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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Thanks Jo... I am sorry to hear you slid back a step :( There were several times I tossed out an idea or two on this house myself... I was glad to have the time to fix it... I dont work well under pressure. LOL....

I am actually done with it... I will add a thing or two before the big reveal... I am very happy with it... It is just my " style" and something I will enjoy having around for a long time :)

I hope the rest of your day goes smoother.... Hugs

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WOW Kelly~~~~THAT is sooo pretty! Cannot wait to see all the fabulous 'reveals'...only 2+ months to wait...OY

Mine isn't anywhere near finished, and at the snail's pace I'm working at...it may be a real fight to the finish. Apparently, summer months make me even less dubious about staying focused...(grumble, grumble) Ah well, will be what it will be, I suppose. To top it off, the tree I made seems far too small for the project now that I look more closely at it, so it might be headed for the front yard of the long-suffering half-scale Gull Cottage. Getting really decent looking 1:12 trees is so frustrating if you ask me, unless you want spruce trees everywhere. (sigh) Think I will try making plain old flowering bushes rather than wrestle with another gnarly old tree.

AS always, Fling ON! Have a wonderful weekend all. :bear:

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Well, haven't had a lot of time to work on my SF. Hoping to this weekend, but kids are going to CreationFest Northeast on Tuesday so it might have to wait until then. By tomorrow night we will have 12 kids here in the house, (although 8 of those are ours! :D ) I have had a great morning, I hear so much about Hobby Lobby and FINALLY my husband and kids decided to surprise me and take me there to shop!!! :banana: It was great being able to look around and found a few things for my SF, can't wait to work on it more now. Here is a little sneak peak on what I have been working on. :D20120623_134110-1-1.jpg

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It looks like the woven seat of a folding beach chair to me...

Nope! :D hee hee

Ok everybody. I can't fling right now. RL is insanity at it's finest. I come here every day for my vicarious living. Where is it???

Morgan, hope that your RL will slow down some for you. :hug:

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Ha! Real life slow down? After my post yesterday it got a thousand times worse. I woke up at 3:30 this morning with an important to do list a mile long. I also was feeling the need to rebel like never before. Lash out, like this little 4 year old I'm caring for does when she has no other idea how to show or control her anger. But how? What do I do to rebel? Hmmmmm..........I know. I'M GOING TO IGNORE RL'S INSANE DEMANDS AND FLING TODAY! Yep you heard it here first folks. If it makes tonights headline news you can say 'aw shucks, I knew it all day'.

'Oregon woman goes crazy when there are phone calls to be made and letters to be written, allows small child to watch two whole DVD'S of Care Bears, all so she can work on a DOLLHOUSE!'

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Absolutely right too. We all need time for ourselves so don't feel guilty. Have a great day flinging. Is there anyone who could help out with the little one for a couple of hours?

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But how? What do I do to rebel? Hmmmmm..........I know. I'M GOING TO IGNORE RL'S INSANE DEMANDS AND FLING TODAY! Yep you heard it here first folks. If it makes tonight's headline news you can say 'aw shucks, I knew it all day'.

Oh boy .... I really, really, really, really, really want to join you in this rebellion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Between the 3 grands I'm raising, a flare up of an old compression fracture leaving me on ice and/or heating pad continuously for a few weeks now, a new bathroom being installed and my home work office dismantled and in boxes (due to the new bathroom construction), and my studio/wood shop/craft rooms looking like a segment of the Hoarders TV show, my fling got dry-fitted and put back in the box. From time to time I can hear muffled screams from the corner that make me feel guilty but that is real life here at the present time.

This rebellion sounds like just the cause I should join. Well, maybe after I do ... and this .... and that .... and sigh .... the day will be over before I get to the rebelling part. Bummer !!

I want to see this on the news and headlines in the paper. Then it will prove it can be done!!

Good luck with yours.

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All of you wonderful mini crazy people.......my life is in great comparison to yours Selkie......no, I'm not trying to top you, but I could probably make you feel lucky......that's what makes this a REBELLION! We have no business doing something so not taking care of someone else, catering to our disabilities, cleaning the house, RL projects, like the fact we moved into a fixer upper 7 months ago and 95% of what we own is in totes and storage, where it's been since we began this adventure with a comolete remodel and sale of a too big house........ohhhh and sooooo much more. See, this is the responsible adult version of whining like a teenager and RUNNING AWAY........TO FLING! The more we can find to whine about, (and I fully acknowledge these are real challenges, it's just teens think theirs are the real deal, ha! They're clueless) the better the rebellion!

I've gathered my supplies, organized a work area for this project (identified as work area 145b, the other 145 areas + are 'busy') and checked back in so I could brag I'm ready to rebel! OMG! I think I'm even feeling younger for it!

And no Jo.....no help in sight except waiting for hubby to get home. He's great with the little one but there is a carport roof to finish, trim boards to install, totes to move to the new 'holding area' so we can work on the old one...........I've gotta rebel BEFORE he gets home! Then he can admire my work and laugh, cuz he will.

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There is something to be said for completing a task, even a small task, and basking in the good feeling that comes with accomplishment. Let the Fling be your small task, and maybe the bigger ones won't seem so daunting. :)

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This rebellion is well on its way to total success! I chose a project that involved learning something new and wow! A rebellion with positive results. Now when my DH gets home and sees my dh we can laugh at my day. Selkie......please rebel! You'll love it! :)

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If you haven't already, read Deb's wonderful articles in the new newsletter. Thank you for putting all my thoughts in one place, I am sitting here crying, because your words are so eloquent and insightful. really really hit home, my little universe is one of the only places I have left, that allow me to hide and be a part of something else. Even when there is no money, I get to the dollar store and start pulling apart crap to make into something miniature. I am surprised how much I can make with cardboard, caulk and some paint lol. now....duct tape lol.

thank you,


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Even when there is no money is when you discover just how wonderfully creative you are! I was truly inspired in my mini-ing by the Thorne rooms, when I realized that every realistic detail was achieved with wood, fabric and lots of plaster & papermache! It doesn't have to BE real or expensive; it works if it looks that way!

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Truly! Isn't it so much more satisfying to create a set of chairs (for example) out of a board of balsa than to spend next weeks grocery budget on a ready-made set?
Well if I could sell a set of furniture I'd made for a week's worth of grocery money while we're feeding DS this month, I wouldn't complain... Although I promise it would be made out of basswood, at least.
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If you haven't already, read Deb's wonderful articles in the new newsletter. Thank you for putting all my thoughts in one place, I am sitting here crying, because your words are so eloquent and insightful. really really hit home, my little universe is one of the only places I have left, that allow me to hide and be a part of something else. Even when there is no money, I get to the dollar store and start pulling apart crap to make into something miniature. I am surprised how much I can make with cardboard, caulk and some paint lol. now....duct tape lol.

thank you,


Brandaen sweetie, you're one of the biggest inspirations for that article because you're so open about how miniatures are your respite during such a difficult time in your life. Having your little world where things are under control and everything stays where you put it and you're creating/nurturing new things is the antidote to your RL right now. Morgan, your rebellion has just tickled me silly today and I'm standing and applauding you for doing it. Care Bears are a totally acceptable form of a day off for a 4 year old too and you'll be a much better grown up for having taken some time for yourself. See? You guys are awesome!

I have an appointment with a new type of neurologist tomorrow and to be honest, I'm scared about this one. But I've promised myself that as soon as I get home I'm going to the studio to start on my Fling even if it's just to sit at the table with a notepad and write down some ideas. Whenever I start to feel a little nervous, I picture how it's going to look when it's done and sing a little song to myself. <grinning> I think I'll tuck Henry the goat into my pocket and take him along as my good luck charm. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenry!


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I don't know what to say.....

this forum inspires me every day , I am in awe by you and so many others, I am very lucky that I personally am healthy. Besides some carpal tunnel I am in the peak of health, it's RL that causes me emotional strain lol. My other half, his illness, everything I had to go through and the moods he has caused by the fun meds, that ...well that is that.

I hope and pray for health and kindness and inspiration and joy for all of us !! We ALL need a little rebellion dang it !! Deb, don't be frightened, there will always be a new window to open tomorrow, even if the door closed.

Ok crying again , ughh lol


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Deb~ Prayers and the best of luck to you tomorrow. Flinging.....my rebellion.......Flinging is chasing so much stress away right now. I am so grateful to be a part of this. Once my Fling is flung enough I love the good luck charm of a fling photo as my phone screen saver. Tomorrow I will rebel some for you!


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So, it looks like we have a new by-word these days. Instead of Fling On ... we are to Rebel On ...

Has a nice ring to it don't ya think? Is there an icon for that?

OK everyone so now ... :woohoo: Rebel On !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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