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I bought this house from micheals


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I am doing the one that looks like the Arthur. It is so cute, I have taken pics and hope to get them up soon. Rita is doin the other one.


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Oh, that is looking cute! I am trying to finish shingling mine, but I keep running out of one color or another and have to stop and cut more. I finally just put the paper in my tote bag and will do them during my lunch at school tomorrow. These really are fun, aren't they? I never knew little houses could be so much fun to do!

Here is the interior, finished except for decorating, and stairs.


And here is the exterior-don't gag when you see the shingles, that's just the first layer! I'll add gray and brown washes, and then moss. You can see how I did the roof line to eliminate that awful, out of scale trim. I just folded a piece of cardstock to fit over the gap, glazed it, and once everything else is done, it will be solid.


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Sherry I am having so much fun. Now I wish they would make more of something else. I will probably shingle mone soon. We already got wood cut for the base. Hope you are feeling better.


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I finally got started on my little house! I started painting the pieces but can't make up my mind on the colors.......I suddenly love the color purple (Old age?) Everyone's looks so cute and each one different! I am having so much fun!

Hey, did anyone else have trouble getting into this site over the weekend? I couldn't not get in! :(

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For all of those of you who thought my roof looked like a circus tent :p , here is the next two steps in the process. I 'aged' each shingle with terracotta, brown, and black prismacolors and then put an iron oxide wash over the whole roof. Still haven't decided whether the colors are now subtle enough or I should add another coat of wash. Then I will do the moss on top of that. I hate the ridgeline and may add decorative wood trim there, or maybe just lots of moss!

And I found an adorable tiny pothanger gnome to hang on the roof! He looks just like he's climbing to the top of the house after something, so I will have to find something to put up there for him.


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Which house are you doing? If it's the one with the scalloped shingles, I just made a template from tracings of the roof and cut them out with that.

Same one you just showed, actually :p So know I know. I am afraid of making a mistake... :yes:

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Don't be! In the first place, there's nothing you will do to this house that can't be repainted, reglued, camouflaged, or covered. In the second place, what better way to learn and experiment than on an eight dollar house? I'm doing all sorts of dumb stuff with mine, like the roof, and having a ball with it! When I first glued the shingles on, my son who is a professional architectural landscaper, shook his head. He doesn't understand how much more freedom you have with a doll house than the regular thing! Look at this link, the photo in the center of the half circle pergola-he did that, and thinks everything ought to look like that-it's gorgeous, but not for a gnome house! http://www.gardendesignlandscaping.com/res...tial/arbors.htm

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After going to 2 Michaels stores, they finally got them in. Yea! Sherry yours looks great, I like the shingle color with the stone. I got the same house I like the bay windows.

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I also assembled this same house tonight. I totally love the kit! All my tab and slots lined up perfectly, it didn't splinter, or need any adjustments, It's straight, and stayed together in dry fit like a charm!! Guess it's a puzzle, so it's supposed too! The glue is drying right now, not sure how it will be finished. My son said he'd like to see brick printie on it, same as I do the chimneys with. Guess I'll wait till the house says what it wants. It's not sure if it wants to be a Fairy house or the home of The 3 little Pigs!

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Gee your kit must have been cut better than mine. I had to trim, sand and cut off many of the tabs to get them to line up. Hmmmmmmm! Still painting mine and trying to figure out what I am going to do next. :)

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I was thinking of using some of my scrapbook paper for wallpaper. Does anyone ever do this? Do you use regular glue to put it on? Should I spray it with sealer? NO idea what I am doing just looking to use "stuff" I already have around. Thanks! :)

I love the piggies idea! lol

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