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I have decorated and sold a few hutches on e-bay but on the last couple a question came up...

were the items glued in?? yes they usually are.

but should they be? should I just photo them and then pack the stuff for the new owner to put in place?

...I have 3 hutches ready to go but for the glue....what do yall think?

to glue...or not to glue

that is the question


nutti :blink::wave:

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I love the hutch I have from you and personally I liked it glued in. That way, I can't lose the small parts. I do know there are some people out there that don't like stuff glued down because they like to move things around.

I would say do one unglued but since you have had so much success with them glued down, I would do my others glued down. The unglued will be the test to see if you make more that way or if it is abou the same.

Hope this helps!

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You could offer a couple glued or unglued, same price, purchaser's option. Set it up, take the picture, put it in a safe place. When it's sold, either pack up the bits and ship it off, or glue in the bits to match the picture and ship it off.

Isn't that much more work for you, and it will give you a feel for the market.

I used to think I wouldn't want small bits glued in, but sometimes it just makes sense. That lovely chest you gave me is arranged so nicely ... if I had an empty chest and the bits in a bag, I'd never get it to look the same. And in the pet shop vignette I'm doing, I'm gluing down EVERYTHING, including the animals. I figure my niece would love to display it in her shop, but she's not going to want to be playing with it or have employees or customers fiddling with it, either.

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having choices is always cool.

your auction text might state the distance between shelves, too, and that might help buyers decide what they'd prefer.

i'd imagine that there'd be a modest demand for the Jar o' Eyeballs line of products, especially around halloween and the Newt Fests, and all. eeeeeuck!

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Hi nutti, I like little things glued down when I purchase them. Most will just come off with a slight nudge anyway, if they need changing. If they aren't glued down, I'm always afraid something might get mislaid or thrown out while unpacking. But that's just me!

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I'd go for the glue, too; carelessness + little hands is less likely to lead to disaster if the items aren't removable. If you want, use the removable poster putty to hold your items down, I use it more & more, began with the pub. It makes the houses easier to move around without having everything fall over.

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See--here's another thing I would never think about that I'm learning about! :wave: Personally, if it were me, I would probably like the items not glued in so I could look at everything and move things around if I wanted. You could offer them glued or not glued in the item description, but say it will take an extra day to ship if it needs gluing? Something like that? Of course, there could be a problem if the items will break if they aren't glued.... I guess it depends on what is in there. I'm envisioning some type of sewing chest full of material and things. But then again, you mentioned EYEBALLS, so I clearly don't know what I'm talking about. :blink:

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It seems like this is a real individual choice thing. I don't like having the stuff glued...I'd rather arrange it myself, or add to it, and sometimes can't if stuff is glued where I want to put other stuff. My kitchen stove is an example: there are cupboards that open, but they've got cans and dishes glued down on the counter in front of them, so I have to dislodge them to have access to the cupboard.

I'm using beeswax to hold stuff down in my house. It comes off easily and cleans off easily from most surfaces, but stuff sticks sufficiently that..at least so far...little paws haven't dislodged anything :blink:

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I think when it comes to buying something someone else has made, a person is buying what THEY made and aren't necessarily adding to or deleting from. If a person wants to add or delete perhaps a person should think about making it themselves!

So, with that in mind, I say . . . glue away Nutti!! :lol:

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I would suggest using the dollhouse wax to hold things in place, but allow people to request that their order be glued down. It would be quicker to use the wax in the first place, and yes, explain that it would require an extra day for the glue to dry if requested. You'd soon find out which was more popular - if the majority of customers ask you to use glue, then maybe you would end up just gluing everything as you do now. Personally, I would prefer no glue. I like to play, and rearrange little things on shelves! :lol:

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well 4 hutches have their goodies all ready for placement....

I will use the tacky wax for the photos and request one days drying time if wanted glued in.

but all the stuff on the outside has to be hot-glued on.

that is what I am doing tonight. of course I will not be doing much tomorrow as it is our anniversery

we wont be doing much but I do plan on making him a steak dinner.

did I mention one hutch is mine and it is a snowman hutch! love it! its going into the Mckinley as soon as the glue dries.

3 others are destined for e-bay....

do you think I should bother with spooky/witches hutches? I have 2 ready to fill.

and guys....thanks so much for all the opinions. even though they were all over the place it does help to get feedback.

I also would want to add things to it so I guess leaving it unglued would be ok...but than knowing me Id just take it off redo it and glue it back in.

nutti :lol:

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do you think I should bother with spooky/witches hutches? I have 2 ready to fill.

IMO you'd probably have better sales of witchy items leading up to Hallowe'en rather than Christmas, but I don't "do" ebay, so who knows?

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You had a Winter Wedding! That makes it perfect for cosy, candlelit Anniversaries. (Clever planning.) :ohyeah: Have a happy anniversary tomorrow!

Lots of people want spooky/witchy things all year round - if you have some spooky hutches ready, I would include them if I were you. Quite a few of my teenaged daughters friends are really into "Nightmare Before Christmas" themes. Can you post a pic of your snowman hutch? Pretty please? :lol:

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I guess for me it would depend on the item. A chest overflowing with fabrics, glued. A hutch, maybe. Depends on the stuff on the shelves. I may want to change some of the stuff or add more. I glue my stuff once I get it how I like it. A dab of hot glue. It will pop off easy if I need to move something. Sometimes I use dollhouse wax (more delicate items or something the hot glue would hurt) I move my houses around and I don't like stuff falling. Not any help huh? I say give buyers the choice if you don't mind the extra work.

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