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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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Jo, I'd have been in hysterics if one of my babies slipped out and ran off like that. I'm so glad that yours came back home. Cats are such fickle little creatures that they'll make themselves at home almost anywhere. My neighbors cats both go outside.........and head straight for my patio where they sleep on soft cushions, drink out of my water fountain, and tell me they're very grateful that I don't have children or dogs. LOL!

More flinging today! I finished the floor (and my freehand daisies came out great which caused me to breathe a sigh of relief) and got the french doors and the window installed. Yay!!


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I'm so relieved too. Both of my cats do not like strangers and will hide under beds if anyone comes to the house. The one who went missing is particularly shy which is why I am so surprised that he seems to have made a friend somewhere. But, I am so grateful to whoever his new friend is as I was trying not to think about the possibilities of his disappearance - we have a few foxes in the vicinity.

Deb, your fling sounds like a whole box of fun - daisies, acid bright colours, I think its about time you gave us a sneak peek - even if you aren't entering the competition.

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Okay, here's my first sneak peek pic. It's the floor in the main building and you can see a little of the walls behind it. It's a pretty big sneak peek and some of you may guess what it is.......or it might just trigger a little thought in the back of your head about "where have I seen this before?" that will drive you crazy til you figure it out. <cackle>

The colors are just blowing me away and the total 100% whimsical fun of this build is making me feel more alive than I have in a very long time. It's good to be building again.


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great sneak peek Deb. your house is very colourful. I look forward to seeing the rest.

I got more trim painted and in place now. I am really happy with the way it coming out. I must take some sneak peek pic for you.

On with Flinging.

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Flinganxiety - looking at time slipping away with lots to do..

I think I am suffering from a severe case of Flinganxiety.......or timeaflinging anyway.. RL work is finally quieting down for now.. have planned to do a lot this weekend since I am in serious serious time trouble.. I need to finish so many bits and pieces and I really want to make the deadline!

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The home of a fairy tripping on acid?

It might even be appropriate for Salvador Dali on 'shrooms. hehehehehehe Thank you guys for all the nice comments about my sneak peek picture. Wait till you see the finger painted rainbow on one wall that SO looks like watercolors. That was extremely fun to do. I finished the front porch yesterday (blue and green checkerboard with little light green squiggles all over it and a purple base) and am ready to do a couple of the exterior walls. To make things even more confusing, here are a couple of hints: There's a bar in the farmer's stand on one side and a bathtub in the greenhouse on the other.

I won't be in the studio for a few days however after yet another minor surgical thing on my foot. It's not like I need my feet to Fling (altho that does raise some interesting ideas about painting techniques and it wouldn't be the first time I've painted with my feet), but I have to keep my foot elevated with ice on it for a couple of days and I can't navigate the stairs so I'm bed bound. That leaves me feeling very Flingvious (unable to Fling myself and envious of others who get to spend the weekend Flinging).

Fling on my friends, fling on!!


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Good luck with the surgery Debs, your fling will wait patiently no doubt.

Mine is now looking a drab little fling and after seeing yours feels a bit hard done to because her colours are dull. I've promised her that I'll make a few pretties for inside. Know what though, she wants a bigger garden. I decided this year I was going to be conservative with the space for this build but even I can see that a couple of tiny strips of garden don't really cut it with this fling resident. I'll have to ponder on that one, good job there is still plenty of time left.

How is everyone else doing with theirs - you are all very quiet and mysterious.

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I'm quiet because it's taking all my energy to figure out how to fix the mess my puppy made of my greenhouse. He just loves to eat wood :rolleyes: I think I almost have it conquered then we are back on track! I have been getting interesting packages, but I can't do a show and tell without giving away too much :lol:

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Working on greenery and having to take many breaks as its not my favourite thing.

Still I gave my fling a bit of bling yesterday after seeing Deb's dazzler so its a bit happier.

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working on finishing roofs and walls, not making as much progress as I want to but it is shaping up nicely. i am using a few materials i have not worked with before and it is fun to test that out.. although I had to recover a few disasters......

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