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I bought this house from micheals


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If they are not displayed side by side, it should be fine. They do look a little smaller, but then my kitchen chairs are taller than my couch and loveseat in my RL house! Just stupid variations within the same scale. (An apartment size sofa, LOL) I'll have the same problem, but hoping the wall on the fireplace will make it less noticeable, hidding the large table set. Maybe bead feet like Holly said can raise them up just a little? They sure are cute, and I love what you did with them!!

I got the stone (painter's caulk) fireplace made today, and finished the upstairs of the house. We bashed a wall in for a bathroom. My son helped trace the interior window frames out of foam rubber. I like how it's coming out. There will be a square dowl chimney going from over the fireplace on the top floor to the peak inside, then we'll bash a chimney on top of the house, later on. Any ideas how I would make a wolf looking tail? I want to have one sticking out of the top of the chimney.

Progress pic of our house as of 10 p.m. tonight

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It's looking good! I have no idea about a wolf's tail, unless you can find a plastic wolf or maybe a German Shepherd. They make these in a nice size and have them at Michael's. Look in the kid's craft section, there should be an entire display full of very realistic looking animals. If you can find one, saw the rump and tail off, touch it up with paint so it doesn't look so plastic, and glue the rump end on the chimney. it sounds like a cute idea!

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Sherry, definitely bead feet for the chair & sofa, they don't look bad at all! You can sand the diningchair legs a hair shorter, if you feel you must.

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I've finally come up with themes for my two houses! I have to do these on the cheap because they are just "practice" before starting my first real house, and will be toys for my daughter in a few years. I had a big book of coordinating scrapbook papers, so I chose several of them that would make good wallpaper and floors. The papers had a distressed look, so I decided that the houses needed to be weekend cottages- the types of houses that you go to have fun and don't care when they start to look a little shabby. I bought a big bag of 1/2 scale shingles and the house with the long porch is now a shingled lake house. I also bought paper clay and roof thatch, so as soon as I paint and put the finishing touches on the lake house, I'll turn the other one into a stone country cottage. The interiors will coordinate so that my daughter can play with them together as one complete, six room house. Here are a few pictures, and there are more in my gallery.



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Nicole...looks good! Cute I ideas! I also used scapbook paper but it was a trick finding small enough prints.

I started gluing my house together just now. I am having quite a time getting all the tabs and slots to line up!

Fun isn't it?

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Well, I can't seem to take a decent picture today, but here is my progress. More in my gallery!


I forgot to add that while shopping Manor House's weekly special, I found a mini-mini gnome for the yard! It's been ordered, of course!

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Lol! Thanks, you can come over and play with it anytime! I'm taking florist tape and wire to school with me today to make plants. I just have to figure out a way to make flowers tiny enough for them and then I'll add flowers to the border and finish the moss around the edges of the tray. I finally found something to make a mattress for the bed, but I'll wait to make that until I return from my weekend trip.

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It's a gnomes' home, so I'd use pretty much full-sized flowers with it. I do so totally LOVE the different colored shingles; what a great, whimsical touch under the moss!

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Holly, our minds think alike! I even thought about setting it in the bay window with my plants, but afraid the humidity and sunshine there wouldn't be good for it. But it would look so cute sitting under a big leafy plant!

I think I still need to make a rock border around the flower bed, don't you? Then add more flowers and plants in the moss.

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Any ideas how I would make a wolf looking tail? I want to have one sticking out of the top of the chimney.

Pipe cleaner?

Sherry, your gnome's house is gorgeous! Nice work.

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Sherry that is sooooo cool! Wow! I was going to post a pic of my progress but I am too embarassed now.

I love your gnome house! What is the siding made of? I would have never imagined you could finish a dollhouse the way you guys do it!

I bought another one yesterday like yours at Michaels. I couldn't resist %40 off. ;)

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Please post pics Roxxxie! Never be embarrassed here!! My house is being mostly put together and decorated by my 12 year old son, and I'm still proud as a peacock, and not ashamed to call it mine. All houses are beautiful! It's the love and effort that's poured into every drop of glue that makes them stand out!! Looking forward to seeing your photos!

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I picked up one house last night. I had two coupons and wanted to get the furniture, but she said I had to come back. Oh well, an excuse to go back to Michael's. Oh darn.

I am only on my first 'real' dollhouse for my niece (next is my daughter's). But I told my husband I wanted to do one for myself and turn it into a Gingerbread house. He looked at me like I had grown snakes from my ears. Ha. Well, now I can do my gingerbread house in tiny version and maybe even do one as a Halloween haunted house!

I'll also add that last night I decided to work on the big dollhouse furniture in the kitchen so I could watch TV. Hubby woke up and said to me, :hmm: "Er, have we completely run out of room in the dining room so now we have to take over the kitchen table, too?" Poor guy. :D

Edited by the1irishgirl
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Don't feel that way, Roxxie! The only reason I can do this stuff is because I've been on here learning. A year ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I still don't about a lot of things. But I understand what you mean. don't be afraid, no one here is judging you, just encouraging and helping when help is asked for. this is the greatest bunch of people about being supportive and helpful that you will ever meet. So do like I did, and take advantage of that!

And the siding is made of egg carton stones. This is tedious, but well worth the effort, and a very inexpensive way to give your houses an extra dimension. There are lots of tutorials on how to do this, one of the best is at http://www.miniland.ca/BRICK1.html

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Shannon- have fun building your house! I am also on my first "real" house, but doing these small ones is a great way to get some practice with techniques without spending a fortune or ruining the big house! And they hardly take up any space at all. Hopefully your husband will get used to it, but if not, the little houses are pretty easy to move around- I take mine from room to room to work all the time so I'll be very spoiled when I start working on the big one!

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He's actually a pretty good sport. He comes running anytime I say, "Oooh, come look at this!" And he always gives the 'proper' praise. :hmm:

I'm so excited to get started on my little one!

I don't think I'll start it until I'm 'finished' with the big one, though. I have enough Craft-ADD as it is! :D

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No more flowers made today, but I did figure out how to make a scale size broom for them-two, in fact! This stuff I bought at the model shop for grass is the perfect scale for 1/2 scale broom straw!

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Awwwwwww you guys are so nice! I spent the past two days trying to fix my computer so I made so real progress while I was waiting ( and waiting and waiting ....) for downloads. I started shingling the roof with sandpaper shingles and its not half bad considering I had no idea what to heck I was doing. Will upload pictures soon! Thanks for your support I am really enjoying this site its terrific!

I had a solution to the silly problem of you have to come back to use your second coupon. I am not about to drive back again the next day and waste gas so I just walk out of the store, put my package in the car and come back and buy whatever it is I want with the second coupon. ha ha They never say a thing about this. I felt totally silly doing this the first time but so is making you come back another day..ya think? I love making these little houses. I only wish there were more half scale things available. I am searching for dolls for mine but I think I will just use my little teddy bears again.

I am a teddy bear collector and the tiny ones really make me :groucho:!

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