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Miniature Madness Contest Chatter

Mini Man

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Yay, Kathie!!!! You will definitley love this little versetile little house! I am currently bashing my last one into a two full storey house with an attic and a sand stone finish with stone quoins made out of cpmressed cardboard...

Looking forward seeing your ventures with this one!


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Oh no, calming down is not as fun as letting the thoughts run wild LOL, and I can bet that the house itself will have some thoughts about the matter as you start assembling it :lol: as they miost often give you a hard time unless you follow suit....


First CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners and a BIG THANK YOU to Dean for doing this, must be very time-consuming at least...

Second I so much agree with Anna... let those thoughts run wild (and share them with us)! It is so much fun reading the 'happy mails'. Happy mails bring happy thoughts and (from time to time) we all can use a smile.

So thanks for making me smile, over and over again.

Keep those 'wild' messages coming! I love them.

Kind regards and good luck,

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Congrats on the win. Can't wait to see who is next. :lol:

Me neither!!!! I need some "mini-fix" so to speak as my other energy is running low right now after havinghad a day filled with meetings and planning and dealing with straightening out quarrels amongst students and.... NOT what I had planned for the day if you know what I mean!



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So Kathie, whatcha gonna do with your Primrose? A shop, a cottage? I think I might have to get one of those soon!

Woohooo!!! I just checked the thread and discovered I'm a winner! :lol: :D

I have a lot of ideas swirling in my head ... a shop, I think ... or maybe an extension to another house? It's so cute and so versatile, could be anything ... hmmmm, maybe a Christmas scene. I have a Pat Boldt Santa doll that I need to dress. It could be his new home.

Guess I'll have to wait until it arrives and tells me what it wants!

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You're going to love this one. It's so cute and small.

True, it can stay like a small and cute cottage, townhouse, addition to another house or one can extend it both lenghtwise as well as height-wise, it is ever so handy :lol:

And that I can ouch for as I am on my "third" one so far LOL, I figured I better order them in a batch when orering anyhow LOL (oh and my MIL got two as well....) so now as I have opened the last one up and started the converting into a two storey with an attic kind of French townhouse I am re-modelling mine a little more compared to the last one that I turned into a modern office for my BIL, and the first one I made into a haunted school which I added a fireplace to on the gable where a window should have been....

They can truly be so differnet from one another!!!

Hugs and do tell what you decide on!

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Congratulations CALLACO-Karen! You are the winner of a Greenleaf Haunted Dollhouse from the October 9th contest thread! Please send me your shipping information using the Email System with the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy your Haunted Dollhouse!

Good luck tomorrow to everyone else!



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it's 8:40am (1140 EST) over here and I'm browsing around, just to kill some time while anxiously awaiting the winning post for yesterdays house. Which i'm sure will be up by the time i finish typing.

My hubby thinks I'm nuts!!! :woot: I must agree, I am!!! but its SOOOoooo much fun!!! I'm offically addicted, and loving every minute of it!!!

what's really making this fun is how cool everyone here is, you all really do create an awesome atmosphere in this forum...yeah... in otherwords you all ROCK!!!


WAY TO GO CALLACO-Karen!!! :lol:

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Isn't it about time for another "FAST LANE"? :lol:

Hehehe, sounds like someone has been struck by the "competition" bug LOL :D see how fast one gets used to fun things like this???? :D

We'll just have to sit back and roll our thumbs (yeah likely huh?!?) until the next one is up and running!


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