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What does your dollhouse mean to your family??


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What does your dollhouse mean to your family??

To me it’s a place for me to play with my artistic side and make things I wouldn’t otherwise make.

To baby it’s a cool play thing and a good spot to hide things so no one will touch them. Especially if you’ve nicked them in the first place.

To mum

Well to mum ……………………… it’s a convenient clothes horse.





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To me it's a way to try out ideas & new techniques. To DH it's a PIA because of the room taken up (I have promised to sell or to donate all my 1:12 houses and he has agreed I can keep 1;24 & smaller). My eldest son shakes his head, the second one is tickled because now his fiancee has begun collecting, and the youngest son builds Battle Mechs and their gear from Legos...

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My dh to me... It is someplace to let out my creativity. It is something I can do when I am bored, lonely, or happy. It gives me something to think about. It is something that I can be proud of: I did that!

To my family...My dh says he likes to see the transformation. He leaves and comes back and something has changed. He knows that if there is no one to talk to or all there is on tv is re-runs and reality shows..I have something to occupy my mind!

I dont know what the girls think. Chelsea is amazed I have the patience and endurance to keep on keeping on!

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Glen, loved your pictures! Is that the Barbie on the bed who had knee surgery? :lol:

To my family & I dollhouses are a variety of things...........our hobby basically turned into a business. My daughter who is 10, also likes to put certain things in her houses that she doesn't want anyone to know about, for example, candy. :( Hate it when she hides her 'stash' in there because we live in the country, ants, etc. I think it means alot to her since she can decorate, create in a scale small enough, and experiment with her creativity, which at 10, is the time for it --to find out what she likes, etc.

Hubby likes the modeling and scale aspect, how you can create a perfectly scale model of a house, chair, etc. and it look lifelike. I think that is one reason why he loves model railroad structures so much, the realism and attention to detail. He is an engineer of sorts, so that's probably why.

I love the challenge--of all aspects of miniatures, dollhouses, and collecting. I know my dollhouse collection means alot to my family, especially when we move them about to display them, and show them off to guests and company--I didn't realize how proud hubby was. So we have great fun with them, and constantly talk about the ones we want to build next--problem is the room. My mother collects 1/4 scale, and creates the yo-yos in quilt pieces, so our 'hobby' or business, is definitely a family affair!

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To me, the dollhouses are a substitute for having a full-sized house in several states and/or countries, a project we could not possibly afford without winning at least three lotteries.

To the husband, the dollhouses are the same thing, plus a license to buy wargaming minis when he wants to.

To the older cat, the dollhouses represent a distraction from paying attention to HER, though a good source of small items to bunt around the apartment. The younger cat doesn't care.

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The dollhouse to me is a way to keep me from vegging in front of the tv or computer. It also has given me a chance to try and learn new things and to create different scenes. It has also gave me great enjoyment when the finish product actually looks like a house. I also love the challenge of overcoming trouble spots.

To hubby, its a source of pride in my work and it also has given him an excuse to buy new tools, and try his had a creating. It also has given him a chance to create items.

To our pet dog, it is a nuisance that takes away time from him. When he thinks he is being ignored to long he will come up and start "poking' me with his front feet or barking to get attention.

My daughters have enjoyed watching the process and the gk love to play with them.

So all in all, it has given us all some type of enjoyment.

Of course, one sister thinks I've lost my mind and one brother just laughs at me but enjoys hearing about me using "tools". So even for them it has caused much laughter.

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i had a stroke last december-- i am now in a wheelchair, with my whole left side pretty useless (violin music, here.) i have 29 little rooms to continue to furnish, to people, and to decorate. that's important to me because, after hospital, a nursing home and therapy, it is one part of my life i still have some control over.

i think everyone understands that. my sister, who gave up minis ten years ago, is now planning to create a georgian house with me.


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My houses mean alot to everyone in my family.

My son likes my garfield because its big and he tells his friends that mom did that herself, but I catch him just looking at it sometimes and he asks way didn't I do this or way did I put that there.

My daughter loves to get her little animals and play with the furniture and really just watching her use her imagination is the greatest thing. :D

DH complains about both houses because I always ask his opinion on things. And if I need help doing something he's the one I ask to help me. But I think he does like helping for the fact it's relaxing and he gets to use his creative side. He enjoys the hobby I so wonderfully 'dragged' him into but he'll deny it. :lol:

To me, my harrison is showing me that I do have a creative side and I can do anything I set my mind to. And it also shows I still have quite an imgination :( ;) . My garfield give me a sense of pride that could only be rivaled by my kids and it's a lasting reminder of my mom who helped me when I first started it almost 20 years ago but she passed away before it was finished. :lol: I know she would have been proud of the way it turned out. :D

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I wish I could clearly say what Miniatures are to me... I've always loved fixing over old things and I've found so many damaged, abandoned or even abused houses to fix over.. I just have to get them all done now :( I guess the biggest thing for me is that it's a way to relax. I've never had this feeling with any other art or craft I've tried - I get working on minis and I feel content to just be working on them. Every worry, every stress just kind goes somewhere else for a little while. That's that it means to me. To my son they're cool -he loves looking at them and helping out and coming up with ideas for them :lol: To Sis and mom it's a cool hobby though one they're not interrested in, to dad it's just another puzzle and another why oh why did My son have to turn out to be such and oddball?! LOL


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Wow, that's a great question.

My younger son helped with the Haunted house -- he was 18-19 then and we had a blast doing it together and now (he's 26) he's quick to point out to his friends (especially girls) what exactly he did.

Older son just calls my obsessions "Mom's tiny town" and threatens his son's life should he break anything. (The child never touches anything but just stands back and studies each and every house).

Husband is always around to critique and help out with the really complex issues, like power tools. He generally has great ideas and shows the finished product off to everyone who comes near. Probably wishes I'd transfer the skill from mini to real -- as in plumbing LOL!

Callie (our mutt) hangs out under my work table and provides a soft landing for anything I might drop and Jasmine (the devine Ms Kitty) checks each room for whatever might have moved in (we suspect she thinks they're mouse houses).

For me they're just plain fun to build! :(

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What my Dollhouse means to me...

although I have many dollhouses that are my own...one stands out above the others.

My Granville means more to me than just about all the others. it was a gift and I am reminded everytime I look at it that miniaturist are the most caring/sharing group of people!

what building means to me....Dollhouses are like big puzzles. I love watching them come together and take on a personality of their own. the process of creating is very relaxing.

I was never incouraged as a child to be creative and I find it very challenging to find the creative side of me.

I love the satisfaction I get from looking at one of my houses knowing that I did this!

one son thinks its childish...he is not home to see all the work that goes into a dollhouse.

the other son watches with interest...waiting for me to announce this house is for miss Pixie Poo

but she is not ready....cute story...Pixie does not usually touch my houses...but for some reason has developed a major likeing of the Coventry Cottage....she ooohhh so carefully puts her little hand through the porch supports and knock knock on the door and giggles. it is sooo cute.

daughter wants a house but does not want a childish house. she thinks it a great Hobby...for me! :(

but she always shows her friends my latest creation.

My DH is proud of me. he likes to help with the electrical..if I ask.

He looks to all of this building as an investment...someday maybe Ill make some money by selling some of my houses. little does he know...I have a hard time thinking about who will go and who will stay.

I love my dollhouses and all the people who have made this hobby a lifestyle!

nutti :lol:

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My kids like watching me work on Alyce's Witch House and they're interested in the tools and paint.My husband thinks it's interesting but he doesn't want it too witchy.The dogs and cat don't care since it isn't edible.It gives me something good to think about instead of dwelling on my problems(I'm getting another liver catheter and bilibag tomorrow).I'm remodeling it very slowly and it's evolving into a really unique item.I hope to have enough progress made to make it worth photographing soon.I enjoy thinking about howto do something and what I have laying around the house that might work.Alyce's House and my abandon Westville are my favorites,and I think the Lily Hotel will be,too,when I build it.Alyce isn't a stereotypical witch(She doesn't wear black and hates black furniture and morbid stuff),Abandon is based on many homes I've been in,and I spent every week for 13 years in divy bars like the Lily Hotel,traveling with a band.

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Oh my goodness gracious me! :lol:

Mum uses it as a clothes horse and no one bats an eyelid! ;)

If I’d used it as a toolbox you’d all have been flaming me for months!!! :lol:

Where’s the support when you need it :(

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Sorry Glen, you're right, we should be supporting you :(:D . Your house is to nice to be covered by clothes :lol: .

But your question made us really think about about our own houses :lol: . So maybe next time she does it, either nicely ask her NOT to put them on the house (don't want to get her mad at you :D ) or take the clothes and put them on something that she would not want them on.

Annette ;)

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Glen -

The clothes horse thingy doesn't bother me at all (I usually have a cat lounging on top of my dollhouse).

I did notice the clothes.... would you let your wife know that I think the outfits are cute.


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Mum walked in and caught me grizzeling.

Good news is she’s promised to put them somewhere else.

Will be watching my back for a while though.

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What a wonderful topic Glen!


Dollhouses is a way for me to escape the pressures of reality and a way to be creative with my kids. I feel miniatures give them a reason to say "Wow Mom, that is so cool can you show me how to do it?" Then we start to create together. I am always pulling them away from the TV. Being creative with dollhouses has been a great "lure" to get them away from it. It also have been a great way to help get rid of some of my creative ideas. In the past 12 months I have painted the walls in my house (Each room) at least 2 times and change accessories. Sometimes I paint but most time, I now pay my son to do it ;) I has built up my confidance and has given me another reason why I am glad to be here another day.


He likes the fact that I am busy with something I enjoy and can be proud of. It helps pays the bills and I think he appreciate beautiful things more now. He knows how much time goes into the dollhouses which helps him to appreciate the energy I put in the real house. It also helps because I don't paint the walls of our real home as much (I still move the furniture around a lot though :(


Gives him a chance to tease me in front of his friends. They say "I can't beleive you get paid to PLAY dollhouses" :lol: Then they tru and act like they are not interested but always seem to hang around my work area

1st Daughter~

Loves to make things too. It helps her realize that you can be a grown up and have fun too. It gives us a chance to teach each other also

2nd Daughter~ It Means she gets to paint! She puts the dirty wash on all of my houses. I go over all of the spots she misses and it gives her satisfaction because she can't mess up that part and it really is something I need so she gets to help me :D

My Mother~ Gives her a reason to brag. The brag book she has of me does not have any pictures of me but it does have pictures of my dollhouses :lol:

My Dad~ It does not matter to him

My Neice~ She gets a new dollhouse very year from me

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Oh my goodness gracious me! :lol:

Mum uses it as a clothes horse and no one bats an eyelid! :D

If I'd used it as a toolbox you'd all have been flaming me for months!!! :lol:

Where's the support when you need it :(

<cackle, snort> Glen dear, it's your house and if you want to put tools in it, that's entirely up to you. My thoery is that the one who builds it gets to do whatever they want to with it. ;) However, other residents of the big house are not allowed to violate the small houses. Unless they're cats. Cats can do anything they want to.

Okay, the original question was what my houses mean to my family. That's easy. There's just me, Bruce and the cat. The cat ignores them because they're bigger than he is and, well, he's neurotic about that kind of thing. Bruce thinks they're cool and is 100% supportive of my addiction. His credo about my houses is "They make you happy and as long as you're happy, I'm happy". But he also provides input about them and gives me feedback as I build. He lived in Japan for awhile and was a great creative consultant for the samurai house. He's also happy that since I took up minis, when I get the urge to rearange furniture, he won't end up with a back ache, or tripping over an ottoman in the dark.

My friends think it's great. Even Bruce's macho millitary friends take a tour thru the house when they come over to find a new house or pop into the studio to see what I'm working on. They all have their favorites too.

For me, they're a part of my creative self, and my creative self is 99.9% of who I am. I've always had creative hobbies, but I think that minis bring out the best in me. I like myself the most when I'm mini-ing and it's when I'm the very happiest.


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I discovered dollhouses after a particularly rough patch in my life, so I was truly taken with the hobby. I never had a creative bone in my body. I always said that I was standing behind the door when creativity was being handed out (my sister was first in line) Never had a hobby (just reading).

My dollhouses have been a way to express myself creatively and I am immensely proud of the way my houses have turned out. It has been a way to earn money as I sell almost all the houses I have built. I can't say that I am working at a profit, but it covers the costs and makes room for the next project. The dollhouses have also led me to working at a mini store, also not at a profit!

My husband is relieved......that I finally have a hobby. That way I don't question his obsession with RC gliders. I understand it now!!! OKay I get it!

And my cat, Trixie, of course couldn't care less.

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to me, they are something I can test my creative skills out on, my desinging skills, woodworking, needlwork skils etc.

I can relax with a dollshosue and it various craft type things like someone could on a night out on the town or a spa day. sometimes its hard work relaxing with it though because problems need solving, so I am always using my brain and will not go senile at least !!! LOL

they are my link to my grandma, she never had a real dolshouse, but alway collected bits of miniatures. my first dollshosue was a greenleaf one (the tiffany) she had bought and they sent her and extra one by mistake which they let her keep. she never got to build it, and i alway think if she was around now (she would be in her 70's) she would be on this forum busy sharing her ideas and crafting away so I do it for her too (I would love to beable to show her some of the things I have made)

to my hubby, he is a bit bemused by it all, but is secretly quite proud, and sometimes will come up with a suggestion for something or will admire something. he hates that I take up the whole house with my things, I apoligise and say it won't happen again and he is happy for a while until he notices them again tehe !!

to my 17 year old son, he openly mocks my creations LOL but he secretly likes what i do, he just has to keep his street cred dosen't he.

to my 14 year old daughter, she couldn't care less about making any thing in miniature and is not interested when i talk about it, but still wants ME to build and furnish an orchid for her for a tea rooms !!! go figure.

to my 12 year daughter, she loves it that its something we can do together, she whole heartedly throws herself into the craft and has such a sense of humour (you should see how she has placed her animals in her Laurel) we go to shows together and talk about things that are miniature, solve mini problems together, make mini things together and play with our houses together......... so glad i had her and i very nearly didn't, she is a true miniaturaist, loves to peer through mini windows and imagine hersself in the mini world

to my mother, she can show of to all her internet friends with the things I make, each time i make something new she will have a photo of it and its around the worls in mintues LOL.

to my dad its way of getting him a hobby for when he retires, he was always into trains but has never had the time for a long while, he has expressed an interest in having a pub.he is good with wood too, so he will come in useful once he stops work !!!

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I apoligise and say it won't happen again and he is happy for a while until he notices them again tehe !!


Checks in the mail

I'll do it tomorrow


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For me it is a memory of my late husband building it and the fun we had as we did so.

Now it is also something to use my imagination on and relearn a lot of tricks I had forgotten.

My cats love to sit in it, if I am foolish enough to leave the front doors open, it is a Victorian Country house and opens in the front, so easy for them to get in there and curl up.

I think it keeps me sane when I can sit down and sand or paint little tiny things.


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For me they are my hobby. I have always liked minis.

Sheridan and Ella love to play with the Glencroft. They use McDonald toys when playing. I had to barter with them to get the closet piece that came with the Glencroft. I traded a Michaels hutch and a stove for it.

Mabyn and Alysia both wanted to build a house, but I think that they have lost interest in their buttercups. They had fun with the swap. The cats seems to think that they are great sleeping places. Michael is just happy I have something to do.

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