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December 2006 Swap Sign Up


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ITS HERE ITS HERE!! O MAN!! i ran to the mail box... unlocked the box.. AND THERE IT WAS! AND my dolls i orderd from Tracy!!! double wammie!! whoo hooo!! i hurried up the stairs, threw my purse on the couch and dove right in!!! even caleb sat indian style on the floor with me and helped me unwrap all my goodies!!

thank you so much everyone they are beauitful! im going to have to make a bakery shop now just to put all these items somewhere!!

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Mine got here today too and there was much ooohing and aaaahing and petting going on while I unwrapped each treasure. Once again, I'm amazed at how much talent there is in this community. Sooooooooo many wonderful delights all in one little box! Linda, a special thanks to you for making this all happen and doing it so well. And hug Zack for me too for his help.

Egads! New York, North Dakota, Florida, California ... those boxes are hitting everywhere but the Heartland. Booo hoooooo :wave:

<pat, pat> Poor Kathie. The mail delay probably has something to do with the ice storms there but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that yours will get there soon.


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<tap tap tap tap tap> [tapping foot]

Why isn't the mail delivered at 7am?????

I shouldn't expect anything before friday..but...


Not to mention impatient.


The latter is winning....

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I had purchased a display counter from HBS so I could display my goodies from this swap. After opening my box yesterday, I comletely re-did my bakery. Thank you again to everyone for such wonderful items!!!

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my box arrived at my parents house. Now I just have to pick it up. Thinking I can get there on Friday. If I am the only one to not have the package yet I promise I will not log on again until I have it so you can all start talking about your wonderful stuff!

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<pat, pat> Poor Kathie. The mail delay probably has something to do with the ice storms there but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that yours will get there soon.

Yeah, well ... the schools are still closed, it's so cold that the sun hasn't had a chance to soften, never mind melt, the ice. Most of the state has been declared a federal disaster area. And I'm whining about not getting a box of stuff. Shame on me! :thumb:

The mail trucks are no doubt delayed between distribution points. But our local mailman has managed to get to the door every day, so I'm sure it will be here as soon as he gets his hands on it.

DH and I ventured forth yesterday, a grocery run to Wal-Mart. Streets still icy, even main ones. It was about 3 pm, bright sun, clear blue sky, and not one single icicle was dripping. Trees remained coated with a half inch of ice. Individual blades of grass that stuck above the ice and snow were coated. Made it look like a crystal fairy land. It was that cold. And me without a camera, of course.

PS: I got the materials for the outdoor/camping swap items while we were there. Who knows when I'll get out again!

PPS: IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE!!! Once again, I'm blown away by the talent in this group! What a wonderful array of bakery and candy and all of the accoutrements to display it beautifully. Thank you, everyone.

Edited by KathieB
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yay kathie!! im so glad u got ur box! susanna i hope you get yours soon!

ive decided not to make a bakery just for these items. instead they will all be displayed in my "Dragonfly Inn" kitchen. Here the cook will be baking all kinds of special treats (made by you) for the guest that are staying at the cozy bed and breakfast. I cant wait! my kitchen will look great filled with all those yummy treats!! thanks again everyone!!

i got part 1 of my material for my swap items for the camping swap.. just need toget one more thing to go with it :thumb:

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Egads! New York, North Dakota, Florida, California ... those boxes are hitting everywhere but the Heartland. Booo hoooooo

Don't forget Wisconsin!

Everything is so wonderful! I can't wait for my bakery counter to get here so that I can stock it and set it in 'Hyacinth's Periwinkle Tea Cottage"! Then we'll be 'open' for business! :thumb:

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Teresa which bakery counter did you get? did you get it from hbs?

Jenny, yes I purchased it from HBS . . . it's the taller white counter with two or three shelves.

Oh, I can't wait until we can post pictures . . . Hyacinth's is really coming to life!! :thumb:

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