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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Anyone in our part of the country will have to use LOTS of artificial light, if they're lucky enough to have power; Isaac totally went to NOLA, but managed to dump lotsa rain and blow 40 mph winds on those of us on his Eastern side.

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How many times can you hesitate to click on that 'send' button?? Ohh bunches of times. One more look to make sure, one more changing of a couple words here and there. It's DONE!!! Now I can take the pole lamp off the chair, push the SF table back in here and put Main DH back where it goes. It's been fun (NOT) with only a path to sink and food. It will be a month or so after deadline date before results are in. Sometime in October. hmmm At least we can see any albums posted.

I Really need a cuppa coffee :-)

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I pray that anyone in Issacs path stays safe!

I can't remember...do we send the pictures as an attachment? Or do they have to be in the body of the e-mail? I hope as an attachment! I did crop some pictures. Hopefully that is o.k. :unsure: Not sure if I remember how to put them in the body of an e-mail. Being computer stupid right now. Can you tell that I am anxious? I want to send them in, but am afraid to hit the send button. lol.

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I sent mine as an attachment after resizing them down to 800 x 600 pixels. That seems to be the optimum size for attaching to emails but I must admit, they look very small compared to the originals.

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oh no I put in body of message. I am so used to 'Inserting' photos in mail this way it is habit. Hope I am not in trubble. Or worse yet 'rejected'.

go on Teresa, hit that button. haha it took me a while too.

Watching Isaac info now and then. Me too praying for those in the path. One forecaster said we might get some of the wind and rain but not the force. The humidity from bad storms is what hurts my health issues the most. On that note going to do a breathing treatment and take a nap >>

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Linda, you should get an acknowledgement when they receive your entry. I'm sure it will be fine if you have inserted them in the e-mail. Greenleaf wouldn't just reject your entry.

Good luck and thinking of everyone threatened by Issac.

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We had wind, rain and pressure drop this AM so I also took a nice long nap (plus DH wants to go out tonight for supper and live blues music, and none of our usual places was doing any of that Monday PM). Other than rain, some wind and a couple of power glitches in P'cola we have fared VERY well. Brandaen, I'm sorry to say our favorite city has 12 feet of water in some of the low-lying houses... I just hope it missed the Bennetts' condo; Matt should be OK on the second floor in the vieux carre (hint, Matt; check in and let us know how you are!).

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This is off topic here, but not to worry about the condo, Holly. After Katrina, many units in the complex were rented to those who lost homes. It's on a ridge, not prone to flooding.

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Thank you, Kathie; I thought you had mentioned it was in a MUCH better location, as I would expect; hearing about the 12' water flooding had me worried... I hope all you flingers in The Zone are keeping high & dry (to get back on topic).

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Linda, you should get an acknowledgement when they receive your entry. I'm sure it will be fine if you have inserted them in the e-mail. Greenleaf wouldn't just reject your entry.

Good luck and thinking of everyone threatened by Issac.

Thanks Jo, Will watch for email.

Teresa, Good idea to have hubby help. I work in photos so much it is second nature.

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Every year, my entry has stories to tell. This year, it sat, forlorn, knowing I had bigger things on my plate, like this unexpected custody battle. Then three weeks ago today, silly me, I stepped on the welcome mat just right, or rather just wrong. One big fall later, I found myself with a broken foot :( What to do, what to do......... Flingapy! You know, Spring Fling Therapy :) Now, all that hard work in the beginning is paying off. As I've sat and kept my foot rested, I've gotten to fling away. My little 4 year old is cheering me on because she wants a 1/4" scale version of what I'm making :)Hopefully I will get it finished enough to enter.

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ahh Morgn hope the foot is healing okay. with my health issues I am on my couch a lot doing nuttin' or somethin'. I did most of my work on SF right there. odors/fumes have to be done outside or as far away from my birds as possible. I even have a heavy drape (no real door) going into my kitchen where I can work away. At a certain point the building on yee old cutting board was the way for me to go. That board has seen such a variety of projects over the years.

Can't imagine working on a 1/4" scale. I don't think it's for me but good luck to your wee one.

Wishing you God's speed as well as anyone else now struggeling for time.

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Is it o.k. if your pictures aren't 800 x 600? Because of cropping some are 800x 7 something. Only a few are actually 800x600. I guess I could pick those out if I have to. Thanks in advance for answering this question.

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Is it o.k. if your pictures aren't 800 x 600? Because of cropping some are 800x 7 something. Only a few are actually 800x600. I guess I could pick those out if I have to. Thanks in advance for answering this question.

Teresa I don't think it would matter a great deal. 800 x 600 is just a recommended size. I suspect Greenleaf may resize all pics to the same dimensions anyway to put them all on a level playing field.

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There is something to be said for finishing and submitting early but hey, it makes the wait over the last few days even harder. So, here's another sneak peek to jolly things along a little.


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Last night I dreamed we were all in an auditorium bringing our Spring Flings to a show for judging in person...oh, the eye candy!!! :D

Just imagine all the spring flings in one room - now that would be worth seeing.

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