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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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...The best thing I love about miniatures, is you can envision a design and you can end up creating that design. Not sure if you understand what I mean, but I am loving working with my miniatures and designing what my mind has created...
That's what I love about miniatures, too.
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Me too ... I always wanted to be an architect but back in my day only boys were "allowed" to do that. Girls had to be teachers, nurses, secretaries or mothers. Miniatures is my way of living out my original career dream.

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Isn't strange how things have changed! I graduated in 74 and you were a rebel and strange if you tried to do what the boys did. (career wise). I remember when we could start wearing jeans to school. Now they let it all hang out!

My fling is getting closer to being done. Whoot!

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I entered UF in 1961. My roommate was an architect major (constantly complaining about harassment) and another lady living on our floor was in premed who had some wild tales of what her )male) classmates tried in A&P lab.

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My biggie is done!!!!! Oh, I procrastinated on that part. :ohyeah: I have a handful of things to finish...so I might be ready for photography tonight or tomorrow night. :D

:jumping: The many reveals are nigh!!!! So exciting!

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Getting close now - hope you all are as excited as I am to see all the new eye candy.

Good luck to all of you. You all are winners just for entering.

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Somehow it just struck me that this is the sixth Spring Fling. Seems like the first one was just last month! Talk about time flying when you're having fun -- except maybe when it slows down a whole lot while waiting for the great reveal!

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Everyone will be outside barbecuing for the Labor Day weekend, and I'll be glued to the computer! :type: Oh, the eye candy!!! :popcorn:

Lucky you! The gang will be over here on Labor Day. :hmm: Wonder if they'll miss me.
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I don't know, Kathie, you might have a headache and need to go lie down in a quiet room by yourself. :shifty: Just keep the gasps and outbursts down while secretly on the forum. :type: Otherwise, they might call an ambulance. :lol:

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Just walked away from a 4 hour power session and am letting some final touches dry. It's so close now, by tomorrow night I should be at the very final touch up stage. :cheer:

I found something online last night that would have made one part 50 times easier and probably would have looked better too :doh:. Oh well, live and learn.

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