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Can Anyone Identify this House?


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I guess that was a trick question - it's not a dollhouse.

My heart alternates between despair and delight at the moment. We live in western WA, very close to the water, in a woodsy setting where the deer stop by to say hello and check out yard snacks, and quail come to preen themselves in the patio slider door. The crows greet me in the morning, but swoop down to get my mother's attention when they're hungry - she feeds them, I don't, and they know the difference! I love WA, where I was born. All my "upline" is here (2 aunts, dozens of cousins). My mother is here too, but she lives with us and will move with us. Green all year round, mild climate, sort of right next door to heaven. That's where the "delight" is.

However - our "downline" (2 children+spouses and 4 grandchildren) are all in the midwest. You know - the part of the country that is flat and treeless and ugly and 10' deep snow in the winter and over 100 degrees in the summer - that midwest. And the pervasive, inescapable aroma in the air is Eue de Bovine. Namely rural Nebraska. That's the despair part of this equation.

(sorry if I've offended any Midwesterners - didn't mean to) :no:

But our daughter and family just bought a new house and sent us the website to go look at it. While getting to the right place I came across the above picture, which is for sale in their town, about 3 blocks from where my SIL lives, about 5 blocks from the house the kids are moving from - and a good day's drove from our son and family in TN.

When I saw the house for sale, I opened my big mouth and inserted both feet! I said to my DH - "If you get me THAT house, I'll move to NE!" We are now talking to realtors. The irony of it is that the huge house in NE is slightly cheaper than the last listed price of our one-level ranch-style here in WA. Cost of living is a lot lower there!

So I figure if I can live in my own dollhouse (a real Victorian, built in 1876), and have regular contact with my grandchildren, then maybe I can tolerate the location. It has a full basement - can anyone say "craft room" ?? And it has been modernized inside so it looks very comfortable. I love Victorian architecture - don't particularly care for their lifestyle :)

Anyhow - just thought I'd share some thoughts with my Greenleaf family. Haven't told anyone in our WA family yet. They will not be happy.

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Is there supposed to be a question? I'm the WRONG person to ask, I NEVER imagined living in Alabama, which was the backside of the universe IMO and had long ago decided as we were moving all over the country every two to g\four years that If we ever moved back to FL (my home) I'd only leave feet first... GO FOR IT!

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Is there supposed to be a question? I'm the WRONG person to ask, I NEVER imagined living in Alabama, which was the backside of the universe IMO and had long ago decided as we were moving all over the country every two to g\four years that If we ever moved back to FL (my home) I'd only leave feet first... GO FOR IT!

So you understand :bear: I've told people we would be leaving this house either in a pine box or a straitjacket :wacko: . But I don't like to see the years slipping by and my grandbabies growing up without my input. Besides - I have 3 granddaughters - I need to pass the dh passion on to them!

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I can think of at least three houses that I planned to leave feet first. I'm not living in any of them at the moment. I know the feeling of seeing a house and knowing it will be home. Wait until you see some of the midwestern sunsets and watch the deer eat your hostas before you write off the geography entirely. :D

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CJ, the house is beautiful. To live near your family in that house-WOW. Every once in a while the midwest has a mild winter, like this last year. We all look forward to white Christmas's. Think of how you could decorate the house for the holidays! Good luck with your decision.

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Golly..I'm in boring Illinois..and THAT house would even make ME consider a move to Nebraska, despite my overwhelming fear of severe weather! It is GORGEOUS

Besides, I'm a firm believer that children absolutely NEED the influence of grandparents on a regular basis. Grandparents are a wealth of information and knowledge, not to mention a sense of 'roots', and grandchildren help keep you young..and learning new 'stuff'.

Hope it all works out in your favor. :bear:

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We contacted a realtor here to see about selling the WA house; she'll be over next week, probably Monday or Tuesday. Yes, the pull of the grandbabies is strong. We kept thinking we'd all get together on a regular basis but it isn't happening. I don't want them to grow up without me. I don't mind the winters, I love cold - it's the hot summers that will kill me.


This picture is on the realtor's website, also. Isn't it beautiful?

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Can anyone suggest a dh that resembles this one? I was looking through the GL store and didn't see any, but there must be something out there that is similar. If we actually get the house, I'll have to build a dh to match.

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I was looking at the Garfield - once we get moved in (that's still an "if" since we haven't put anything down yet) I'll have to do some serious thinking and planning. I love my little 1:144 Garfield. Ha! -- it just hit me! Live in a RL Garfield, build one in 1:12 scale, and inside that put the 1:144 scale! :roflmao:

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Can anyone suggest a dh that resembles this one? I was looking through the GL store and didn't see any, but there must be something out there that is similar. If we actually get the house, I'll have to build a dh to match.

Reminiscent of an Artply Barrington, which I drool over but do not have...

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CJ~ Seems like a no brainer to me. If you don't like it there, move back :) Washington isn't going anywhere but WOW! Someone's going to buy that house and I'm thinkin' it should be you :) Go have the adventure of a lifetime in a crazy cool house and end it when you're done. Whenever that is.

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That is truly amazing ! Please jump at the chance ! Life is too short to not be perfectly happy , I know leaving what you have is painful but think of your returns and you can still go back to visit !

I know I been trying to escape Orlando for 15 years lol, sorry Holly , I just grew up in Ireland and London so Orlando kinda wears me down at times .

I have to say though , for miniatures , there is no other place to be !! I see Ron and Richard every month , from Ron's miniature shop so yayyyy

Good luck ! That house is unbelievable !

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No apologies; if you didn't grow up in FL the climate gets you, and when I was coming along Orlando was nowhere near the megalopolis it is now. Before Disney trashed the middle of the state Orlando was a lovely smallish town in the midst of citrus country.

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Talked to the realtor today - and got a brainstorm just before she arrived. We're thinking now of renting the WA house - but not quite all of it. The master suite has an outside entrance, and its own bathroom, of course. So if we were to make a few adjustments, put it in the "duplex" catagory, we could rent all but that bedroom and keep that for ourselves. Probably have to have the power company come out and set up a second meter; water wouldn't matter as we're on a community well and we all pay a flat monthly rate for water - whether you use a cupful or a barrelful. I know, I know, I'm totally spoiled! The realtor said their office is swamped with calls from people looking for houses to rent in this area. Then I think Mother and I would become Snowbirds - and come back to WA for a couple months in the winter so she can keep up with her sisters and the rest of the family. DH would rather stay in NE.

Planning this way makes it a little easier to head to NE, knowing I still have one foot in my beloved home state. :wub:

Our son-in-law and his brother went over to the house yesterday and took a video as they walked through it. I haven't got it yet, hopefully tomorrow.

Oh, yes - one more thing that sort of helps me feel like this is the right move - the realtor in NE told me the current occupants used to run a photography business in the home. Then yesterday my SIL said, "Oh yeah, I've been in that house. The owner is the one who took our wedding pictures!" And then it hit me - we went with them to the studio for the wedding pictures! I'VE BEEN IN THAT HOUSE TOO!! That was 17 years ago and I was more focused on the wedding, and my beautiful daughter, etc, but I do remember thinking it was a gorgeous place!

Kind of gives me the shivers! :insane:

Thank you all for your encouragement. We haven't even told our WA family our plans yet, only our kids. We will this weekend.

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Sounds like a great solution to me as well! Hubby and I were just talking the other day about if we'd move to the west coast if our daughter and hubby decided to stay there. They live in Vancouver, WA- she is in seminary in Portland. And of course our answer was a resounding "Yes!". I believe that it is important for grandparents to have a real relationship with their grandkids. Our parents were a vital part of my kids' childhood, and I am so thankful for that!

Oh, and I agree that that beautiful house looks vaguely like my Artply Barrington. :)

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You sure didn't insult me, CJ. I am frothing at the mouth trying to figure out how to get out of this whacked out redneck state (doesn't ANYONE here know how to drive??? and I hope I didn't insult anyone either but cheez anyway!!!) and back to Washington and I have to tell you, there is no one and nothing that would induce me to stay here or move further east or south. You are far braver than I.

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