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Official Spring Fling 2012 Update (merged topic)

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I know I ought to be studying school laws and judicial (sp?) systems right now, but am allowing myself a peak in between the chapters... :whistle: next chapter is a long one though....


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I don't know...I'm thinking that with the HBS huge sale over the weekend and Monday that it might be a few more days at least. I'm sure there were a pile of GL kits sold :)

I was thinking that since they gave the first sneak peek on a Wednesday, they would release it on a Wednesday. At least that's my theory.

Keli, I thought you had money on Thursday? :groupwave:

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I am so glad the kids are on Spring Break and can be distracting me from checking in.... again and again and again and again and again.... :)

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I am also sitting on pins and needles but please don't tell my Emerson that as I do believe he has dibs on attention (or so he thinks LOL) so will gave to sneak this one in somehow....


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LOL Cat, it is just like counting down to Christmas!!! Actually, I think we need a mini version of an advent calendar!

Hmmm, need to think about that one....


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Well that's not fair...You KNOW Christmas is going to happen on the 25th. It's not like they randomly select a date, attach it to a string and start pulling it around. Much easier to wait for Christmas. :)

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I keep saying it's like waiting for Christmas but perhaps a little more like it used to be when you waited for a baby to be born. You can't wait for it to happen and to see what it is. Reminds me of a family story from long before I was born. Maybe I can give you all a laugh.

A many times great aunt was having her baby. It was quite overdue. My uncle waited outside the house while this happened. All of the rest of the extended family waited at her parents. It was a loooooooooong labor. Afterward, Uncle Darrell went to Ma and Pa's to relay the news. He told a long and dramatic story. Finally, someone asked, 'well what is it?'. My Uncle got a funny look on his face and cried out, 'Oh my God!!!! There's two of them!'.

Yep. I say we're gonna be as surprised as my poor Uncle was.

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I keep saying it's like waiting for Christmas but perhaps a little more like it used to be when you waited for a baby to be born. You can't wait for it to happen and to see what it is. Reminds me of a family story from long before I was born. Maybe I can give you all a laugh.

A many times great aunt was having her baby. It was quite overdue. My uncle waited outside the house while this happened. All of the rest of the extended family waited at her parents. It was a loooooooooong labor. Afterward, Uncle Darrell went to Ma and Pa's to relay the news. He told a long and dramatic story. Finally, someone asked, 'well what is it?'. My Uncle got a funny look on his face and cried out, 'Oh my God!!!! There's two of them!'.

Yep. I say we're gonna be as surprised as my poor Uncle was.

Thank you Morgan!!! :3rd: Great story and yes a wonderful surprise for your Uncle :baby:and no doubt for us as well. I never was good at waiting, :bouncesmile: :bouncesmile: :bouncesmile: I will be patient and check back some and when it's here it's here!!! :sleep:

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Pass a cup of coffee this way, will you please? I had visions of what I want to do with the kit running around my brain last night...didn't get much sleep with all that subconscious planning going on. I can't be the only one who that happens to, right?

Man, oh, man, I hope the kit conforms to what I want to do with it without too much bashing.

Based on the preview pic I think it's going to be one room, are you guys in agreement?

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This is too funny. I just happened to see someone was around. I wasn't watching or anything :)

I've been thinking one room too, which puts a damper on my first thought. The last couple days I'm starting to wonder........if the greenhouse is meant to possibly be attached, as it 'fits', then maybe, just maybe, what we're going to see is that extra flair of 'unique' in some sort of a two story, two room set up. Maybe???

Oh well. This has all given me so much time for thought I now have three tiny people with three different stories, fighting for who gets it. I have news for the little upstarts, they might none of them get it if they can't play nice.

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Pass a cup of coffee this way, will you please? I had visions of what I want to do with the kit running around my brain last night...didn't get much sleep with all that subconscious planning going on. I can't be the only one who that happens to, right?

Nope! That happens to me, too! And when planning I am always walking around my houses like they are life size. Can sometimes be a little bit jarring when I actually start working on it.

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