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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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More landscaping done today...woohoo! And I found a few more little bits I had forgotten about that will work perfectly in the scene.

Don'tcha just love when you find that little 'somethin' you had purchased without a reason a ways back, and then find it again...and it works perfectly in your current project? Like it was always intended for this exact scene....It's like Deja vu...'just knew I bought this for a good reason'.. :bear:

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So true KathieB...maybe it was a 'Field of Dreams' moment ~ "If you build it or BUY it, he/she will come" . Whoever or whatever they are.. they always make themselves and their wants 'known'.

Thank heaven, mine did not turn out to be a bunch of ghostly baseball players. :nonono:

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Well, I've taken the plunge and ordered items for my SF! I know you guys are probably all finished by now, but better late than never :lol: I had some money left over from Christmas at DHE so I got a ______ to go on the ______ . A pretty small start, but the ideas are finally percolating :idea_1: So glad Holly is using her skill to help us out..Holly, you are a lifesaver :flowers:

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Have been pluggin' along on landscaping. I decided to abandon having a second building in the scene ~ I'd rather not have to try and photograph two structures anyway ~ one is difficult enough!! Besides, I'm having too much fun landscaping, so the extra room to keep that going is much more appealing to me. :bear:

Not too, too much more to go on house. Still have roof, front door and a few more lighting things to figure out, but for the most part, it is nearly there. I'm sure I will find a few more 'things' that need to be addressed...I always do. Sadly, with the abandonment of 2nd building, not sure Ms. Vanity Fair (the wayward eggplant) will still find a home in this project...but not sure how to break that to her yet. <yikes> Better to wait and see if I can 'squeeze' her in than to tick her off unnecessarily.

So, that's where I'm at...how 'bout ya'll??


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Sooooo, had one of the inhabitants of the SF arriving today, swung past the local scrapbboking store, found papers and stuff that will suit the whole theme, and eyelets for the curtains in the lighthouse as an added bonus, now to start the actual painting and decide on roof treatment...

Hugs and fling on!

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Crazy!!! On my Facebook today someone posted the SF! Seriously identical. It was great on its own but the deal was a tree had crashed through it and the captian was talking about responsible tree cutting. I think a funny fling is great fun......but I have no intention of wrecking a miniature. Thay would not be funny. But hmmmm........if I framed it and.......oops......I forget where I am. You didn't hear that. Just a thought anyway. But I do still need a ________ for one of the ________'s, at least. Whether I finish on time or not. :) RL's been busy here and we're just starting on castle furniture :) The fling is sitting screaming the same thing is has for over three weeks. Poor fling.

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I am really really bummed out ! I think I'm loosing my job so I am cutting back on minis this year but I will be da*&$% if I am still not gonna go on my holiday I had planned to New Orleans! Buttttt I have to back out of spring fling ....I am freaking out and sad but ....what the heck sometimes it might be a good thing!

So if anyone needs an idea please let me know, I have a realy fun idea to give that used the main structure and the stand part and the screen door, heck I will send you my kit, who knows when I will ever get to do it!

Anyways, please everyoen keep me in your prayers and wish me relaxation in New Orleans ! Now to see if there are mini stores in New Orleans! I always like to look and I have not had a holiday in three years and I'm gonna get it lol.


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So sorry to hear that Brandaen...job and SF!! :( Sadly, I hear waaaayyy too much of it lately though (job loss)...almost becoming epidemic.

Wishing you the happiest, most relaxing holiday in New Orleans though. Eat, drink and be merry...and just ENJOY... 'cuz life is short, so take it all in.

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Be well. ♥

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Brandaen, I will pray that you don't lose your job! Have a great holiday. I don't blame you for not wanting to cancel that! Can you still do the fling in a limited way with supplies you already have? Maybe the fling can help you get through this. I would hate to see you send the kit to someone and then find out you will be able to do it. Don't jump the gun too fast. I am sure anyone of us would love to adopt your kit though. But really think aout it before you decide. Things look tough now. But you never know what will happen. This is me giving you a pep talk! :cheer: Wishing you the best, Teresa

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If the kit's still in its packaging, hang on to it! DH & I have survived the disappearance of several jobs over the years; so I've been saying all sorts of prayers for you.

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Brandaen, I sent you a PM with details of two shops in the French Quarter to check out, but I forgot to mention Bonnie Broel's dollhouse museum that she and her son built and furnished over a period of many years. It is in her amazing house mansion on St Charles Avenue. It's at 2220 St Charles Street. You can get there on the St Charles streetcar line. I think she charged $10 for the house tour. It's worth it, as the dollhouses are placed all through the mansion, so you get to see the inside of one of the gorgeous houses that line St Charles in the Garden District. Plan to spend a couple of hours there. :)

Photos of some of the dollhouses in my Gallery.

Somebody: I'm having a senior moment and can't recall Matt's forum name. Braendan should contact him.

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Thanks everyone ! I am gonna try .....I refuse to let this get me down and I sent out feelers and got some nice responses back ( I never checked my email until this morning UGHHH ) . I am gonna take baby steps and look up and not be afraid!! I am going to fight !

My partner and I have not had a nice holiday since he got sick and damn it ! I refuse to allow us to not take this one, sorry for the curse guys and gals! I won't go into the nasty details but chemo sucks lol !! and it's been a really sucky three years and you are right minis make me loose myself in the tiny world I create....they transform and I loose myself in my little macabre world. I am sure we all get that same way, our little escapes !

Big hug and kiss and thank you to everyone !!!

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