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Hello from Arkansas


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I just thought I would take a minute to say hello and introduce myself. I just started building miniatures. And so far I really love it. I am a mother to 4 wonderful kids. Only one lives with us at the moment. I am a stay at home mom. I am currently working on the Orchid. I made my first mistake and had to dismantle it. LOL.. I used HOT GLUE!!! Lesson learned. Never again. I went and got some crafters glue. I will try to get a picture taken later this evening. Would love to hear from everyone.


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Welcome Shanda. I'm new here, too. It is a great place and everyone is soooo friendly. My first house was also an Orchid. I made it first because it was small enough to not be overwelming and too cute to pass up. My grand-daughter layed claim to it as soon as she saw the box. Since purple is her favorite color I painted it to look just like Team Orchid members Darrellandmelissa's. I hope they take that as a compliment and not plagiarism. If you haven't visited the Team Orchid blog, you should head on over there and check it out. They have done some amazing things with their houses.


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Thank you for all the welcomes. This really seems like a really good group of people. The Orchid was just to cute. It was supposed to be for me, buttttt my son has decided that he wants it for his GI Joes. LOL.. So me being me and not able to refuse him, he is getting his way. After this one I am going to do another Orchid for my niece. Then I have a few ideas for a few handmade hideaways for my son. Then I am going to find another house that I can do just for ME!!! But the kidos are worth it. And I really don't mind. It gives me something to do. And I have found that I really love watching these turn into something. Expecially something that I am creating. It is so satisfying. :blink:

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Welcome Shandra, it is nice to hear from a fellow Arkansan. Dyonis is also from Arkansas and joined the group recently. Everyone here is really cool, I think you will really like it. I've learned a lot from this group, and I know you will too. PM me and let me know what part of Arkansas you are in.

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I wish either of my children had wanted a dollhouse - I would be so happy to share minis with them! At least my mum has an interest - although her passion is gardening, she does at least have a dh partially built.

Will your son's Orchid have camouflage paint and green netting hung on it - a la G.I. Joe?

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Hi Shanda! :roflmao:

Every time I get some cash I have to fight the urge to run off and buy the Orchid! I have to do the Duracraft Farmhouse for my niece for Christmas and have the Glencroft and Duracraft Heritage screaming for immediate attention!

I've wanted to do a dressmaker shop with some bridal gowns and I've been toying with the idea of the Orchid, the Storybook Cottagem and a few others as the setting.

I think it has more charm per square inch than any other house!

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Ok, I thought I would jump on and let everyone know that I finally got some pictures posted in my gallery. I am taking pics throughout the progress. But please excuse some of my mistakes. I had to do some touch up painting and havent gotten it all cleaned up off the windows yet. But I never expected my first one to be perfect. But I would love to hear any and all suggestions to improve what I have already done. Thank you and enjoy the eye candy.


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