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What have you learned lately?


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I had a splinter tonight. My husband put on his both normal glasses and reading glasses to help me retrieve it.  He was wearing his head lamp, too.  

I thought in the current gear, I thought he looked more like a miniaturist than I do.  Then he suggested for me to try on his reading glasses. 

Wow- they are magnifying glasses! I only had the hand held kind before.  I wear normal glasses and in my 40's.  I didn't think I need reading glasses yet. 

Why didn't I think of this? Working on minis would be so much easier.

What else have I been missing?  What have you learned lately? 

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5 hours ago, Luanne said:

I had a splinter tonight. My husband put on his both normal glasses and reading glasses to help me retrieve it.  He was wearing his head lamp, too.  

I thought in the current gear, I thought he looked more like a miniaturist than I do.  Then he suggested for me to try on his reading glasses. 

Wow- they are magnifying glasses! I only had the hand held kind before.  I wear normal glasses and in my 40's.  I didn't think I need reading glasses yet. 

Why didn't I think of this? Working on minis would be so much easier.

What else have I been missing?  What have you learned lately? 

Both DH & I are daily learning that we can no longer stop bullets with our teeth and that getting old is not for sissies!  Along that line I have learned that a jeweler's loupe is a major help with making minis.  I wear trifocals, and cannot see without them.

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Yeh, so many things change as you get older.  I had surgery to correct nearsightedness (this was before lasik), less than a year later I needed reading glasses.  Now I wear trifocals.  Sucks, can't see near or far.

I use a magnifying glass with the light attached, it clamps on to my table.

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6 hours ago, havanaholly said:

 I wear trifocals, and cannot see without them.

Time for cataract surgery, Holly. I went from 32 years of trifocals to no glasses at all -- except for 1+ drugstore reading glasses for really up close viewing and very fine print.

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58 minutes ago, KathieB said:

Time for cataract surgery, Holly. I went from 32 years of trifocals to no glasses at all -- except for 1+ drugstore reading glasses for really up close viewing and very fine print.

Tell that to the hot shot ophthamologist I saw in January who said my cataracts are "too small" to "bother" with.  The glasses also correct a focal imbalance; in addition to seeing fuzzy I was seeing double-ish.

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3 hours ago, havanaholly said:

Tell that to the hot shot ophthamologist I saw in January who said my cataracts are "too small" to "bother" with.  The glasses also correct a focal imbalance; in addition to seeing fuzzy I was seeing double-ish.

I'd be looking for another ophthalmologist. New lenses ought to correct the double-ish problem, too. 

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1 hour ago, KathieB said:

I'd be looking for another ophthalmologist. New lenses ought to correct the double-ish problem, too. 

Seeing double-ish is my biggest vision problem. I retired at 58 because as and accountant I just could not see my work anymore. Numerous eye doctors and tests, cataract surgery in one eye and I still have problems with horizontal doubling.  Recently a specialist put on black plastic glasses with mini holes all over it and I could see perfectly.  He said my prescription is wrong and that I need to go back to the opthamoligist for correction. That was 3 months ago. I need to follow up. 

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The optometrist the ophthalmologist passed me along to rely did  good job with the new trifocals; the Rx also balanced the focal plane so both eyes point the same way when they're on, and after six months wearing them I no longer have doubling when I'm not wearing them; just fuzzies.

Back to what I've learned, in the process of making 1:24 furniture I learned a lot about Kathie's smoke & mirrors.

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This year, despite the fact that I'm old and should already know these things, I've learned that life is really, really, really hard and people don't keep their promises.

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I have learned to be soooo grateful for every peaceful moment, because the next crisis can and will  come at any time. I start each day trying to remember and thank the universe for all of the amazing blessings that we naturally take for granted - like puppies, like a dishwasher, like a nice warm bed to crawl into each night.and a small but wonderful handful of people that really "get" me. And I am especially grateful to have found my passion in miniatures, because that brings me so much joy and allows me to focus my mind when the world around me has lost it's mind.

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2 hours ago, Selkie said:

This year, despite the fact that I'm old and should already know these things, I've learned that life is really, really, really hard and people don't keep their promises.

Oh, Selkie, my heart hurts to think about this. Warm hugs, dear heart. Know that you and yours are as close as y'all can be in this virtual world.

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I have thought about purchasing one of those glasses for a while now. However a friend of mine who does nail art and used a pair of those for a long time strongly discouraged me of trying, she said they made her eyesight significantly worse. I am a bit afraid of trying them as my eyesight is not very good as it is, are they safe to use for short periods of time? I wouldn't plan to use them to work for hours straight, just for a few mins while I'm gluing really miniscule stuff.

What have I learned this week: that cheap can sometimes be expensive. While trying to save money I decided to try a diferent kind of wood to make floorboards, instead of ordering more from the kind I was using before... because only 1 room was left and I didn't want to spend extra $$$. Result: looked nice the first couple days, but after a week the wood had warped like crazy, broke free from the glue at points and was cracked all over the place... I ended up having to redo the whole floor. Lesson learned, better to go for what I know is safe than try to cut back and end up spending more repairing the damage >.>

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Selkie - I am sorry.  =o(  I hope it turns around soon for you. 

My niece who is in 9th grade wants to be a diabetic educator. Her reason? " She knows all about being a diabetic."  So I think she is already tired of learning new things. :)

I will see an eye doctor in January, I will ask about the prolong use of reading glasses.  Thanks for letting me know.

About minis, I had trouble with floors, too. I have one room that I have made  3 different floors for it now.  The current one is not perfect but it was a rug on it, so it's hiding the big flaw that all of the tiles are not the same size.  



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On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:50:14, rodentraiser said:

Sable, I'm so sorry. Sometimes there's just no reason for the way things are.


I've learned that I'm tired if living and learning. I should have all the learning done by now and I'd really prefer to just live without the learning at this point.

I meant Selkie, not Sable (that will teach me to quote!). It's been a long week. *hugs to Selkie*

I learned yesterday that if I just curb my want-it-right-now desires and let the ice cream sit for about 7 minutes, it's soft enough to scoop with a spoon. I also learned in filling an ice cream cone, that pushing the ice cream into all the crannies but not breaking the cone itself is an art.........


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