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Daily Musings and Weird Questions


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Oh I used to have awful work dreams! I worked with someone who was... Let's just say that although she was older than me, she was quite unenlightened and un-evolved. No social niceties whatsoever. One night, I dreamed that she was forcing my daughter (then 9 years old) to eat tomato soup and really hurting her mouth. I woke up literally, physically beating the crap out of my poor husband! Don't mess with my babies! He still teases me about being a violent sleeper. :drool:

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2 hours ago, sparklepuppies said:

I also have the sleeping paralysis, where I can't move or breathe or scream for help. That is the worse.

Lloyd used to get this. I'd hear a muffled "Help me, help me" ... All it took to bring him out of it was for me to touch his shoulder, say his name, and tell him he was okay, but he'd still be shaken up as he came to. The doctor said it is not unusual to be "caught" between being asleep and awake, which is what this was, although to me it sounded dismissive of something that was really scary for Lloyd.

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My husband use to have nightmares about his elementary school in St Albans West Virginia. It was about five years ago he saw a picture of the school online and showed it to me. It was a terrifying building, dark, medieval looking place and the nuns stationed in front of it for a class photo were equally terrifying. I joked and we laughed about it. He's never had that nightmare since.

The only dreams I can vividly remember are:

Child: Flying dream but I could only go as high as just over the electric poles. More of a hover than flying.

Young Adult: Can't find the class I'm suppose to be in.

Middle Aged: The White Tiger dream. Scared the h out of me the first time. I was cornered by him on a small peninsula and he charged toward me. I woke up just as he was ready to pounce. Now, he just walks by in the background of random dreams, all I remember is his presence. 

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After my aneurysm, when I was still in the ICU, someone used to come every day and do an ultrasound on the back of my head. It took about 20 to 30 minutes and I swear I would go into a trance while this was happening. I never dozed off (how could I with that thing buzzing behind me?), but I would see and hear things. It was so weird. Once I saw a bunch of doctors come into the room and they were asking me questions. I tried as hard as I could to answer them, but I was only able to mumble.

When the ultrasound was done, I knew right away and I also knew I hadn't been asleep. But I asked the woman doing it where all the doctors had gone and that's when she told me there weren't any doctors. She also told me I had been talking to myself during that time.

What's interesting is that the vision part of our brains is in the back of the head and I'm wondering if the ultrasound stimulated it in my case.

When people claim that vaccines cause autism, I used to joke back at them that autism is caused by ultrasounds (because it's about as ridiculous). But now, I'm wondering. If an ultrasound can do that on the outside of my head, what might it be doing to a developing fetus?


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I can see that I am missing a lot by hardly ever dreaming, I am not sure that I ever stay asleep long enough to dream.  A few years ago when I got my Fitbit I had sudden insite at how bad my sleeping was, most of the time 45 minutes is tops before I wake up.  I feel it is pretty accurate since I rarely move while I am asleep, so movement means awake.

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I have vivid dreams, they're more like movies, sometimes I'm me in them, sometimes I'm another character. DS describes his dreams as movies too, sometimes he's just watching what's going on. I've had some pretty horrendous dreams over the years, but the only ones that make me wake up in terror are ones in which one of my kids is little, and falls backwards from a height to certain death. I try to gently coax them back to me and not startle them into taking a step in the wrong direction, but they pay no attention, keep on playing around, step backwards, and plunge off the wall or roof and that's when I wake up in a panic.  Seeing what I just typed out, I can see what the dreams mean. I can't protect them anymore.

On a lighter note, twice I dreamed I was a man. It was very weird.


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3 hours ago, Sable said:

Child: Flying dream but I could only go as high as just over the electric poles. More of a hover than flying.

This one! I used to have this all the time.. still do sometimes but not nearly as often... and it's definitely a hovering and it's never much higher than the rooftops of houses.

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Mine is not hovering, it is flying, I can dive down and up and go through the crowds.

I have a relaxation technique that I use, it is the same every time and I use it when I am stressed ,I get out of my rocking chair and basically take a beautiful walk  I pass certain things ,named people that I wave to, birds singing butterflys etc, very sunny but not hot day, I see beautiful people and sweet little wild creatures that allow them selves to be petted, it ends with me, diving off a cliff into beautiful warm blue water and after I swim for a while I project myself into the air and imagine the dream of me flying, then I slowly fly back to my garden land gently and just settle in my rocking chair again very calm and no longer stressed. This is not a dream by the way, I have taught it with variations to children in stress and it works for them too. They make their own story work.

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