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Miniature Madness Contest Chatter

Mini Man

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Congratulations to the new winners, looking forward to what you do with the new house minianna and to hear what you might be inspired to create after reading your new magazine Marg and LVA75 I second Charlene, please tell us which ones you choose!


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As I am one of those drooooooling over The Gloucester :thumb: I were wondering if it would be possible to open up a special pinned section to discuss that one as well as I for one would love to chatter about the possibilitis of that house...... It is looking GREAT :) oh my, be still my greedy little heart!!!!


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As I am one of those drooooooling over The Gloucester :D I were wondering if it would be possible to open up a special pinned section to discuss that one as well as I for one would love to chatter about the possibilitis of that house...... It is looking GREAT :welcome: oh my, be still my greedy little heart!!!!


Sure Anna! I opened up the contest announcement topic. I'm worried that people might confuse this with the actual contest though, so it would be great if some of you would start some chatter in their so it's clearly not a contest.



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Congratulations Lisa_F! You are a FAST LANE winner of two bags of Greenleaf Vinyl Floor Tiles in the color of your choice! Please send me your shipping information and color choice by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy them!

Everyone else, stay on your toes! You never know what the next FAST LANE will have to offer!



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Whoohoo! I was notified that my haunted house should be delivered by Oct. 30th! :welcome: I don't think I have ever won anything before and I am way excited!!! :D I hope to see how all the winners do their houses so I can continue to steal everyone else's great ideas! I also hope to do you all proud with mine. It will be awhile before I can start mine as I just had to pack up my unfinished Willowcrest :thumb: since our home is for sale and our real estate agent said the "mess" of my project was detracting from showing the home. :thumb: So I am now officially a miniaturist in name only and chomping at the bit to drag out my "mess". Thank you Dean and everyone on this website who will keep me "itching" to get back at it! Congrats to all the winners and good luck to everyone who still has a chance. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

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How exciting to check in with the forum tonight & see that I won!!! I ran out in the living room and told my husband "I won - I won!" and he asked what I won and when I told him I won vinyl floor tiles he didn't see what I was so excited about (poor man just doesn't get it) :welcome:

This is the first time I've ever won anything - ever! So it was very very exciting to me! Plus, I've been really wanting to try these floor tiles out - they look so pretty!

Thanks Dean!!!! This made my whole day :D


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We have really enjoyed these contests. My boys are so excited.! They want the haunted House so badly.... they wake up in the morning and remind me to sign in, when they get home the first thing they ask is did we win? LOL ! They have so many ideas for this little haunted house.... If they win it, they will do the house by themselves with minimal help from me. It will be all theirs.! I love it because they are interested in the houses but this seems to be getting all thier attention.

Thank you so much for your generousity Dean & Greenleaf. !

CONGRATULATIONS to Everyone that has won. !! I love seeing all the excitement.!



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Does Greenleaf offer discounts on the products in the store? Is that something you could have drawings for? I've got my eye on the Westville. It's a beautiful house...and maybe some of those beautiful tiles and floors :)

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Congratulations Adallae! You are the winner of a Greenleaf Haunted Dollhouse from the October 24th contest thread! Please send your shipping information by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy your Haunted Dollhouse!

Good luck tomorrow to everyone else!



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Does Greenleaf offer discounts on the products in the store? Is that something you could have drawings for?

The store coupons didn't work so well for our International friends because of the freight cost. That is why I stopped using them in the contests. I'll see about a discount coupon. If it's something we can do I'll add them to the FAST LANE contests.



NOTE: This does not mean that I'm open for requests when it comes to contest prizes.

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My Sugarplum arrived today! I've been studying the posts, blogs, etc. in this forum trying to get ideas. I'm still not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but I'm anxious to get started. Thank you Greenleaf. I'm thrilled!!

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