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A House of Sentiment


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Hey. Hopefully I'm posting in the right thread, and that this thread doesn't get missed. I also hope it's not too soon for me to be posting videos, but it's best if I show you what my concerns are. It would be difficult to explain without this video. I really need to show you.

As a side note, I promise you, no one else has this particular house. It's one of a kind. How do I know? Because I'm the author of the blueprints and my grandfather the carpenter. Please check out this video and give me any advice as you are able. Make sure you read the description because I wrote some things I forgot to mention in the video. Thanks!

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Rebecca - this house is awesome and totally doable. If I were you, I would first draw up plans ('cause I like plans and drawings), then decide whether you want exterior walls on it (I wouldn't) and if you want to add to the house at all or just refinish (which I would).

Your grandpa made this as is. It might not be today what you want, but it was what you wanted then. As a design vignette I wouldn't change a thing about it.

If you want a 'pretty' house - check ebay, sometimes you can get house kits for a steal.

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Rebecca, your first dollhouse is very interesting, and it has a lot of potential. Most dollhouses, whether they start off as kits or as scratch builds have some reality snags because people would need to get into areas that would normally be back rooms or enclosed in a real house. That is why there is so much dollhouse bashing, because people want to work the house to their liking, and in most cases they manage to do that while keeping the house intact or true to its original form. So you can preserve the memory of your grandfather while still fixing it up the way you want.

I agree the house looks like a half scale or 1:24 sized model. That shouldn't be a problem because half scale is fairly popular today, or at least it isn't unpopular. The Farirfield is a half scale model, and there are plenty of them to view from the gallery. It may be easier to find full scale furniture, but there is enough half scale furniture, kits, and dolls out there to fully furnish your house when you are ready to do so.

The bathroom "privacy" issue can be solved by putting an internal wall along that side of the staircase that looks into the room. For the second floor, a bathroom off the master bedroom would be appropriate, as many master bedrooms have private baths that are not accessible from any other area of the house.

The staircase meeting the landing problem looks like it can also be easily solved by someone familiar with carpentry work. An extra step or two may be all it needs.

Also, the top floor would look really good as a combined kids room and a play room. The bed, dresser, chair, etc. can be in one area, and the toys can be in another. You can even have a study area if you want.

Did you plan to enclose the house with exterior walls? If so, give thought to which side or sides you want to leave open for easy viewing access. The bathrooms may need to be viewed from the sides, which can still be partially enclosed. Also, you would have to think about where you would want the windows and outside door.

Exterior walls would allow the interior rooms to show up well with paint or wallpaper, and an exterior frame would make it look more like a house. It sounds like a lot of work, but once you are set on what you want, you can form a plan and take it from there. While I didn't make my houses or miniatures, there are plenty of talented people on this site who will be happy to assist you along the way.

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I am not sure where or when, but somewhere on this forum, I begin a story EXACTLY like yours. I designed it. My Grandpa built it. Years later, I was talked into selling it. It is a tragic story in its entirety, literally. Hopefully you hear my heart when I speak to you in this. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for the touching video. I understand, from experience, what this house means to you and am honored to be given a chance to encourage you in any way I can.

You will be given a lot of advice. Please begin with doing nothing in haste. Too much is impossible to undo.

My vision for your building is strong. To begin, please...stick with minimal to no change. Please. You will be happy for it later. Before starting anything, I would put a clear sealer on every square inch of wood. Preserve it well. What you have is in my opinion the PERFECT base for a loft style building. Do not add any walls. None. For the second floor wobble, some great columns with interesting architectural detail will support it perfect and add interest. Floors, aged wood and/or painted concrete. Walls, some brick and some wood. Cielings, wood. For the wood everywhere, add one of many types of wood great for cielings, floors and walls or leave what you have. Stain it even (before sealing) but don't add anything like carpet. For the concrete, seal, wood filler and sand until smooth then paint. For the top, a roof top gardens. Could be a beautiful brick design floor. Now, instead of a house, this loft style building is a high end business. Furniture store, antique store...a place to display whatever mini's you want. Employee's enjoy the park like setting on the roof as a place to take breaks and eat. The bathrooms are hidden in the basement. The kitchen area is a business area and non functioning or maybe a small cafe for the building.

Rebecca, it already looks like a vacant warehouse. Make it a high end warehouse. Antiques, furniture, or whatever. Finished in neutral wood and brick, etc. you could re do it however you want, whenever you want.

I look forward to your journey in this project. How beautiful that you care so much. Your Grandpa was very blessed to have you.

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Thank you for checking out my video and responding, each and every one of you. I'm so glad you see potential in it. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do much with it, though I SO want to.

This beauty was literally made out of my grandfather's scrap wood. Walls were intended from the very start, but- well- we ran out of wood. Hehe. The front of the house is in front of the stairs. Then the side walls were on either side. The front was meant to open like a door; the back was to remain open. That's probably what I would do to finish.

morgan, oooh! I feel your pain. I wasn't able to get much from the house after my grandparents died (they died within months of each other); not because I wasn't given the chance (I most certainly was), but because I was grieving. All I wanted was my grandparents back. Unfortunately, the government only gives you so long to get your affairs in order. Every thing happened so quickly... I have always known that no matter what any one said, "but it's worthless" "it's just taking up space", my dollhouse was my one treasure going no where- ever! It has always been the reminder of a special, irreplacable time with my grandfather. I wasn't sure what I could do with it, and there are still some things I need to figure out, but I would never intentionally let that doll house go (short of a natural disaster). So, yes. I most certainly know what that house meant to you. I am so sorry about your loss.

Wow, morgan, those are some pretty innovative ideas. It never occurred to me to make it other then a house. I'll.... have to consider that carefully. Maybe I'll start with another model/start over from scratch and leave it on the back burner... for now. Give myself some time to think about it. Leaving this topic open for discussion. Help me come up with ideas I'd like to do with it. Maybe go ahead and make it "home", but open- like things are being sold. You know in those furniture stores how things are set up to help you imagine how it might look at home? Yeah, like that. Maybe even have a restaurant downstairs, as was suggested. If I made it a furniture store, the peek hole wouldn't even be a problem... unless of course, I wanted to make that room the store's bathroom. (Stores still need bathrooms!) Or I could just pretend away the bathrooms as you suggested, morgan. If I did the "botanical gardens" :p on top, I think I would make it "saleable"- not for etsy, for my mini people. Yeah, I think the "Norman" will have to sit a while so I can think carefully about what I want to do with her.

In the mean time...

Thanks for the ideas. Let me know if you or any one else has any more thoughts. (I can) Do some brainstorming on her. Maybe get a wipe board/clip board for her and just write down ideas as they come to me/come in. Thanks again for all the help!

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Wow, Sable, that's truly impressive. Did you do that one yourself?

glen, didn't do any thing special. I was trying to put a link in my post, not the video. But hey! That works too. Just make sure you have the entire site address- I literally copied and pasted my address into my post. (Sometimes, on various sites, I've found it doesn't work if you exclude "http://" part of the address- so do get ALL of it. ;) )

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Neat house. :) I'm going to move this thread into the "My First Dollhouse" forum, that's exactly the place for something like this!

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those pics looked all the same; lol. any way, thanks for sharing.

Ok, I'm still deliberating about it, but I think I have something for her. I decided to put her away until I knew what to do with her; so as to not go into any thing head long. But I do believe my ideas are beginning to form about her. (Though I just said in my tv thread they weren't; the obvious has finally dawned on me.) I'll vlog it later today.

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So I was trying to get the video made so I could post it and... my camera died! Or, rather, the batteries IN the camera died. I'll have to wait for the batteries to charge before I can continue. I need to keep those things charged and seperate from other battery needs in the house. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rebecca, your house plans are perfect, plus this will be a great tribute to your grandparents. Having a store downstairs, their living quarters upstairs, and a garden on the roof sounds wonderful.

At first I thought you would want to place outer walls around it, but I think the house, with your ideas will be fine left open. This sounds exciting, and I can't wait to see what you will do with this.

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rackey, I'd still REALLY like to do the walls... why does every one (including hubby) keep telling me not to put walls on it? :bleh:

The store front won't have a nice display window... without a window. ;) IDK, maybe I can find a way to put a display window on it attractively without walls... if you know what i mean.

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Bex,just my 2 cents worth here,but if you truly want walls,you should do them-hubby will get over it and we're all just here enjoying the ride!;) It sounds like you've got your heart set on a display window,so go for it!:)

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