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I bought this house from micheals


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The one I started is really being fun! I scored and stained the floors tonite, stained the window frames, and have the first floor ready to paper. I'm sitting here dryfitting bay windows and trying to decide how and in what order I am going to do things. I can already give you a couple of tips!

1-I nearly forgot to trace the windows frames onto poster board so I could make trim for the inside of the windows.

2-The little bay windows fit together nicely, but the corners are not mitered. I have some 1/16 inch trim that I am going to use to trim the edges of them so that there aren't any gaps at the corners. I have to figure out a way to fill in the gap at the top of the roof where the gingerbread is supposed to be, as I am not going to use it. Maybe copper, since I am going to glue shingles on, anyway.

But these are really minor things. It's looking cute, and I'll take photos tomorrow after I get the first floor put together.

Question! Does anyone know where I could get some green acetate for the windows? Still transparent or at least translucent, but green tinted? I just wonder if anyone here has children who use overlays for reading and could tell me where they get them?

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I went to Michaels again yesterday and bought one more furniture set. They are useful for so many things and I use the parts from here and there to make new things. There must be a run on the houses they were nearly all gone already. I think I will make a little store out of the two room one and and maybe a haunted house out of the other one since the Greenleaf haunted house is nowhere to be found all of a sudden.

I am going to stay out of Michaels for a few days...ha ha

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I'm on my way back here in a bit! I need some more stripwood to do the inside trim, and a few other little things to work on the farmhouse. I got the bay windows trimmed out, but another thing I didn't think of in time-I want to do window frames on the inside and didn't think to trace the pieces before I put the bay windows together! So I am using the window punchouts to draw templates off for frames so I have something to attach the window glass to.

The windows look great once you get them trimmed out, though. I'll take photos of them once I get them stained.

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OK, here's how I handled the bay windows. They aren't mitered, so the corners don't look good at all without trim. But this is not bad. Still needs one more coat of stain and a roof top. I'm going to look for something when I go to Michaels.


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Has anyone posted pics in thier gallery yet? I'm still working on mine! Today I painted the inside walls to look like old stone. Tomorrow I will put skinny sticks down to make the floors! I have decided I will do the outside in tiny pebbles! Haven't decided on the roof yet but will probably do paperclay tiles. This small of a roof will be really quick! Then tons of moss and flowers! I am going to mount it on a piece of 1" thick foam core and dig out a pond. I just found bunches of flower stems and bushes at Hobby Lobby with the tinest leaves on them! I was so excited! This is the first time I found anything that was even close to scale and they are the perfect size! I mean tiny! Best of all, the were 50% off!

I can't wait to see what everyone does with these cute houses!

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Oh I'm liking what you've done with the windows!

I've yet to do anything with this house yet....still working on the Spring Fling...

Keep the eye candy coming...I need the inspiration when it comes time to work on mine!

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I picked up one of each of the houses today at our local Michaels. I looked all over for them & couldn't find them and was about to give up but asked a clerk if they had any 3-d wood dollhouse puzzles & she took me right to them. They are very cute. Not sure what I will do with mine or when I'll start them, but I figured at $7.99 each, how could I not get them?

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I've gotten a bit more done on mine today. The bay windows are done, glass in, ready to glue on. The bottom floor now has plaster walls, wood floor, and beamed plaster ceiling. I have the baseboards stained and ready to add. Sure is going a lot faster than the farmhouse, when you can hold the whole house in one hand to paint it!

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Does anyone have a suggestion on painting these puzzle houses? I am worried the thin wood will warp and crack. I have never primed so I don't know what to use or how to do it. You all are such wonderful artists I feel like I make a million mistakes. lol :)

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I would just use a thin coat of primer. Just enough to cover. If you do it on both sides, there shouldn't be a problem. How about doing it before assembly? Then if it warps, you can put something heavy on it for a few days to flatten it back out.

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I found some at a Michael's in Illinois and they are 1/2" scale! I almost missed them cause I was looking for a bigger box cause I used to carry the same designed house but in 1" scale a few years ago. The trim and the shingles pattern is out of scale and the door is a tad too big but it is 1/2" scale alright I think people who love that scale is gonna be happy about that. :) Thanks again for posting info about these houses!

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Tracy, I haven't seen them yet, are they like the Woodcraft houses you sell?

Sherry, a suggestion for those bays is to cut sections of bamboo skewer and glue it into the gap between the bay sections. I also went back and covered the "seams" with spackling compound. When I got done smoothing the spackle I had lovely crisp corner edges.

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Holly, these are the same type wood as the wood craft houses and this is 2 of the designs they made too. The difference is that these are smaller in scale than the ones I had. I used house paint or even the craft paint to paint the wood to these Roxanne. If you paint after you build you won't have to worry about warpage either :)

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Holly, if I was painting the windows, I'd do the spackle. But I am not talented enough to make spackle filling look like wood, when it's stained. No matter how careful I am, it looks like a patch unless the finish is dark enough that you can't see the wood grain anymore, anyway! It has turned out rather well, the way I did it, and I was able to use the lighter finish that I prefer. Now on the exterior, we shall spackle, paint, stone, and generally disguise the exterior holes entirely!

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This is a picture of the 1" scale versions I did of one of the house designs that they sell at Michaels. The ones at Michales are a smaller scale but the design is the same:



You can click the picture to see more pictures of them.

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