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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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I've got some squeeze-me bushes waiting for the bungalow. I almost stole them for the SF, but they weren't big enough.

Thanks for the compliments on the flowers, everyone :)

The hard part is coming next....figuring out a pleasing arrangement for the garden.

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I've got some squeeze-me bushes waiting for the bungalow. I almost stole them for the SF, but they weren't big enough.

Thanks for the compliments on the flowers, everyone :)

The hard part is coming next....figuring out a pleasing arrangement for the garden.

The compliments are well deserved! And don't over think the placement. Mother Nature likes random. :)

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Beautiful flowers Keli! I am really beginning to think that I may actually finish in time. Really worried there for awhile! I got more ideas on where I want to go for the inside today. Whoot, whoot! Now just to get it done. Then pictures! :crazyeyes: That can be the most challenging thing to do!

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Wow, everyone has such beautiful previews.

I am thoroughly impressed and awed !!

Can't wait to see all of your hard work displayed.

Wonder how long after the 3rd, we get to view the entries?

Wonder if the powers to be could just post all the entries in, say, alphabetical order or something like that, for us to drool over while they decide the winners?

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Wow, everyone has such beautiful previews.

I am thoroughly impressed and awed !!

Can't wait to see all of your hard work displayed.

Wonder how long after the 3rd, we get to view the entries?

Wonder if the powers to be could just post all the entries in, say, alphabetical order or something like that, for us to drool over while they decide the winners?

What a brilliant idea Selkie - browsing through the entries is the best part and we will of course all privately have our own favourites so it would be fun to see how our picks lined up with the final judges selections. So glad I'm not a judge because its so subjective - what stands out for one leaves another unmoved so the final discussions between the judges must be so entertaining.

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Such awesome previews! Makes me feel reluctant to share mine. Too bad there isn't a category for beginners...

Great idea, but I am sure it is beautiful! There are always so many beautiful and different entries.

I am "getting there" where did the time go???? I am hoping to finish, but we will see..... :borg:

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Wow, everyone has such beautiful previews.

I am thoroughly impressed and awed !!

Can't wait to see all of your hard work displayed.

Wonder how long after the 3rd, we get to view the entries?

Wonder if the powers to be could just post all the entries in, say, alphabetical order or something like that, for us to drool over while they decide the winners?

I remember last year as soon as people turned in their photos to thewinner@greenleafdollhouses.com (on first page of this thread) we can open up public gallery as Holly said. Can't wait to see everyones treasures.... oh heck I better get busy. I am about to see daylight at the end of this long tunnel but still things to do. Wondering how many practice photos it will take to get the ones I want to submit?? :rolleyes:

Count down is 21 days including today and Sept 3. OMG yes I am up early so working on a specific thing. Wish me well. Better yet Pray me well.



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Wonder if the powers to be could just post all the entries in, say, alphabetical order or something like that, for us to drool over while they decide the winners?

Somehow I think they'll have enough on their hands just trying to judge, and we sure don't want to slow down the judging process! I agree with all of the above who suggest that the entrants post photos in their own gallery and put a link here so we can see them.
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I had a whole list of things to accomplish last night, but it took me nearly all evening to make one stinkin' _____. It was originally intended for a display cabinet, but after all that time and effort I hung it on the wall so you can actually see it. :lol:

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Somehow I think they'll have enough on their hands just trying to judge, and we sure don't want to slow down the judging process! I agree with all of the above who suggest that the entrants post photos in their own gallery and put a link here so we can see them.

They are going to have to create a file of entries anyway for the judging process - no problem to share. A good number of entrants, especially those who are not regular forum contributors, don't create albums so we will probably only see those who have contributed to this thread - maybe about a dozen???

Started taking pics today - my recycle bin is now full to overflowing. Try again tomorrow.

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I am actually seeing an end to this by Labor Day! I wasn't sure that I would ever get to this point! Whew! Still have things to do, but not so overwhelming now. I don't know why i stressed more over this one then on any other one that I have done. Kick me if I say that I will enter again! Just kidding...kind off. Good to stretch your skills and learn new things. Guess having a time limit really shows what you are made of. lol. I CAN NOT wait to see what everyone else is doing. ( If you want to send pictures you can. lol again) Have a great day everyone. Keep on Flinging!

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I am getting to the point where there are only a few small jobs to finish. So curious to see everyones entries, especially with all the flowers it must be a colourful collection this year...

thought i'd post a small preview of mine.. not sure if it works, because i had to put it in an album.. somehow i seem to have reached a file quota, but am not able to delete any old files..

hugs and good luck to all with finishing all the final bits and pieces...

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I'm planning on taking photographs outside this year, I just have to find a good spot to set up.

Miniature gardening is a blast :) My plants didn't fill in as much space as I needed them to, I've got some big bare spots in the gardens, so I ordered a few more kits this morning. More delphiniums! I'm going to make some more marginnias while I'm waiting for them to get here.

I lost my corsage pin last night. I know it's within arm's reach somewhere, but I don't know where. I expect that I won't see it again until I'm looking at the final pictures, after I've submitted them...it will be sticking up out of the garden somewhere like some odd, out-of-scale, floating, gazing ball.....a tiny UFO.

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Lol Keli, even if you find that pin before you take pictures, I think you should still hide it somewhere in the garden now so we can play spot the UFO.

Been taking pictures all morning and I have so many in my folder - all practically the same - just need to do some culling. This is the part I most dislike because my pictures never seem to look as good as I think it does in real life - maybe blinkered vision. Plus, my goodness - all those flaws that you didn't see with your eyes, the camera seems to magnify. Haven't seen one picture yet that makes me go - "Yes, that's the one" so I need to go read Deb's article again I think.

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