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I got to find out first hand what a "superficial keratectomy" involves.  I'm very photophobic, so the light about killed me. but other than that the instrument used to even out my (formerly) wrinkled cornea tickled fiercely.  I can't wait to find out what the removal of my cataracts involves!

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On 6/26/2024 at 12:50 PM, havanaholly said:

superficial keratectomy

Just the words alone made me sit back with my mouth open! I can't imagine the actual procedure - good luck!!

On 6/25/2024 at 4:21 AM, havanaholly said:

Lucy, just wait until you discover sports bras!  Talk about total comfort!

That's all I wore when I was pregnant/post pregnant for about a year 🤭 I just became a little too comfortable and I felt bad that I wasn't presenting myself at my best...hardly ever....so I decided to have a slightly stepped-up option for when I wanted to do so 🙂 But otherwise, AGREED!!! 

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Lucy, I go in later this AM for the follow up.  As for the sports bras, at my age I don't mind not having to fool with hooks.

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The follow up went extremely well, my eye doctor was surprised at how quickly I healed and he took off the contact lens and told me just two more days on the eye drops.  He wants me to come back for one last visit in a month, but he is no longer in any hurry to get at the cataracts, which makes me wonder if the sudden loss in acuity my regular eye doctor referred me for was due to the wrinkles on the cornea and not the cataracts.  

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2 hours ago, havanaholly said:

The follow up went extremely well, my eye doctor was surprised at how quickly I healed and he took off the contact lens and told me just two more days on the eye drops.  He wants me to come back for one last visit in a month, but he is no longer in any hurry to get at the cataracts, which makes me wonder if the sudden loss in acuity my regular eye doctor referred me for was due to the wrinkles on the cornea and not the cataracts.  

That's so exciting! Less procedures is always a good thing! Congratulations!!

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Posted (edited)
On 6/25/2024 at 12:21 AM, havanaholly said:

Lucy, just wait until you discover sports bras!  Talk about total comfort!

I would wear one, but I can't afford shoes for my tatas.

Well, the never ending lawn saga. Remember when I said the lawn was to be in the front and the meadow grass and flowers in the back? I took a good look at my lawn today and the grass in the back is about 2" high, but the grass in the front is about a foot high and going to seed. I called the contractor on it and he swears he seeded the way I told him to.

Anyway, the long grass is getting cut on Saturday and that's the day it'd going to be 90° here, so I told the kid if he wanted to start at 6am, he could. It will be cooler then and the whole yard will still be in shade. The neighbors, who are coming up for a week tomorrow, aren't going to like it, but they've woken me up many a time mowing their own lawn, so too bad.

Our weather here is going to be hot, hot, hot for the next week, in the upper 80s and even 95 one day. I wish I could afford a pool.

When the kid comes to mow, I have a honey-do list as well and one of those to-do things is to help me set up my large table so I can start working on a dollhouse, any dollhouse. I have to make a decision whether I want to make the Simplicity with its two additions or the Hofco house into my forever house. I love the Hofco, but it's so large and I'm still in a 260sqft trailer. I can get all the same rooms in the Simplicity (minus one bedroom and bath) that I can in the Hofco house and I think I can make the Simpllicity look very nice if I fancy it up a little.

What do you guys think? I want a kitchen, laundry room, dining room, living room, sunroom, library, one bed and a bath, and an attic. I just won't be able to fit out a center hallway in the Simplicity but as I want it to e a sort of informal house, that's fine with me.

Edited by rodentraiser
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  • 1 month later...

Well, now I'm back trying to decide if I want to do the Hofco house. I've had all summer to decide and I still can't make up my mind.

The orchard grass was cut and grew back to 3ft high in about a week. So next month I'm having it cut again and then laying plastic sheets on it to kill it all and start over. Contractor is now trying to tell me the bags were mislabeled. He better knock that crap off because he hasn't finished the job yet and I still owe him $1000, which he won't get if he doesn't get his little hind end up here to reseed.

After four raids on my flowers and strawberries, I finally got someone to put in some metal fence posts. Next month I'll be buying 5ft netting and setting up an enclosed yard in front of my trailer. I know deer can jump higher than that, but my garden is only 10ft wide and once I scatter a few pots around, the deer can jump but there won't be a place for them to land and if they're not smart enough to figure that out, too bad. So far the harvest has been no blueberries, two strawberries, and four wizened up little cherry tomatoes. Pah!

It's 8:30pm and it's dark outside already. Winter is coming. I can already feel the depression flowing over me like spilled oil flowing out of an overturned barrel. I hate winter here in the PNW. I want to go home to California.

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11 hours ago, havanaholly said:

Later this morning I'm getting the cataracts removed from my right eye.

Good luck Holly. I hope you are amazed with the results. My father in law said he had to quit wearing his favorite shirt. After surgery he could see the pink color that he thought was yellow.

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15 hours ago, rodentraiser said:

Well, now I'm back trying to decide if I want to do the Hofco house. I've had all summer to decide and I still can't make up my mind.

The orchard grass was cut and grew back to 3ft high in about a week. So next month I'm having it cut again and then laying plastic sheets on it to kill it all and start over. Contractor is now trying to tell me the bags were mislabeled. He better knock that crap off because he hasn't finished the job yet and I still owe him $1000, which he won't get if he doesn't get his little hind end up here to reseed.

After four raids on my flowers and strawberries, I finally got someone to put in some metal fence posts. Next month I'll be buying 5ft netting and setting up an enclosed yard in front of my trailer. I know deer can jump higher than that, but my garden is only 10ft wide and once I scatter a few pots around, the deer can jump but there won't be a place for them to land and if they're not smart enough to figure that out, too bad. So far the harvest has been no blueberries, two strawberries, and four wizened up little cherry tomatoes. Pah!

It's 8:30pm and it's dark outside already. Winter is coming. I can already feel the depression flowing over me like spilled oil flowing out of an overturned barrel. I hate winter here in the PNW. I want to go home to California.

I don't remember what the Hofco house was....it's been a long summer!

"Little hind end" cracked me up :ohyeah:

Good luck with your gardening and to heck with deer. And squirrels, and chipmunks, and moles, and skunks, and mice, and everything with mouths, beaks, snouts, paws, claws, hooves, or any other body part that causes me problems with my plants. I already lost a great squash plant :T Don't give up! No pity! TO WAR! 

My husband is already slouching everywhere because the sun sets at 8:10 nowadays. I need a serious greenhouse with even more serious UV lights to just stick him in like a microwave on days like today....

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Carrie, that's interesting about your FIL.  One of the volunteer ladies at the main Pensacola library's bookstore told me when she had hers done she saw the purple color range differently.  The anesthesiologist told me I'd see better.

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It's interesting how differently people react to weather and seasons. I abhor summer! I hate bright sunlight and heat. But then, I had a heat stroke a few years back and have been battling skin cancer for the last 30 years. So the sun is NOT my friend!
I feel energized and happy in the winter. I miss the Northwest but I do like the winters here in Nebraska, with lots of snow and temps below zero.  I know -- color me crazy! 
Hope your cataract surgery went well, Holly. I had both eyes done a couple years ago.

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When I go in later this AM to get the shield removed I'm going to ask when I can get my left eye done.


Well, it's later and I have to go back next week and then I can ask about my other eye.

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On 8/26/2024 at 11:11 AM, MamaV said:

I don't remember what the Hofco house was....it's been a long summer!

"Little hind end" cracked me up :ohyeah:

Good luck with your gardening and to heck with deer. And squirrels, and chipmunks, and moles, and skunks, and mice, and everything with mouths, beaks, snouts, paws, claws, hooves, or any other body part that causes me problems with my plants. I already lost a great squash plant :T Don't give up! No pity! TO WAR! 

My husband is already slouching everywhere because the sun sets at 8:10 nowadays. I need a serious greenhouse with even more serious UV lights to just stick him in like a microwave on days like today....

This summer...I can't even.

So THE BUCK IS BACK! He decided to jump over the netting and attack my strawberries again. So then I decided to put the netting on the posts. But the netting is still only 3ft high and although it's now 5ft in the air, there is a gap at the bottom. So the buck tried to crawl underneath the next time. Ye gods....

I went out in the morning and found that although his snake-like head could go under the netting, his antlers couldn't. He must have gotten them caught on the netting. He yanked ALL the netting down on that side, pulled over my cinder blocks with sand in them, pulled out the dowels, broke one and threw the other one 30 ft down to the arbor and he also tipped my arbor over. Nothing is missing and I see no sign of antlers, so he must have gotten loose. Also, he never got to my flowers this time. Har har har. And he hasn't been back, so I assume he learned a good lesson. But what a mess.

Don't worry about the Americana. I can't put it together inside as the finished house will be 27 1/2" deep and my door is about 22" wide. If i brought it inside to work on, I'd have to tear out a wall to get it out of the trailer. There's not a window or light in my shed to work on it there and if I work on it outside, I won't be able to carry it back and forth to the shed when it rains because of how heavy it is. So the Americana is out.

Now I can't decide if I want to work on the Simplicity, the Heritage, or just start over with another smaller house. I'm thinking of the Beacon Hill again or the San Franciscan. I'd like to put two Beacon Hills together but even with my plan, I still wouldn't have a dining room and I really want a dining room.

Edited by rodentraiser
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25 minutes ago, rodentraiser said:

So Holly, can you tell the difference when they removed the cataract?

I discovered that the cataracts gave my vision an amber overlay, which is So wild right now, because I see both colors; the bright, vibrant colors of the real world with my right eye, and the muted, amber-tinged world with my left eye.  I go back for a follow up on Wednesday, so I'm going to push for an appointment to get my left eye done.

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19 hours ago, rodentraiser said:

I'm thinking of the Beacon Hill again or the San Franciscan. I'd like to put two Beacon Hills together but even with my plan, I still wouldn't have a dining room and I really want a dining room.

I moved the kitchen to the unseen part of the house and used the designated kitchen space for a dining room. I blocked the window to the porch to make a solid wall for the China cabinet.

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I was thinking of making the kitchen larger by taking the small room under the roof and the room under it and adding it to the side of the kitchen. Well, I'm not about to buy two Beacon Hills at this point anyway.

I have a Simplicity and two additions for it, so really, I don't know why I can't make something out of that. I thought of making the main house just the living room and an entry. Then making one addition into a dining room and place the second addition next to the first addition and making a kitchen out of that. Only I'd make the kitchen just a wee bit smaller than the dining room so the whole house looks sort of like that Lawbre Nantucket telescope house. Maybe I can add a sunroom next to the living room on the other side.

Upstairs, I could have a library over the living room, a bedroom over the dining room, and a bathroom over the kitchen. If I add a laundry room to the kitchen, I could make the area above that into a largeish closet. The whole thing would probably be as long as the Hofco Americana, but it would be narrower and at least I could get it out of the trailer when I'm done.

Honestly, aside from a million tax free dollars, I don't know what I want.


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On 9/1/2024 at 2:59 PM, havanaholly said:

I discovered that the cataracts gave my vision an amber overlay, which is So wild right now, because I see both colors; the bright, vibrant colors of the real world with my right eye, and the muted, amber-tinged world with my left eye.  I go back for a follow up on Wednesday, so I'm going to push for an appointment to get my left eye done.

My mom said when she had her cataracts done, it was like that Claritin commercial where they strip away the film and everything is brighter. I have one eye now that sees things much brighter than the other. What I'm afraid of is that if I decorate a dollhouse in what I think are nice colors and then get my cataracts out, I'll look at the house and realize it's done in bright lemon yellow, neon green, and screaming blue.

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One of the minor shocks in that area came with one of the cartans I sleep in; it's blue with green and gold designs, very lovely in the amber filter, and VERY loud & vibrant with the new lens!

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9 hours ago, rodentraiser said:

I was thinking of making the kitchen larger by taking the small room under ...

Honestly, aside from a million tax free dollars, I don't know what I want.


And this would be why I got Thornhill and a couple of conservatories and a garage and an Arthur and a porch and a few other kits to bash on to it. Oh good grief. It lives beautifully assembled in my brain🤣 and in a million pieces in my den. 🤦‍♀️

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The trip to the eye doctor went well, I have a final follow-up in a month and a tentative date (if next month's visit goes like today's) for my  left eye.  We happy danced out to supper at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant.

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Well, we just got back from a neurologist appointment for my husband. It is confirmed that he has advanced Parkinson's Disease, and is at stage four and a half -- not quite stage 5. With dementia. We've suspected it, but now it's official.

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