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Miniature Madness Contest Chatter

Mini Man

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Congratulations jennybee! You are a FAST LANE winner of a Primrose Dollhouse! Please send me your shipping information by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy this great little house!

Everyone else, stay on your toes! You never know what the next FAST LANE will have to offer!



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I am doing the Happy Jig ! This is the first time in my life that I have "EVER" won anything in my life. OOPs except for my husbands heart. Nope, my grandmother won that for me thru her cooking! lol. "As they say the quickest way to a mans heart is thru his stomach".

Hope everyone wins something too! I am just estaticly surpised and in shock still. I can't believe I "ME" won something! WOW!!!! so excited. I want to play some more now!

Mini Hugs to ALL!


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Congratulations to both Marsha and Jennybee for your wins, it is such a nice feeling coming on the forum seeing your name, double- tripple and quadrupel checking that it is really true LOL and go :) when finally believing it!


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Congratulations minilinda! You are the winner of a Greenleaf Haunted Dollhouse from the October 14th contest thread! Please send your shipping information by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy your Haunted Dollhouse!

Good luck tomorrow to everyone else!



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Way to go MiniLinda!!! :doh:


I think my brain has decided to sleep in on me this morning. I logged on to start my morning ritual of browsing the forum, and seeing who won....and I couldnt remember if I posted in yesterdays contest for the haunted house, THEN i started to worry that i might have accidentally posted twice in the HH topic for today!!! :)

Much to my relief I hadnt double posted today, and i did get in for the 14th (I went through each page JUST to be sure), I felt sooooo silly. :D

Nothing like tempoarily loosing your mind to start ones day!!!

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Congrats minilinda!!!

And woohoo mini dancing I'm a doing :doh::D

I won!!

I honestly have been eyeing that Primrose for a bit because I thought it would be a great size for a Halloween shop and then the attic space will be inventory storage. I'm soo excited!!

Thank you Dean and Greenleaf for making a mini newbie's day This will be my 2nd build.

Ok I'm off to start making Halloween minis for my new shop. I'll post pics as soon as I can.

Thanks again...

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Jenn you are definitley going to love the Primrose then, it will make an adorable shop! I am using one as the base for my pet shop/"barkery" aetting, with a slight bash in the mix, but I have also used it as is with only excahnging windows and doors and made a modenr office, then I have used one as my haunted school and used the gable window as the base for my fireplace and added a chimney on the outside.

Looking forward seeing what you do with yours!


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Congratulations, MiniLinda! You won a Haunted House - Yippee! :D

I honestly have been eyeing that Primrose for a bit because I thought it would be a great size for a Halloween shop and then the attic space will be inventory storage. I'm soo excited!!

I think that's a great idea - can't wait to see your Halloween mini-makes! :doh:

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I have been looking at buying one of these to extend a dollhouse. Does anyone know if you can use it with a dollhouse other than the Laurel? I have a real good toys house and I want to add an extra room to it.

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Congratulations smallworld! You are the winner of a Greenleaf Haunted Dollhouse from the October 15th contest thread! Please send your shipping information by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy your Haunted Dollhouse!

Good luck tomorrow to everyone else!



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I have been looking at buying one of these to extend a dollhouse. Does anyone know if you can use it with a dollhouse other than the Laurel? I have a real good toys house and I want to add an extra room to it.

I've been thinking about using the Primrose I won as an extra room on the Pierce ... a conservatory or music room off of the living room. I'll have to wait until I have it in hand to decide.

Laura Way of Mini Temptations in Kansas is working on a Pierce for a customer. I need to go there and look at her house in progress. I think better in 3 dimensions!

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