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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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I slept in listening to a thunderstorm this morning...aaaaaaaaah. =stretch= Ok, I am going to make breakfast and then fling, fling, fling. My goal is to have the flooring done and the walls up by Monday night.

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I'm so excited!!! After sitting in the cabinet mute for the last 2 weeks, my SF has finally decided to tell me EXACTLY what she wants to be :banana: She has also decided to take into consideration my non-existent limited budget! Hurray for inspiration...now to get cracking! You guys are all going to be finished before I'm in dry fit :rolleyes:

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Seem to have found my enthusiasm again..(whew). Found a different wallpaper, as the one I had in there first was not agreeing with me at all. This one is much 'softer' and not so hard on the senses. Might be a tad out of scale, but what the heck.

Still troubling over the lighting situation. That roof line is certainly not conducive to what my 'resident' wants, so am going to have to brainstorm on just how to get it to work, as well as hide wires. Where's a magic wand when you really need one?? :sad?:

OK, back to work. Gonna be a HOT one today...95 degrees...(sigh) Hope my A/C holds out.


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I made HUGE progress yesterday on my Fling.... and I am really starting to fall in love with it.... it may not win any prizes LOL, but it something I will happily keep in my collection. I am again trying things I have not done before on other builds, and I really enjoy the learning. My goal was to make the whole thing seem a little more ________ and I think I am succeeding. :)

Everyone have a great day.

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You must live up in my area (Minnesota), Chris- ? High heat and humidity today with chance of severe storms later on...

Typical memorial weekend.

Northern Illinois here, Sue. We will get the thunderstorms tomorrow here..hopefully no severe ones..for you OR me. Hate, hate, hate thunderstorms.

I am the world's biggest chicken**** when it comes to 'weather'. Nowhere to hide, no basement ~ so I just run around in PANIC-mode until it goes away. :lightning: :fear:

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I just ran some errands (one for the fling), and it is indeed hot out there. I'm also in northern Illinois, and it's 96. Whew!

Ok, time for some ice cream and a glass of cold water, then back to flingin'! :D

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I just ran some errands (one for the fling), and it is indeed hot out there. I'm also in northern Illinois, and it's 96. Whew!

Ok, time for some ice cream and a glass of cold water, then back to flingin'! :D

Whew, I guess we're having a cool day here in Atlanta at only 90! Yikes!

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Wow... I am at only 71 degrees in Northern California, guess we are pretty lucky this weekend....

The Flinging is over for the day.... I was working on some landscaping (which is a first for me).... the inside isn't finished yet... but the structure itself is finished.... I am making nice progress.

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Only in the 80's here today in Wisconsin! But it feels much hotter. I did actually work on the fling today. I am seeing progress. Getting SOMETHING done makes me feel so much better. Only have to work a few hours tomorrow...hopefully. Then work 4 more days and then VACATION! Really need it as things are difficult at work lately. The company that took over managing us is not fun at all! But then again it seems like everyone has this problem. More work...fewer people to do the work. But doing the Fling and getting outside in the gardens have kept me sane. lol :rolleyes:

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Stinkin' hot & humid here, typical for us, but do we ever need RAiN! I got out to pick all the ripe blueberries from our volunteer cultivar in the yard; there are wild and custivars ones out in the woods, but the trail's too grown up to see the markers we put out a couple of weeks ago.

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We are humid here. For me that messes with my breathing no matter what the temp actually is. Yuck !!

Got a bunch of the RL work and summer prep stuff done. Well, the prom dress got done and the prom is over.

The vegetables and herbs are all planted. Flower beds got edged and marigolds set out for some color in between the perennials. My deep purple irises are gorgeous right now. Whacked down some shrubs that were out of control, got the deck washed and the furniture out and washed. New bathroom is painted and the toilet and sink work but still waiting for parts for the new shower. Office is painted and the big stuff is moved back in but the other "stuff" that we emptied out of drawers and shelves is still all over the place in boxes!!! Dumpster time I think. Waiting for the electrician to come back and hitch up the cable and boxes for both the bathroom and the office.

Inching towards tackling the studio and craft rooms. A few more outside things to finish up.

Maybe SF will be all decided what he/she wants by the time I find the working surfaces in them.

I finally have a plan - actually an elaborate plan in the back of my mind but that is always dangerous.

It will take 10 years to do and mega-bucks besides, not to mention that SF will not like it. sigh .....

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I slept in listening to a thunderstorm this morning...aaaaaaaaah. =stretch=

Oooh, I am absolutely green with envy! You just described my most favorite thing in the whole world. I'll take a thunderstorm any time coz I'm a storm junkie, but early morning thunderstorms are the very best.

I have two orders arriving tomorrow but I think most of them are for the two greenhouses that I'm making. I went a little crazy over flowers and plants but I've been doing that in real life too which is probably why I haven't done any work on my Fling lately. I've been spending too much time outside getting my "compartmentalized gardens" in order. Being outdoors is wonderful and I really need the fresh air but it tires me out so much that I can't do anything else the rest of the day. However, the hard part of planting is over so now it's just a morning walk around the yard while I water everything so I should be up to doing other things. The Gazette is my top priority right now but once I get this issue finished, I'm going to dive into my Fling head first.

I'm loving the teaser pics. <giggling> It's so much fun to try and guess because I know that I'll still be surprised when it's all revealed.


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Wow Kelly...you are on a roll. No, not wrong...just makes some of us jealous...lol.

Mine took on a kind of weird science project aspect today...have to see how THAT turns out...<yikes> Could be what I want, could be..monstrous. LOL

It's all a gamble, in my opinion...nothing ventured, nothing gained. Besides, I can always do 'something else'..right??? AGGGHHHH...

At this rate, I may have to start all over....but am 'learning', so that's always a good thing.

FLING ON, fellow flingers!!

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Horribly hot and humid in NYC. And Holly, I wish I could send you some of our rain. The sun's out now, briefly. I hardly recognize it.

I have to tell you a New York story. After I'd been living here about two years, I went to visit in Tennessee. I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what the heck that darn street light was doing shining in my eyes. It was the moon. I should have moved out then.

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Good for you, Kelly! Now you can really spend the energy on the things to fill it instead of rushing. :yes:

I love builders foam. :wub: That's really all I have to contribute today. :lol:

I have a few hours left to the day, but I won't meet my weekend goal. The walls are all up, and the floor has been started, so I came close. :D I might be able to do it, but I have to make dinner. Nothing will get accomplished if I pass out from hunger!

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Tinkering with landscaping now...sheesh, I am ALL OVER the place on this one...a little here...a little there..But the science project seems to be working well, sooo..off I go ... what fun! (and, landscaping is my absolute favorite thing to do..so no wonder I made a 'bee-line' to get THAT goin'...lol. I found the cutest little outside 'stuff' at the most unexpected place the other day...so I am havin' a blast creatin' the outer scene. Inside, well...it's almost there...but plenty of 'tweakin' yet to do.

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