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Autumn Organization


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Despite the 100+ heat indices, there seems to be a flavor of autumnal energy in the air. This week I got a bug to clean out closets. Between my weight loss and general boredom with items that have been in the rotation for ten years or more, there are five 30-gallon bags of clothes ready for pickup by the Vietnam Veterans of America and one bag of really worn items to be trashed. Lloyd claimed he had nothing to donate but then managed to nearly fill a whole leaf bag. The under-bed rolling tub is now empty and ready for extra bedding from a hall closet that will then have room for other good stuff. It feels good. Next step, sort through jewelry, some of which I've never worn. I'm not a big jewelry person. Earrings. Pendant. Sometimes a ring (just because L gave it to me and likes to see me wear it).

Following this closely on last week's cleanup in the storage unit, it seems to be a trend. I've looked up lateral filing cabinets online that would let me organize several banker's boxes of genealogy material that is useless in its current disorganized state. Am hoping to get this all done before I get distracted. (I know me.)


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I started purging the first of this year...it's an ongoing project. I gave myself a year to do it all, but it may take longer, LOL! I started with closets too. It's a great feeling to clear out a drawer or cupboard, and honestly, I haven't missed anything that I've gotten rid of. Slow and steady wins the <purge> race :D 

(No minis were harmed in this purge.)

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Does seem to be a trend... Since moving home, this has been an on-going project for myself. I've managed to empty several(nearly 10) totes of various clothes and shoes that have gotten donated so far -- if I haven't seen a small pattern that may be useful in mini upholstery or sewing of outfits. Last night I kept myself up organizing a box of old patterns that truly charmed the dickens out of me. They were patterns I got from a friend that had been cut/copied from old Craft Patterns magazines, as well as other old mini-related magazines. I'll give you most of the patterns I was putting in a book last night, are older than me -- but I can see still using the techniques and pattern pieces in objects that are still used today. I still have another 20+ envelopes to empty of pattern pieces and instructions, but will be so good to have them where I can easily look through them and pull them out.

My biggest purge project is getting rid of/emptying a couple of entertainment units that I have used to store my wallpapers and miniature related items. Basically once emptied they're being gotten rid of and I am completely re-doing my storage system. My goal is to have everything easily accessible, and able to be found without the general hunt that I used to deal with. 

Kathie -- sounds like you're making incredible progress, and I thank you for sharing to help keep me motivated to keep on my own purge of sorts.  :)


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Usually in August I start cleaning the house because I return to school in the fall and like to get things streamlined beforehand. I tackled closets and bathroom vanity drawers and purged some clothes. I have more seasonal clothes to donate that I think  will go through this weekend. I just don't wear my beautiful wool skirts anymore (pants being warmer and more practical for school), which makes me sad but it gets ridiculous to hang onto them. While it's kind of a pain to do, I feel really good once it's done. 


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29 minutes ago, Dalesq said:

(No minis were harmed in this purge.)

Thank goodness!

16 minutes ago, minikelli said:

Kathie -- sounds like you're making incredible progress, and I thank you for sharing to help keep me motivated to keep on my own purge of sorts.  :)

Glad to hear there are others doing this. It will keep me motivated. :) 

7 minutes ago, amyole said:

While it's kind of a pain to do, I feel really good once it's done. 

Yes ... it does feel good. 

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7 hours ago, KathieB said:

Thank goodness!

Glad to hear there are others doing this. It will keep me motivated. :) 

Yes ... it does feel good. 

Great Post!

I started purging when I started to pack up my old apartment to move the first of July.  I have donated clothing and linens and  purged so much.  After the move, I am still purging and organizing.  It also helped me realize how much I have in mini supplies!  I have stopped "looking" for bargains and am using up (in the next build) much of what I have collected.  Its a good feeling to use or donate something that has been sitting in closets that I will "use one day".  Now on to the cooler weather!

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When I moved to the place I am now, I got rid of loads of stuff. Unfortunately all my dollhouse stuff too.  ( at the time I had no good place to work on it) Now I am restocking. Been to a few thrift stores in search of miniature items, paints and wallpaper remnants. No luck on the wallpaper but I have a few more places to check out. As for my work area..its a mess. My brother has some items being stored there that he needs to get out. As for my house inside, I want o go through items again and declutter.  That will wait until the weather is cooler. Also have loads of pictures that need labeled and put into photo album.

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There is a mound of bags by the front door waiting for pickup by the Vietnam Veterans of America tomorrow. There is a nearly clear shelf in the pantry/closet -- a closet off the dining area fitted with four sturdy shelves. The Halloween House is happy on its turntable. Still lots of details to attend to, but it's coming together.

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I have made the list of things to get as I start the same thing here....

Catriona is getting married in Nov and we will be hosting 2 families in our ratty tatty house...lol....but we all family and Im looking forward to it.

but so we all fit and can find all the things we need to make cake...I need to CLEAN and reorganize the kitchen and each of the spare rooms...

still pretty hot here so Ill be able to hang all the bedding I can round up and wash out to dry and wont that smell wonderful...


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