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Where To Put Our Dollhouses?


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Hi Everyone,

I've been looking for space around my house and wondering where and how you display your dollhouses when these masterpieces are finished?

I thought I'd put my first one on a rolling sewing machine table that I draped with a pink table cloth and then I put a lace one over it and gathered it up and pinned it every so often so it looks like balloon scallops on a vanity table. Then I attached a silk flower corsage to the center. This will work for my boudoir, but I'm sure many of you have some better ideas.

Think I'll get a turntable. Has anyone attached a glass door to keep the dust out?

- Virginia

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Hmmmm...right now, the one house I have built completely is sitting on my dresser. It is still in progress as far as the interior goes though. With the Glencroft...I have a large square table in a corner of my livingroom where I plan to place a turntable and put it on display. After that...who knows. :giggle:

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Right now I'm lucky. Our house is too big for the two of us so I have a room to display them in. They are on tables in the little room that is next to the tool room and once was a garage. We call it the dollhouse room. I will probably lose my display room once we have children or when they are old enough to need more space.

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I haven't done all that many yet, just 2 - Willowcrest is still a work in progress, and my Witch's House resides in our Barn until Fall - so display isn't a big problem for me. My Heart Arbor project is currently residing on my kitchen table, since this is the room visitors see first.

I'm currently working on a Dolls Room, so eventually everything will go in there. That's a ways off though!

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Wow, mine are in bathrooms and closets, bedrooms and office, attic and any other space I can find in the house. :giggle:

Well, this kinda sounds like me! I actually have five of my houses in my living room - the Jellybean stands on a table in a corner, the Newberg and my farmhouse are on my entertainment center, my bakery is on another stand right inside the front door, and the Orchid sits on yet another stand. Our living room is very tiny and there are five people living here, so I keep hoping for a bigger house! My McDonalds roombox is on top of our china cabinet where it can't even really be seen, but it is safe up there! My hacienda, travel trailer and diner sit on stands in the mud room, which is actually a crime in my book! My seasonal roomboxes are in a stereo cabinet out there as well. Thus, the reason hubby hasn't let me build my haunted house yet! LOL

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Well we just live in a 1100 sft 2 bedroom apartment so right now my willowcrest is on a table in our bedroom, my white orchid is on the shelf above my desk and my emerson row is currently being built on my work station. but once thats finished it will go on the same table as my willowcrest. and someday when i build my beacon hill hopefully we will be in a house by then and i will have more space to display it :giggle:

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I gave a Walmer kit to a friend of mine who has started to build it....she found the buy of a lifetime for displaying a dollhouse! She found a beautiful almost brand new TV cart with a turntable on it......she is very happy. Got it for $10.00! It's all maple and very pretty and even has some storage drawers under the turntable area. I'm going to look for one of those - in the meantime I have the base of my Pierce built but I have an old table in the basement I am going to bring up and put in tyhe living room to put it on! The base sits in the middle of this old table, which is square - the table that is.......and there is about 14 inches all around so plenty of room for landscaping. No pics of my base yet as my camera is rigged for taking macro pictures of my dolls and is permanently mounted on a tripod. But things are shaping up! I don't have hours to work on my dollhouse as I have to make dolls to support my dollhouse habit!

Wolfie :flowers:

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My Beacon Hill is on our dining room table. It looks very majestic atop the dark maple.

The Orchid is on a light maple tv stand that has casters. I've got this one in our spare bedroom (which is actually my cat - Missymew's room). She's claimed the bed in this room. TV stands with either turntable tops or tv stands on casters really work well.

The toy store is still downstairs on my worktable. I'm at the point where I'm just arranging the inventory and then I'll have to decide where to put it.

I've got some small mini scenes that I've also put together, but they fit nicely on bookshelves.


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Our problem is not so much space as it is predators. Little furry monsters that think dollhouses are the perfect size for them, and mini furniture makes great toys, and is to be liberated and secreted away at all costs. The adults aren't bad, but the little 'uns are into everything (we've found a potato in the living room on more than one occasion). When they're older I'm sure things will improve. As it is anything breakable is safely stowed in the basement or spare bedroom, away from little paws.

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I don't display mine. :) There is literally no room anywheres on the main floor of our little house for anything as big as a dollhouse. So they stay in the basement, unadmired and dusty. I have a dream... that one day I will once again own a house big enough to show them off.

When I started this hobby, we lived in a townhouse with a big sunroom off the kitchen where I worked on and displayed my houses. Now, we are in a single-family home but it's rather small. I do have room in the basement... one wall is my work area, and if I cleaned it up I could probably display them more nicely than they are now.

I am planning to put some plexiglass on the back of mine if I ever finish them. I was planning to use channel molding to hold it. I have been told that if you buy the plexiglass at a craft store they will cut it to size for you.

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I have been told that if you buy the plexiglass at a craft store they will cut it to size for you.

Forget the craft store. ACE Hardware has Plexiglass (acrylic sheet) for way less than you'll pay at a craft store. In fact I have NEVER seen clear acrylic at a craft store. I've seen clear styrene, but you don't want that, it's a pig to work with, brittle, chips at the edges. Get thee to ACE, while it looks expensive at the beginning, it's way cheaper (the sheets are huge), and cut it yourself, it's easier than tying your shoes.

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So they stay in the basement, unadmired and dusty.

They may be in a basement, but they're not unadmired! You have pictures of them here and we admire them all the time. :)

I had to laugh when I saw this thread after spending my afternoon rearranging my living room to make room for more houses. <grinning> I finally figured out how to put three houses on a "street" on the tables by the stairs and then four more under the tables for another "street". Talk about uptown and downtown! But that's a great location for the bulk of them to be since they can be seen from both front and back, so that takes care of seven houses. Uptown will be the Victorian block of the Pierce, the Willowcrest and the Beacon Hill (which has been patient long enough and will be built as soon as the Willowcrest is done). Downtown will be Magick Street with the Witches house (orchid) and greenhouse, the Wizard's house (glencroft), the Faerie Cottage (aster) and the Librarian's Cottage (haunted house). Also in the living room is the White Orchid on an end table and the Magnolia on the coffee table. The Samurai's Summer House (coventry cottage) is still in the den coz that's where all the japanese art and armor live. The guest room has the other houses kinda stacked up in it waiting for the right place to live. I think there are seven in there.


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Get thee to ACE, while it looks expensive at the beginning, it's way cheaper (the sheets are huge), and cut it yourself, it's easier than tying your shoes.

Hey Andrew, I've been planning on making a plexiglass case for my White Orchid. What do you recommend to use for cutting it (saw type and blade)?


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Forget the craft store. ACE Hardware has Plexiglass (acrylic sheet) for way less than you'll pay at a craft store. In fact I have NEVER seen clear acrylic at a craft store. I've seen clear styrene, but you don't want that, it's a pig to work with, brittle, chips at the edges. Get thee to ACE, while it looks expensive at the beginning, it's way cheaper (the sheets are huge), and cut it yourself, it's easier than tying your shoes.

Yes, well, I have to FINISH them first. *groan* But thanks for the info!!!

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Our problem is not so much space as it is predators. Little furry monsters that think dollhouses are the perfect size for them, and mini furniture makes great toys, and is to be liberated and secreted away at all costs. The adults aren't bad, but the little 'uns are into everything (we've found a potato in the living room on more than one occasion). When they're older I'm sure things will improve. As it is anything breakable is safely stowed in the basement or spare bedroom, away from little paws.

:) Tell me about it, but don't count on them growing out of it. Missymew isn't interested - never has been. She just opens her toy drawer (lower drawer on our coffee table), and hooks out her toys. She's very good that way.

Trinity on the other hand is 7 1/2 years old, and dollhouses and dollhouse miniatures have always been her toys of choice.

Andrew, I hope your little munchkins wean off dollhouse toys ... but some of them don't ... ever.


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I hate to say this, because it makes me sound ghoulish, but we have a goldfish that is slowly dying and I'm waiting for it to finally leave this life so I can put a dollhouse where the aquarium is! I do not rejoice in the suffering of any creature, but it has been lingering for so long now, the poor little thing, and I haven't got the heart to get another one and watch it do the same. So... I might have a surface to put something on, finally!

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Christine, I'm glad I'm not the only "ghoulish" one out there! We also have one lone, cranky lil fish hanging around in the aquarium, and as soon as he is gone, I'll have a TV stand on wheels for dollhouse work, YAY

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Deb I just used a new exacto blade and a straight edge to cut my plexi. Use the exacto to score it several times. Put the scored line right at the edge of the table and put weight on the part on the table. If you put pressure on the piece hanging over it will snap at the score. Just be very careful and you may want to have help if you are doing a big piece.

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You are not ghoulish. At least you havent reliquished the lil guy to the big white whirlpool yet!

We have/had a 75 gal fish tank and it was full of fish. Chelsea named them all Bob (I DONT KNOW WHY)

Anyway, we had to empty the tank cause we were re-doing the area it was in. I was able to sell a couple but not all. I had those poor fish in bowls all over the counters in the kitchen for two weeks! They all survived! LOL

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We have/had a 75 gal fish tank and it was full of fish. Chelsea named them all Bob (I DONT KNOW WHY)

For a few years, Xochitl (now 13) had a whole slew of stuffed animals ... all named Bob. You suppose this is a generational thing? :flowers:

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