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Price is $100 more than the initial quote- What would you do?


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We  had bronze casting for our dog's paw in December last year. 

It was quoted $150.  There have been lots of communication in person and by email for the paint/ color details.  

We have been notified multiple times that it was ready, but there wasn't any changes made from the 2nd trip on. We made 5 trips so far to the shop.

Last night we were notified that it's ready but the price is $250.  This is 1st time that we were informed of a change from the initial quote. 

Our dog passed away and this is important to us but I feel the price situation is very odd. 

How would you handle this situation?

We will go to the place this Saturday. Thanks for lending me your ear. 


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We showed up each time they told us it was ready, but the piece was just partially painted. So we didn't pick it up because it wasn't done. And after each trip, I'd follow up with an email with pictures.  

They said they'd fix it and the next time was the same.  No changes to the piece.  They appear a bit scatter -brained. 

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If your original quote is in writing, I would remind them that all the delays causing inconvenience to YOU in no way justifies inflating the price; if you were not informed that they would increase the price without notifying you ahead of time, I can't see why you should be obligated to pay it.

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Just like with this hobby, we know creative things cannot be rushed.  We were ok with waiting.  It was uncool to be sent in a loop and to have our time wasted multiple times. 

I'll let you know how things go. Thank you for your kind words.

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7 minutes ago, Luanne said:

Nice. It could be that the painting is extra, she could have said this from the 2nd meeting on or in the emails for me to prepare though. 

I'll update you. 

It was her business to quote you a price in writing for ALL of the job, not just part of it, and then surprise you afterwards with a higher amount.

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1 minute ago, havanaholly said:

It was her business to quote you a price in writing for ALL of the job, not just part of it, and then surprise you afterwards with a higher amount.

Yes. It all depends on exactly what was included in the original quote. If the quote was for the entire item with no mention of add-ons for paint, then you should not have to pay the extra, but if it only says $150 for the casting, she may have an argument for the additional painting cost. It's next to impossible for any of us to give you good advice without knowing precisely what the exchange between you was. Have you ever heard Judge Judy drill someone on DETAILS? The devil is in the details. 

If you feel you have a legal standing to sue for non-compliance of a contract, you could do so, but consider the cost of legal fees to do so. They will be well over $100, and if you lose the court case, you'll be out the $$ as well as the item. If you really want the item, it might be better to pay the extra $100 and then report the company to the Better Business Bureau.

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1 hour ago, KathieB said:

Yes. It all depends on exactly what was included in the original quote. If the quote was for the entire item with no mention of add-ons for paint, then you should not have to pay the extra, but if it only says $150 for the casting, she may have an argument for the additional painting cost. It's next to impossible for any of us to give you good advice without knowing precisely what the exchange between you was. Have you ever heard Judge Judy drill someone on DETAILS? The devil is in the details. 

If you feel you have a legal standing to sue for non-compliance of a contract, you could do so, but consider the cost of legal fees to do so. They will be well over $100, and if you lose the court case, you'll be out the $$ as well as the item. If you really want the item, it might be better to pay the extra $100 and then report the company to the Better Business Bureau.

This matter would fall under Small Claims Court. No lawyer needed. But there would be filing fees; depends on your county.

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Thank you for the advice. The quote says ' casting' next to it.   I wish she let me know up front about the change in price so we could have made a decision.  We, miniaturists are pretty good with paint  ourselves.  When we talked about the case for it, I told her I was a slightly crafty with paint.  I hope it'd turn out well. 


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I notified them that I have been busy and I couldn't arrange to stop by.  My husband was ok with going alone but  he was willing to pay the new price to just be done with this.  

I preferred to have the conversation about the price in person but since my husband might go there a lone, I decided a phone conversation was my next best choice.

I have made 3 phone calls,  left one message and one email.

No word from the shop.

After 2 more weeks, I followed up with the below email with a timeframe of my availability.  ( In the past we learned that when they change their business hours, it's simply a sign on the shop door, and not on their websites. And we wasted our time on a trip there.) 

"I reviewed the original email with the quote of $150.  We were not informed of another price. We can talk more about this in person next week.  What are your hours for Friday and Saturday please? 


I don't like confrontations and believe in being nice.  All of my communication was  neutral in tone.  

Still  no word. 


Today we went there. 

The shop owner was talking to someone outside the store and the store door was closed. 

She asked me to wait outside the shop.

I waited a few minutes. 

They continued their conversation.  It didn't seem it'd end any time soon. 

I came over and asked the shop owner if  someone else was inside that could help me.

She explained the other person was a city official and their conversation would end soon. 


We went to the shop, she handed me the paw, informed me that she was not going to make more changes and I can pay the original price. 

The silence was very awkward. 

Another person came in after me  and she was very friendly with him, asking about his family and such. 

The paint didn't come out how I wanted it, so I asked her if there are products from Home Depot that I could get to change it.

She said it's just normal paint so I can look up normal products to change it.

I signed the bill, thanked her and left. 


She was so friendly and even cried with me in the first two meetings.  I am not sure why her attitude changed.

She could have  at least acknowledged my calls/ emails like professional business.

Perhaps something else was going on with the business, thus the city official. 

It was 8 months later than the original delivery time, the price was fair but the experience could have been better. 

Thanks again for listening. 







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