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Bad Day


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Well I got layed off today at work today. I knew they were going to cut back on the production floor but didn't think they were going to lay off anyone in the office. I'm still in shock right now. But I'm also bummed out cuz I won't have internet for a while and don't know when I can check the forum again. I'm gonna try to use the net at my friends house tomorrow. I'm gonna file for unemployment on Monday and start looking for a new job ASAP. I wonder if it would be irrational to go out and buy a new computer just so we could have the internet. My computer was a little old. I did just get my tax refund back. So I guess I should. Internet is the fastest way to search for jobs.

Everyone has been telling me lately that my boyfriend and I should buy a house. I'm glad I didn't do that yet.

I'm sorry I'm rabbling on and on. I just needed to vent.

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Oh I am so sorry. :glare: I know it is scary to be layed off. I was close to it at my old job. They didn't lay me off they just kept cutting my case load until I only had about 12 hours a week..if I was lucky. Thank goodness my husband got his acceptance letter for the corrections academy about the same time. I had, had it with the politics of that place anyway. Hope something nice happens to you soon. Take care.

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Sorry to hear about the lay off. The internet is a great tool for job searching. If access at home is a problem, perhaps make use of the library in your area or a job service. With a recession loaming, I would try and hold onto as much $$ as I could. Good luck and keep a positive attitude.

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I am so sorry too. Dawn is right. At least now you can collect unemployment while you search for a new job.

I personnally wouldnt buy the computer now. I would wait until I got a new job. You may need that money and you may not. Good to have a cushion just in case.

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Anna, here's hoping you find a job quickly ... but in case you don't, I think I'd follow the advice above and use the library computer until you're secure again. There may come a time when the $$ spent on a computer will be needed for basic living expenses, which are continuing to climb.

Good luck!!

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Anna so sorry to hear about you loosing your job, I am keeping figners crossed though that you will find another one you will like very very soon!


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I've been there a few times with layoffs. Thank God for unemployment insurance! Hopefully, you will find a job quickly. I'd also hold off on the computer and utilize the computers at the local library.

Good Luck!

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I'm so sorry to hear. I know it's stressful right now, but I bet you'll find something even better and be able to look back and see this as a good thing. That's how these things have always worked out for us, anyway.

Sending great new job wishes!


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I got layed off the last 3 jobs I've had in the last eight years. I know I'll be ok cause I've done it before. It just sucks. I have no luck with jobs lately. Maybe its because I'm just not doing what I love. I've always wanted a career with animals but went to school for drafting. I'm burnt out on doing drafting. I really don't want to do it anymore. I don't know what I want to do.

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As one who was laid off several times in her life, I can honestly say, been there and done that. Look for a job but in the meantime go and sign on with temp agencies and only go for temp to perm positions! Only my advise, you don't have to take it! But it has always worked for me! Of course now I'm retired and don't want to go back to work. I wouldn't have time to play then!

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