa and Doug dollhouse. We have a lot of their toys (for my toddler) and know they are good quality. Just thought that at 1 year old she still too little to play with even a basic house like that (although my son would love it!). Maybe do that for Christmas or next year.

I've already got the miniature bug and haven't even bought my first one yet!!!!!!! Going to the library today to get some books. I just can't decide which one to start with!

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Hi and welcome.

Here's my two cents. I say to get an Arthur and do a simple build. It does not have a lot of gingerbread and is pretty open inside. Give it to your daughter now for limited play while you work on a larger and more elaborate house. That way she will be able to arrange furniture and play and learn to be careful with a house instead of watching you all the time and when she finally gets it, not know how to be careful. Maybe a glencroft for a 'good' house.

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Hi Sasha, and welcome to the community! I'm originally from England - now in Canada. It doesn't matter how you spell/word things (some typos happen anyway) as long as we can understand each other. Since we're all kindred spirits here, there's no problem! :p

As your little girl is still very young, I wouldn't worry about giving her her own dollhouse while you build a few for her future pleasure. (And your current pleasure. :D ) In a couple of years the open dollhouses that Holly mentioned would be a great intro to the mini world. She's so lucky to have a mummy who will "show her the way". :blink:

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Welcome Sasha!

I hope all our forum members in Florida are okay. We're getting alot of wind and rain here today in Phenix City, Alabama from Fay. Sasha, it doen't matter which house you start with. because once you build one you have top build them all! :)

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Don't I'm already sooo addicted! It feels like I've been waiting for my kit to arrive for weeks... but it's only been 3 days!!! Not fair! I want to start it NOW!!!! It's being shipped from California so I really couldn't have chosen a further place to ship from!!! I want to start now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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