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Collecting dollshouses


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I have a very indulgent Hubby who encourages me in all my weird hobbies.

he has lent a hand now and than but has mostly left me to it....until....

Chicago 2006....when he walked around that show something clicked for him

now there is talk of turning one of our outbuildings to a display/workshop for the miniatures!

of which I would LOVE!

as for everyone else....they have always looked at me funny so why let it bother me over this

remember they dont call me nutti for nuttin! :lol: :D ;)

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we were talling about conservatories at work yesterday (who had them, who wanted them etc) I said if I had one added to my house, I would put my dolls hosues in it, everybody rolled thier eyes. but they are getting used to me, I try and slot a dollshouse into at least one coversation a day.

I do needlepoint carpets and a colleaque does cross stitch, so she is impressed with thosse at least, not tleast because they are on a much smaller count than shes has even dreamt of LOL

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And isn't it amazing how one dollhouse can turn into 5 dollhouses before you know it? I think they attract each other :D

-David ;)

Do you know something? Maybe you are right about doll houses attracting each other. Usually houses are in a line next to each other so they probably do get lonely on their own and need a friend. Ok now I am starting to sound really weird. :lol:

I have to admit though. My BH has so much character, like it has its own personality. What is weird is that if I make a mistake with the windows or some glueing it always turns out ok. I suppose that it is such a beautiful house it wants to make sure it stays that way. :D

People can be mean though especially about this hobby. They truly don't get what a great hobby this is and it is an artform, not people wasting time or money. People have more understanding if someone paints pictures for a hobby but they I think they see dollhouses as a kids thing.

I heard of one guy who was collecting doll houses and he had the police on his doorstep thinking he was trying to attract children into his home (yeah right). Apparently one of the neighbours thought it was weird for a grown man to collect dollhouse kits. The police couldn't be more apologetic when they realised this guy owned a shop selling doll houses. The way some minds think ceases to amaze me sometimes.

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I have a very indulgent Hubby who encourages me in all my weird hobbies.

he has lent a hand now and than but has mostly left me to it....until....

Chicago 2006....when he walked around that show something clicked for him

LOL! So you finally got him hooked did you Nutti? Cool! I am glad you are getting a workshop too!

We may have to do one as well, because Stef will [finally] shortly take her dining room suite, you know, the one that we build on? I'm replacing that one with a 1940s dining room suite that someone gave me, and I'm not sure I want to build houses on that one!

Sunnyray, I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but somewhere on one of my computers I have a microsoft word document in which I collected pix and descriptions of old GL houses. I also have copies of pages from a book somewhere. If that's something that you're looking for, shoot me an email [not a PM] and I'll try to email it to you.

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Also look in my gallery here on the forum titled greenleaf houses. It has several of the discontinued ones in it. I will add more when I can get my scanner to act right because I do have about 4 more that I need to add to the list there.


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My friends an inlaws are pretty nice about my obsession. My mil actually encourages me and my friends actually listen when I talk about minis.

It is my dh that has a problem. He decided I was not to build anymore houses untill we get a bigger house. ( we just moved into this house less than 2 years ago) Since I know we are not going to move any time soon is is going to be very angree when I start the Tennyson soon, but he's just going to have to deal! It's not like I am making him give up his video games. <_<

Mike asked my why I bought the Glencroft. I asked him why he played World of Warcraft everyday. A discussion ensued. Apparently my hobby costs money and his doesn't. I know it does and I limit what I spend on it every month. I went over it this month buying the Glencroft. I still need to buy Melissa's dress kit. I think next month I can't buy anything. As for people thinking I am nut, crazy, insane, lost a few marbles well almost everyone I know thinks I am for a varitey of reasons. I just remind them they do things that I think are corny and wouldn't do.

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Mine plays Everquest. It does cost money but what bothers me more is time. He has been known to spend all day playing. ( not even stopping to take a shower) He has gotten better since I pointed that out. His thing is space. He thinks I am going to fill the house up with dollhouses. This I don't understand because I don't even start a house untill I have a place for it. After all what good is haveing it if I can't play with it.

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...Apparently one of the neighbours thought it was weird for a grown man to collect dollhouse kits. ...

I think most people have a definite steriotype when it comes to Miniatures. It's ok for men to build them if they're selling them or if they're making them for a lady -wife, daughter, grand daughter, etc.. but for a man to own and collect dollhouses??? :p - They always think I'm half nuts. I do have an out though and I play the card when ever I can. It's a hobby I can share with my son. Fact. It's the first hobby we've found that we can both enjoy. Fact. My son has been collecting dolls a lot longer than I've been working on dollhouses. Fact. And the most important though unstated fact - no one makes fun of my son's hobbies :D I usually leave it at that don't go into how I was a Huge Ray Harryhausen fan as a kid and and I try to refrain from drooling over the artisans work that I So admire and I try not to talk too much about wallpaper colors and decorating themes in front of non-mini folk :lol: Of course I do occasionally tell them about the miniatures museum my dad used to take me too as a kid - those houses were amazing and to this day I'm totally intimidated by them. Perfect archetctural manors in every detail only shrunken... I sometimes wonder what just one of those houses is worth. Then again I haven't been to that museum (if it's still there) since I was about 7 - so they may look different to adult eyes but as a kid I was convinced they were real houses and somehow they'd managed to shrink them in size.

I really don't know what I'll do when it comes to collecting. I've got houses in my office, my kitchen, several in the living room in various stages of completion and one in my bedroom <_< Once they're finished... yeesh. On the other hand I don't park the car in the garage.. I could just build a town out there :)


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After all what good is haveing it if I can't play with it.


At my age a lot of people just assume I'm eccentric, but the folks who process my film for blogs definitely sit up & take notice!

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Hydroped> I think it's great that men are into this hobby too. I sometimes can be a bit mean against the opposite sex (thinking us girls are better at decorating dollhouses etc) but I get like that when my husband doesn't share my enthusiasm or thinks he knows more about minis than me (petty I know <_< ) haha.

It is sad that people still are very stereotyped in their way of thinking. It's like they think dollhouses just fall from the sky and never stop to think that all children's toys are designed by an adult and that goes for dollhouses too.

Tracy I love those houses on your gallery. I looked through all your albums and they are just beautiful. You must be so proud.

LPcullen. Thanks that sounds great, I'll pm you. :p

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I think most people have a definite steriotype when it comes to Miniatures. It's ok for men to build them if they're selling them or if they're making them for a lady -wife, daughter, grand daughter, etc.. but for a man to own and collect dollhouses??? <_< - They always think I'm half nuts. -David

Interestingly, or maybe not, in the model making community the Sci Fi guys see scale houses as that, the armor guys think they're toys. Of course the armor guys think sci fi models are toys too. Even though in sci fi modeling there's a ton more scratchbuilding and kit bashing (like dollhouse building) than in armour. Personally I think it has to do with how open minded someone is. On SSM we gladly call ourselves a bunch of grown men who build toy spaceships. Along with this place it's where I hang out the most, best atmosphere, people wanting to enjoy the hobby.

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in the model making community the Sci Fi guys see scale houses as that,

When I go to Hobby Town, USA, to buy supplies the guys who work there share that view. There are apparently few serious miniaturists in the Tallahassee area, because when the shop relocated they got rid of all their dh stock & said most of it was what they had started the shop with.

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When I go to Hobby Town, USA, to buy supplies the guys who work there share that view. There are apparently few serious miniaturists in the Tallahassee area, because when the shop relocated they got rid of all their dh stock & said most of it was what they had started the shop with.

We have a store here called Big Boy's Toys - Tons of model building tools and stuff but mostly geared to model airplane building - lot's RC boats and cars even lots of plastic models but Nothing for dollhouses <_< Hey Big Boys can play with houses too, but I guess they don't think so. They look at me like I'm nuts when I ask if they have thing for building miniatures - but hey I'm used to being looked that way heheh - It's like at the Nursery when I walk in and say I'm looking for R. Damascena Bifera or Jasminum Offinalus - they get that deer in the headlights look.. "huh?" I might as well have walked in asking for a pink elbowed griffengraffer. :lol:

And Sunny - you mean women aren't better at decorating? :p I tell ya I look at you all's houses and wish I could come up with those great decorating plans. Hopefully I'll get better at as time goes on :D Most times I don't know what to do with a house and it sits and stares at me - I get So happy with myself when I see one and know exactly what I'll do with it :D:)

And I guess if there's a big perk to being single it's not having someone who frowns on my hobbies or complains they take too much room heheh :D and today Sis picked me up a Dura Craft Columbian today at a rummage say - Yay for sisters :D and that leads me right back to the decorating dilema :D

David :D

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Sis picked me up a Dura Craft Columbian today at a rummage say

It's not fair! Y'all find all these neat houses at thrift stores & yard sales, etc. <pout> (going off to sulk in the corner) <sniff>

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Sunny, I know exactly what you mean about collecting the older GL kits. I would love to own a Brimble's mercantile, and know where I can get one, just been short of cash and once I give in--I will have to build. :D Not to mention having a an Arthur, Pirates'c ave roombox, and Queen's Row that aren't finished. But ebay is probably the way to go for those hard to find items.

Weird looks. Am I crazy. I must be, why else would I be living with wall to wall kits from my own collection, and stock, and minis all over the place? <_< People's faces when they come into the house are comical--they will keep talking, but their eyes wander everywhere--so one day I came in, and saw what they saw! A dollhouse in the window, another one beside the computer, complete with yard, driveway, and car--scenes in the kitchen, minis on the entertainment center, the mantel, the side coffee table, minis everywhere! :p The one great thing about it is my husband loves the hobby too. I really couldn't enjoy it as much as I do without him to bounce ideas off of--he will sometimes come up and challenge me. Can you do a scene in this container? (I have been challenged to do a scene by him in everything from a jar, a can , an old cigarette case, or even do a scene in an old cardboard box--)

It's curious that men have stereotypes. I sometimes find men enthralled with the structures at shows, they really get into it. Even men who might not be into models, or trains, per se. I frequent Hobbytown alot, and they aren't surprised in the least when I tell them, I need windows for this scale project I'm working on, or I need...I am kind of relieved, because if you can translate the miniatures into train scale, you can usually find anything you need.

Has anyone had this hobby mushroom into another hobby? I got into trains (I desperately want a N scale train, hubby wants HO, and we both want a Garden railroad) but I have been lusting after model horses also--I love Breyers. I am especially into the classics but I love the traditional scale too--1:9th scale. And I like to dress them out--the classics are perfect 1 inch scale. The stable mates are 1:24th, I think, but don't quote me on that. Right now I am lusting after a laundau on ebay that I can't afford and it is in stable mate scale! So now not only do miniature dolls, accessories, houses, trains have crept into my hobby, so have model horses. My stable is pretty big right now--I have about three to four stablemates, six tradionals, and three classics. :lol:

That's the great thing about this hobby, what you cannot afford or realize in full size--you can have in mini, and in any scale! My kind of hobby! :)

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Lisa I bet your room is a wonderful sight with all those houses in it, I hope I will have room with just dollhouses in it from wall to wall one daylike yours. <_<

I love Breyers too. I have seen your custom ones and you really make them look 100 times better.

I have just bought quite a few doll houses on ebay yesterday to add to my collection.

The Winston, sweetheart and Ashley by Dura-Craft. The sweetheart and the Ashley came together and was a real bargain. The pound is very strong right now so I am taking advantage of that.:p

I know just what you mean about peoples eye wandering everywhere. When I used to take my dollhouse into college the looks I'd get were hilarious but I love it haha.

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I know can say I am collecting dollhouses!

Yesterday I purchased a store model of the Marquam Hill Mansion. For $75! (I thought and the store thought they were selling me a SanFran Model)

It is my *handpicked* Mother`s Day gift!

I had to bash it to get it home but it is in two easily put together pieces. (Pics are in greenleaf dh kit forum)

I am so happy. BUT I am not ignoring the HUD house.

I will have to figure out where to put it. It is HUGE!

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This is too funny!! When my husband says things about my dollhouses like that. I always remind him about what new Gun or fishing equipment he has bought lately and he doesnt say another word kind of funny how we have trained our husbands LOL.I too have a little collection of older houses but there are alot on my list lol.

Mike asked my why I bought the Glencroft. I asked him why he played World of Warcraft everyday. A discussion ensued. Apparently my hobby costs money and his doesn't. I know it does and I limit what I spend on it every month. I went over it this month buying the Glencroft. I still need to buy Melissa's dress kit. I think next month I can't buy anything. As for people thinking I am nut, crazy, insane, lost a few marbles well almost everyone I know thinks I am for a varitey of reasons. I just remind them they do things that I think are corny and wouldn't do.
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Has anyone had this hobby mushroom into another hobby?

Not so much as finding how many of my full-sized hobbies flow into this one (all sorts of needlework, drawing & painting, sculpting, wargame miniature making & painting) and learning new ones (woodworking, beadcraft). DH is into Matchbox & other small vehicles and N-scale railroading, and I'm trying to wean him into assembling his own kits...

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I know! It is so neat how so many wonderful hobbies can be done in mini.

I bought myself my mother's day present, and birthday present today with hubby & daughter Amanda. There it was calling--and I had to have it. Don't know where I will put my yard sale find, but it is too fabulous to pass up! I am thinking of putting legs on this one, and letting it have pride of place somewhere! :)

Wendi, thank you for your compliments on my poor little custom. :) It was an old vintage kit that had belonged to my father in law, who was a vet and suffered from severe diabetes, becoming blind as a result. He had bunches of these animal resin kits that you could paint or customize, and he was quite good at carving, and painting. So I decided to practice on one, and was quite pleased how my first try came out--I'm looking int o what it takes to do custom horses. I have heard many opinions on the subject, on model horse blab, from airbrushing to pastels to oils and acrylics. That horse was painted with acrylic, and I etched the hair or fur markings into the body. If you can find some old breyers in classics, I think you could do amazing things with them, you are so talented with the mini animals! :lol:

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